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Unit 1: Development of Telecommunication Switching Systems Message switching, Packet Switching and Circuit switching Explain different switching

mechanisms. Compare them with each other. Manual switching and Electronic Switching What are different features common to Manual Switching and Electronic Switching? List and explain in brief. What are the basic functions that all Switching Systems must perform? List and explain in brief. What are different Enhanced Services offered by the electronic exchange? List and explain their categories. Explain the Strowger step-by-step system with the help of a 1000 line exchange. Draw a neat diagram. Explain the terms Register-Translator-Sender. Draw neat trunking diagram for a Director Exchange. Write a brief note on Distribution Frames in a Strowger Exchange. Draw a neat diagram. 08 08






Write a brief note on Crossbar Systems. Draw neat diagrams. Draw the general Trunking Diagram for a Switching system. Explain various functional entities. Draw the block diagram for a subscriber line interface for a Digital Switching system. Explain various functional entities. Digital switching: State advantages of Digital switching. Switching functions Write a brief note on Switching Functions. Draw a neat diagram for Local and Transit Traffic switching. Space division switching Draw the block diagram for a Three stage Switching matrix with N inlets and N outlets with k number of switches in the Second stage and each inlet-outlet group of size n. Calculate total no. of cross-points in terms of N , n and k. What is the value of k for a Three stage Switching matrix to be non-blocking? Write a brief note on Lee Graphs for a Three stage Switching matrix.








Time division switching Explain operation of Memory controlled time division switching with a neat block diagram. Explain operation of Input controlled time division space switching with a neat block diagram. Two dimensional switching Write a brief note on Two dimensional switching. Draw the block diagram for a TS Switch and Explain various functional entities. Draw the block diagram for a STS Switch and Explain various functional entities. Draw the block diagram for a TST Switch and Explain various functional entities. Digital cross connect systems Write a brief note on Digital cross connect systems. Draw the block diagram for a Manual cross connect system and Explain various functional entities. Draw the block diagram for an Electronic cross connect system and Explain various functional entities. Digital switching in an analog environment Write a brief note on Digital switching in an analog environment. State and explain issues of Digital switching in an analog environment. 06 06 08 08







Unit 2: Telecommunication Traffic Unit of Traffic, Traffic measurement Describe different traffic measurement units in Telecommunication Network. Define Erlang and CCS. How are they related? A mathematical model Define and explain - Busy Hour Call Attempts/Rate - Average Holding Time - Call Completion Rate Lost- call systems: Theory, traffic performance, loss systems in tandem. Define Grade of Service and Blocking Probability. Define call congestion and time congestion. State and explain Erlang B formula for offered traffic intensity A and No. of Servers N. State and explain formula for the Grade of Service of loss systems in tandem. Queuing systems: Erlang Distribution, probability of delay State and explain Erlang C formula. 04 04 04 04 04 06



State and explain formula for Probability of Delay with infinite queue length. Finite queue capacity State and explain formula for loss Probability with finite queue length. Systems with a single server State and explain formulae for - Probability of Delay - Mean length of the queue - Mean Delay, when there is delay - Mean Delay, averaged over all time in case of a Queue system with a single server having FIFO discipline. Queues in tandem Explain the effect of Queues in tandem on Delay and Probability of Delay. Delay tables State and explain Erlang Delay formula. Explain the need of Delay Tables. Application of Delay formulae State and explain Erlang Delay formula. Explain its application to Circuit and Packet switches.







Traffic Analysis: State and explain techniques of Traffic Analysis. What are the performance measures for these systems? Traffic Characterization State and explain important parameters used to characterize Telecommunication Traffic. Explain the terms offered traffic and carried traffic. How are these traffics related in Loss Systems and Delay Systems. Arrival Distributions Explain the Birth-Death process with clearly stating assumptions. State the formula for Probability distribution of inter-arrival times. Explain the Poissons Distribution with clearly stating assumptions. State the formula for Probability of j arrivals in an interval t. Holding time Distributions State and explain Constant and Exponential Holding time Distributions. 08 06 04 04



Loss Systems: Lost calls cleared State and explain Erlang B i.e. First Kind formula for offered traffic intensity A and No. of Servers N. Lost calls returning Explain the Lost calls returning analysis with clearly stating assumptions. State the formula for arrival rate of Lost calls returning model in terms of Lost calls cleared System. Lost calls Held Explain the Lost calls returning analysis with clearly stating assumptions. Lost calls cleared - with Finite sources Compare the Lost calls cleared analysis with Finite and Infinite sources. State and explain formula for Time congestion in a Lost calls cleared system - with Finite sources M , traffic intensity A and No. of Servers N. 04 04 06 04


