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1202 2009-10 Exercise 1

1. Learn and write down the denition of a group, including the denitions of the terms used. 2. For each of the following sets G and operations state, with justication, whether or not (a) is associative, (b) there is an identity element, (c) all elements have an inverse, (d) G under is a group. *(i) G = R, a b = a (ii) G = R, a b = 3 a3 + b3 *(iii) G = C, a b = a + b + a2 b2 (iv) G = P(R) , A B = A B *(v) G = P(R), A B = A B B = (A B c ) (Ac B))

(here P(R) denotes the set of all subsets of R and A

*3 Let G be a nite set and an associative binary operation on G with identity element e. Suppose that G satises the cancellation laws, i.e. (f g = f h g = h) and (g f = h f g = h). Prove that G is a group. Give an example to show this need not be true if G is not nite. 4 Write down the group tables for (i) Z4 under addition; (ii) Z under multiplication; 3 *(iii) Z7 under addition; *(iv) Z under multiplication. 7 5*(i) Let p be a prime. Prove that if a is an element of Z then ap1 = 1, i.e. p for any integer a not divisible by p, ap1 1 (mod p). (ii) Find 52401 (mod 13) *(iii) Find 6422 (mod 43). [Hint for (i): Consider the set S = {a, 2a, 3a, ..., (p 1)a} in the group Z . p Consider the product of all the elements in S and use Proposition 1.8. This result is sometimes called Fermats Little Theorem - we will prove it again in a dierent way in lectures.] You are advised to attempt all questions. Please hand in the assessed question/parts (those marked with a *) on Wednesday 27 January at the lecture. Help will be available at the problem class on Friday.

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