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Candidates Name: Danielle McDonald Candidates Number: Teacher: Mrs. K. Betton-Burke School: Marymount High School Date:

Topic: What are the causes and consequences of the degradation and changes of the middle course of the White River Watershed? Aim: To identify and observe the causes, consequences, degradation and changes within the middle course of the middle course of the White River. Location of study area: Labyrinth District, St. Mary, Jamaica


Methods which were used to collect data included questionnaire, photographs, maps, interview and secondary data. The questionnaires were issued out on January second and third to residents living in the vicinity of the study area (river). Photographs were also taken during the issuing of the questionnaires of different features of the river. On a later date an interview was conducted with a worker which worked at the river. Additional information was also obtained from secondary data from text books and other similar materials (booklets).

Presentation of Data
According to V.A. Rahil in his book, Skills in Geography for Secondary Schools, a river is a fast flowing fresh water stream flowing along a natural channel, beginning from its source until it reaches its mouth in the sea. There are three main sections of a rivers course. These include: y y y Upper Course or Torrent Stage Middle Course or Valley Stage Lower Course or Plain Stage

However this research will focus on the middle course of the White River. The middle course of the White River located mainly in the community of Labyrinth serves the community members in many capacities. It supplies the community with piped water and also a source of income for some residents as it is a major tourist attraction. Visitors can ride down the beautiful river course enjoying the beautiful sceneries and also enjoy the cool refreshing water. The residents and non-residents also use the river banks to have parties, cookouts, picnics and many other things. Car washing is also done sometimes. A pie chart below shows the activities which takes place in an on the banks of the river.

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