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Lecture #7: The Age of Jackson KEY TERMS (13) Corrupt Bargain and (14) 2nd Party System

Part I: Changes in America A. Rapid Expansion in the West a. 1776-1812: Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and Louisiana b. 1816-1821: Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri B. Rugged Individualism: C. The Common Man/Universal Male Suffrage: D. The Market Economy: E. Second Great Awakening: F. Growth of Cities: G. Impact of the West: H. From Nationalism to Sectionalism: a. Missouri Compromise b. Sectional Issues i. Tariffs: ii. Internal Improvements: iii. Extension of Slavery: iv. States Rights: v. Loose vs. Strict Construction: Part II: The Rise of Jackson A. Death of the First Party System B. Election of 1824 a. Election Results: i. Andrew Jackson (99) ii. John Quincy Adams (84) iii. Henry Clay (41) iv. William Crawford (37) b. Corrupt Bargain: C. Democratic-Republican Party Split a. National Republicans (Hamiltonians) b. Democratic Party (Jeffersonians/Jacksonians) D. Election of 1828 a. Election Results i. Andrew Jackson (Democrat) 183 ii. John Q. Adams (Nat l Republican) (83) b. Voter Turnout i. 1824: 356,038 ii. 1828: 1,143,450 (321% increase) E. Jackson s Political Philosophy: F. Jackson s Presidential Style:

G. Jackson s Presidency a. Extensive Use of Veto Power b. Spoils System Patronage c. Maysville Veto (1830) and Internal Improvements d. Indian Removal Act i. The Trail of Tears e. Jackson s Bank War f. Nullification Crisis Part III: The 2nd Party System A. Creation of the Whig Party (Hamiltonians) B. Social Reformers a. Slavery b. Women s Rights c. Morality (Prostitution, Alcoholism d. Education e. Jails/Prisons f. Mentally Ill C. Catholic Immigrants and Non-Evangelical Protestants

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