PM - Leadership Overview

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Schedule ay 1: Introduction to Leadership Monday 28 November Chiang Mai, Thailand (oo 0830 Session 1- Welcome Ceremonies (Meeting Roorn) Cn + Welcome by foal Indigenous Leader 6. Marlin Meters 6. Bedi Ta 09100 Session 2~ Intieduction, Programme, Overview and ojectives (Meeting Room) * intioduaton to the asian Young Leaders for Goveinance Programme, pariners and the Fist Regional Leadership Taining Workshop - objectives, methodology, schedule, and factor Presentations by: Capacity201S Asia, Asia Regional Govemance Programme, Asia Paifc Gender Mainstreaming Programme, Regional Indigenous Peoples’ Programme. + Patticipant introductions, “Postcards: Personal Definitions of Leadership" G. Marlin Meers 6. Bedi Niloy Banerjee ‘Avusha Stanislaus edhika Behutia Chandra Roy 7030 Coffee Break 7100 Session 3- Identifying teadership * Group Exercise: Identiying the challenges to good leadership in different contexts, 6G Martin Meners 6. Bedi challenges + tearing Partner Gallery Wak 7230___Lunch iz z 7400 Session 4 ~indvidvalieadeship Sie Sur & Marin wees Finding Your Own + Leadership styles review and discesion. 6. bedi Leadership Style 5430 Session 4 (cont) - problem-solving Atty + Towers activity + Debrief according to survey vesuls (Martin Mehers 6. Bedi 1530 Coffee Break 15M Session 5 - ‘Visualization Activity and ‘A visualization exercise: ‘Leadership’ and ‘Followship' + Group discussion Martin Meers 6. Bedi Reflection + tearing journal Activity 1615 Cosing Gide + tearing Partner Discussion ‘6. Martin tehers + _Surmary of da 6. Bedi 7685 dose 4730 Welcome Dinner 1830 Participants and some invited quests will be welcomed with an opening dinner athe hated 13 Session 1 28.11.05 Day 1 Welcome Ceremonies Objective To welcome participants onto the UNDP Asian Young Leaders for Governance Regional Training Workshop. The Asian Young Leaders for Governance Regional Training Workshop will be formally opened by distinguished guests who will make some opening remarks and will welcome the group of participants from the region. 14 ©. | Session 2 28.11.05 Day 1 Introductions, Programme Overview and Objectives Objective To provide participants with an introduction to the five day leadership workshop. Participants will be guided through the workshop objectives, the LEAD methodology and schedule for the following five days. There will be an opportunity for participants to introduce themselves and get to know each other better through an interactive exercise whereby personal definitions of leadership will be explored

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