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Answer all the following questions


1) Find out the output device in the given options. a) Printer 2) Brain of any computer system is a) ALU b) Memory c) CPU d) Control Unit b) Scanner c)Keyboard d)Mouse

3) CD-ROM stands for a) Compactable Read Only Memory b) Compact Data Read Only Memory c) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory Compact Disk Read Only Memory d) 4) ALU is a) Arithmetic Logic Unit b) Array Logic Unit

c) Application Logic Unit

5) VGA is a) Video Graphics Array c) Visual Graphics Array

d) None of above

b) Video Graphics Adapter c) Volatile Graphics Array

6) The Term refers to 1GB (Giga Byte) a) 1024 Bytes b) 1024 Kilo bytes c) 1024 Mega bytes d) 1024 Giga bytes

7) A byte consists of a) One bit b) Four bits c) Eight bits d) sixteen bits

8) A Computer consists of a) A Central Processing unit b) A Memory c) Input and Output d) All of the above

9) Where do you find Sleep mode Option in Laptop a) Top panel ->System->Preferences->Screensaver->Power management b) Top panel ->System->Administration->Screensaver->Power management c) Top panel ->Applications-->Ubuntu Software d) None of the above

10) Where do you find shut down option a) Right Corner of the Top Panel b) Left Corner of the Top Panel c) Middle of the Top Panel d) None of the above

11) Short cut key to copy a text

a) Shift+S b) Ctrl+c c) Ctrl+s d) Ctrl+b

12) Network Connection Option a) System->Admistration->Network Connection b) System->Preference->Network Connection c) System->Network Connection d) None of the above

13) Where do you find Search for a file a) Applications->Search for a file b) Places->Search for a file c) System->Preference->Search for a file d) None of the above

14) What is the shot cut key for Redo a) Ctrl+z b) Ctrl+x c) Ctrl+y d) Ctrl+u

15) shot key to underline a text a) Ctrl+b b) Ctrl+u c) Ctrl+a d) Ctrl+i

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