Understanding Old Ag1

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Understanding Old Age: The Last Stage of Human Life Span Aim: To understand old age as the last

stage of human development. OBJECTIVES: After undertaking the practicum activity, you will be able to: y Explain the leisure time utilization in old age; y Understand the mental and physical health problems of old person; and y Assess life satisfaction during old age. METHOD: Materials Required: Interview schedule, pen, and paper. PROCEDURE:

Tools for Data collection: I. General Information: y Name of the respondent : y Age and Date of birth : y Sex : y Occupation : y Marital Status : y Type of Family : y Means of Income : y Monthly income(respondent): y Family Income : y Details of other members :

II. Specific Information

S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

A. Leisure Time Utilisation 1. How much leisure time do you have in a day: 2. How much time time do you devote to each: a. Conversation: b. Visit to Religious places: c. Walking, yoga, exercise: d. Reading : e. Worship: f. Physical and mental health problems: 1. What problems/ health disorders do you have? 2. Are you able to cope with it 2. Does your spouse help you in your health problems and vice versa? 3. How do your children react to your health problems? Common health Time when Severity Problems started Always Sometimes Rarely Acute cough and cold Breathlessness (Walking) Poor appetite High blood pressure Arthritis Joint pains Forgetfulness Sleeplessness Impairment in Vision Allergies Diabetes Body ache Chest pain Acidity B. Life satisfaction: Express your views regarding with respect to your own life: 1. Values: 2. Morals:. 3. Friends: 4. Relations: 5. Children:

6. 7. 8. 9.

Health: Joy Freedom: Money:

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