Lost calls Held - Finite sources Compare the Lost calls Held analysis with Finite and Infinite sources. State and explain formula for Time congestion in a Lost calls Held system - with Finite sources M , traffic intensity A and No. of Servers N. Network Blocking Probabilities: End to End Blocking Probabilities Explain how the End to End Blocking Probabilities in a large network are calculated with clearly stating assumptions and sources of error. Overflow Traffic What is the nature of Overflow Traffic? Explain the equivalent random theory. Delay systems: State and explain factors on which the waiting times in a Delay System are dependent. Exponential Service Times State and explain formula for Probability of Delay in a M/M/N system - with traffic intensity A and Blocking Probability for a LCC system B. State and explain formula for Probability of Delay being greater than time T in a M/M/N system with traffic intensity A and Average service time th. 06 08 06 06 04



State and explain formula for average waiting time (averaged over all time) in a M/M/N system - with traffic intensity A and Average service time th. State and explain formula for average waiting time (averaged for only those arrival which get delayed) in a M/M/N system - with traffic intensity A , No. of Servers N and Average service time th. Constant Service Times State and explain formula for average waiting time (averaged over all time) in a M/D/1 system - with traffic intensity A and service time th. State and explain formula for Probability of Delay being greater than time T in a M/D/1 system with traffic intensity A and service time th. Finite Queues State and explain formula for Probability of an arrival being delayed in a M/M/N//L system - with traffic intensity A. State and explain formula for Probability of Delay being greater than time T in a M/M/N//L system - with traffic intensity A. State and explain formula for Blocking Probability of a M/M/N//L system - with traffic intensity A.








Tandem Queues Write a brief note on Tandem Queues in a Telecommunication Network. Draw a neat diagram. 06

Unit 3: Switching Networks Single Stage Networks Explain the design of a single stage 100 line exchange with Two Motion Selectors. Draw a neat diagram. Explain the design of a single stage 100 line exchange with Cross Points. Draw a neat diagram. Gradings: Define - Grading - Availability - Limited Availability - Full Availability Principle Explain the Principle of Grading to improve Trunking efficiency. Draw a neat diagram. Design of progressive grading Define Graded Groups. Explain the procedure for designing a grading to Provide access to N trunks from switches with availability k. Which is the best grading? Other forms of grading Explain the Skipped Grading and Homogeneous Grading. Draw neat diagrams. 06 08 06 04 08


Traffic capacity of gradings For an ideal Grading, state and explain the Erlangs grading formula. Applications of gradings Write a brief note on Applications of gradings in a Telecommunication Switching Network. Link Systems: General Draw neat diagram for links in a Two Stage Switching Network with 64 by 8 and 8 by 4 switches in a 64 by 16 concentrator. Draw corresponding Grading Diagram. State and explain modes of a Link System. Link System for Two stage networks Explain the design procedure for N by N switch with two stages and no. of links = N. What is the total no. of cross-points required? Link System for Three stage networks Explain the design procedure for N by N switch with three stages and no. of links = N. What is the minimum no. of cross-points required? Link System for Four stage networks Explain the design procedure for N by N switch with four stages and no. of links = N. What is the minimum no. of cross-points required? 08 08 08 06 06 04


Grade of service of link systems: General Explain the Lees method for calculating probability of loss in link systems. Two stage networks Explain the Grade of Service of Two stage networks In the three modes of the link system. Three stage networks Explain the Grade of Service of Two stage networks In the mode 1 and mode 2 of the link system. Four stage networks Explain the Grade of Service of Two stage networks In the mode 1 of the link system. Call packing Explain the concept of call packing. Rearrange-able networks Explain the concept of Rearrange-able networks. Strict sense non blocking networks Explain the concept of Strict sense non blocking network with the help of a suitable example. 06 04 04 06 06 06 06

Derive the expression for total no. of crosspoints of a Three stage Strict sense non blocking network with N inlets and N outlets with each primary and tertiary switch having n inlets / outlets. Sectionalized switching networks Explain the concept of Sectionalized switching network. Control of Switching Systems: Explain the evolution of switching systems. What is meant by Stored Program Control? Draw and explain organization of a distributed SPC. What are different levels of control functions in a distributed SPC? Explain operations of each level in detail. Call processing Functions: Sequence of operations State and explain in detail Sequence of operations of a for a telephone call. Signal exchanges, State transition diagrams. Draw and explain Signal exchange diagram for a local call along with timing of signals exchanged.



04 08




Common Control Explain in detail Common Controls and methods to interconnect them with switching network. Reliability Calculate unavailability of a dual processor system for a period of 30 years if its MTBF = 4000 Hrs. and MTTR = 9 Hrs. Calculate unavailability of a dual processor system for a period of 25 years if its MTBF = 3800 Hrs. and MTTR = 8 Hrs. Calculate availability of a dual processor system for a period of 20 years if its MTBF = 3300 Hrs. and MTTR = 6 Hrs. Availability Define and explain the terms Availability and Unavailability of a dual processor system with necessary equations. Security State and explain in detail various modes of operation of a two processor SPC. Signaling: Write a brief note on Signaling Systems in a Telecommunication Network. Explain the terms - In-channel signaling - Common channel signaling 06 08 04 04 08




Customer line signaling Explain DTMF generation and detection. FDM carrier systems: Out-band signaling In-band signaling Explain the terms - In-band signaling - Out-band signaling Draw neat diagrams. PCM signaling Explain use of a multi-frame for signaling in 30-channel PCM System. Inter-register signaling Explain the terms - Link to Link signaling - End to End signaling Draw neat diagrams. Common channel signaling principles: General Explain the term Common channel signaling. State at least 4 advantages. 06 08 08 08 08

Signaling networks Explain the terms - Associated signaling - Quasi-associated signaling - Non-associated signaling - Signal Transfer Point Draw neat diagrams. CCITT signaling System No. 6 State important specifications of CCITT signaling system No.6. CCITT signaling system No. 7: General Draw and explain block schematic diagram of CCITT signaling system No.7. Draw and explain block schematic diagram for relationship of CCITT signaling system No. 7 with layers of OSI 7 layer model. High-level DataLink Control [HDLC] protocol Explain the High level Data link control protocol used in CCITT signaling system No. 7. Signal units State and explain in detail various Signal units Based on High-level DataLink Control [HDLC] protocol. 08 06 08 02 08


Signaling information field Explain the Signaling information field used in Message Signaling Unit of CCITT signaling system No. 7. Digital customer line signaling Write a brief note on Digital customer line signaling. Unit 4: Network Synchronization and Management Explain the need of synchronization in a network containing analog/digital transmission/switching systems. Timing: Timing Recovery Explain the synchronization of clock in a transmitter and receiver systems using a PLL. Clock Instability What is Clock Instability? What are the sources of Clock Instability? Elastic Stores What is an Elastic Store? What is the effect of unsynchronized clock on Elastic Store? Draw and explain block schematic diagram for interface between TDM transmission link and a digital switch using Elastic Store. 04 04 06 06 06 06


What is Jitter? What are the different types of Jitter? How is the Elastic Store used to remove accumulated Jitter? Draw a neat diagram. Draw and explain block schematic diagrams for implementations of an Elastic Store. Jitter measurements What is Timing Jitter? Draw and explain block schematic diagrams for measuring Timing Jitter. Systematic jitter What is Systematic Jitter? What is the effect of Systematic Jitter? Timing Inaccuracy: Draw and explain block schematic diagram for connections between two autonomously timed digital switches. Slips Draw and explain block schematic diagram for connections between two autonomously timed digital switches. What are Slips? How are they controlled? Asynchronous Multiplexing What is Pulse stuffing? Give an example.








Waiting time jitter What is Waiting time Jitter? What is the causes of Waiting time Jitter? Network Synchronization: State basic reasons to pay attention to Network Synchronization. State basic approaches for use in Network Synchronization. Plesiochronous Explain the Plesiochronous Network approach for Network Synchronization. Pulse stuffing Explain the Pulse stuffing approach for Network Synchronization. Mutual synchronization Explain the Mutual synchronization approach for Network Synchronization. Network master Explain the Network master approach for Network Synchronization. Master Slave synchronization Explain the Master Slave clocking approach for Network Synchronization. 06 06 06 06 06 06 04

Hierarchical synchronization Processes Explain the Hierarchical synchronization Processes With the help of state transition diagrams. Network management: Goals of Network management - Maintain efficient operation - Equipment Failure - Traffic Overload Routing control Explain the Routing control in Network management. Flow control Explain the Flow control in Network management. 06 06 08

Unit 5: Networks Data Networks: Explain the - Circuit Switched - Packet Switched Networks with the help of diagrams. Data Transmission in PSTN Explain the Data Transmission in PSTN with the help of a diagram. What are the Modems? Data Communication Architecture What are Closed Networks? Give examples. What are the aspects of heterogeneity of a network? Explain the ISO-OSI Reference Model for Communication Architecture with the help of a diagram. Link to link layers Explain the Link to link layers in an ISO-OSI Reference Model for Communication Architecture. Explain the Network layer in an ISO-OSI Reference Model for Communication Architecture. Explain the different classes of Routing Algorithms and measures to asses performance of a Routing Algorithm. 08 04 08 08





End to End layers Explain the End to End layers in an ISO-OSI Reference Model for Communication Architecture. Satellite based Data networks State important aspects of Satellite based Data networks. Explain and Compare Pure ALOHA an Slotted ALOHA schemes. LANs State advantages and disadvantages of LANS. Explain various LAN topologies. Explain various Transmission Mediums used in LANs. Explain various Access Methods used in LANs. Explain various Multiple Access Bus LAN. Explain various Token Passin Ring LAN. Explain various Token Passing Bus LAN. 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 04 08


MANs Write a brief note on MANs. 06

Fibre optic networks Write a brief note on Fibre optic networks. Explain the terms - Active Star Fibre optic network - Passive Star Fibre optic network - Dual Ring Star Fibre optic network - Folded Ring Fibre optic network with the help of diagrams. Data network Standards Write a brief note on Data network Standards. Write a brief note on IEEE LAN and MAN Standards. Protocol stacks What is a Protocol stack/suite? Give examples. What is a Protocol stack/suite? Explain MAP in detail. What is a Protocol stack/suite? Explain TOP in detail. What is a Protocol stack/suite? Explain LAP in detail. Internetworking Explain the Internetworking Structures for the - Repeater - Bridge - Router - Gateway Interconnections with the help of an ISO-OSI Reference Model. 08 06 08 06 06 06 08



Integrated Services Digital Networks: ISDN What is ISDN? What is Narrowband ISDN? Why is ISDN preferred? State and Explain in detail principles on which ISDN is based. Write a brief note on Motivation for ISDN. State and Explain in detail new services supported by ISDN. Explain different services supported by ISDN. Draw neat diagrams. Explain in detail database access service supported by ISDN. Describe Non-voice and value added services in ISDN. ISDN Network and protocol Architecture Explain ISDN Network Architecture in detail. Explain ISDN protocol Architecture in detail. 08 08 02 02 02 08

06 08




ISDN Transmission Channels Write a brief note on ISDN Transmission Channels. Describe significance of B and D channels in ISDN. ISDN User network interfaces Explain the terms - Basic Rate Access - Primary Rate Access - Functional Grouping - R,S,T,U Reference Points with the help of adiagram. Explain in detail ISDN interfaces. Draw neat diagrams. ISDN Signaling Explain user level and network level Signaling in ISDN. ISDN Numbering and Addressing Explain Numbering and Addressing in ISDN. ISDN Standards Write a brief note on ISDN Standards. Broadband ISDN What is Broadband ISDN? What are the requirements of Broadband ISDN? 02 04 06 08 08 08 06 08


Voice Data Integration Explain Parameters relating to Digitized voice and Data Traffic. Explain Integrated TDM Frame scheme for Voice Data Integration. Explain Fixed Boundary scheme for Voice Data Integration. 06



Unit 6: Cellular Telephone Concepts Mobile telephone service Why early Mobile telephone systems were not used widely? Cellular telephone Explain various mechanisms to enhance spectral efficiency of a Cellular system. Explain the terms - Macro cell - Micro cell - Pico cell Explain the terms - Cell Splitting - Sectoring - Segmentation - Dualization Frequency reuse Define - Frequency reuse - Frequency reuse factor Interference What are the kinds of interferences produced in a Cellular telephone system? Write a note on Co-channel Interference Reduction Factor. 04 04 04 02




Cellular system topology Explain in detail Cellular system topology. Draw a neat diagram. Roaming What is Roaming? Handoffs What is Handoff? Explain the terms - Hard Handoff - Soft Handoff - Mobile Assisted Handoff Explain the basic steps involved in a Handoff process. Cellular telephone network components State and Explain in detail Cellular telephone network components. Cellular telephone call processing Explain in detail Cellular telephone to Wire-line call procedure. Explain in detail Cellular telephone to Cellular telephone call procedure. Explain in detail Wire-line to Cellular telephone call procedure. 08 08 02 06 02 08




Cellular Telephone systems: Explain CDMA is having better security than GSM Compare IS-95 and CDMA-2000 systems. Digital cellular telephone Explain in detail Digital cellular telephone system. State advantages of Digital TDMA multiple access system over Analog AMPS FDMA system. Explain in detail Logical Channels in IS-136 Digital cellular telephone system. Explain in detail Speech Coding in IS-136 Digital cellular telephone system. Explain in detail Modulation Scheme and Radiated Power Levels in IS-136 Digital cellular telephone system. IS95 Draw the architecture of IS-95 system. Explain various functional entities. Explain Radio Link features in a IS-95 system. Explain logical and physical channels of IS-95. Explain forward link channel structure of IS-95 air interface. Explain reverse link channel structure of IS-95 air interface. 08 08 08 08





08 08 08


Explain the terms - FHSS - DSSS GSM and GPRS for Mobile communications Draw block diagram for the GSM system architecture. Explain various functional entities. Explain Radio Link features in a GSM system. Write a brief note on GSM services. Personal Satellite communication system Write a brief note on Personal Satellite communication system. State advantages and disadvantages of Personal Satellite communication system. Write a brief note on Iridium Satellite system.



08 06




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