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Rasa Shastra The Art of Vedic Alchemy Vol.1 introduces the manufacturing principles and purification techniques of Rasa Shastra base compounds including such diverse materials as: mercury, sulphur, tourmaline and red coral. This presentation also contains a contemporary overview of these same materials, their chemical composition and modern day use in different chemical applications.

Copyright 2011 Neterapublishing

Copyright 2011 Neterapublishing

Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction & Getting Started Foreword by Dr. Partap Chauhan Parada Maha Rasa Uparasa Sadharana Rasa Dhatu Ratna Uparatna

10. Miscellaneous Rasa 11. Sharaava, Kupi, Gorvara & Puta 12. Additional Information & Credits

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Click here for Rasa Shastra Terminology / Glossary

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Parada Processing
Parada seen in its natural state, slowly weeping from a piece of cinnabar. Parada extracted directly from cinnabar is considered to be of the highest purity. For more information about the extraction of Parada directly from cinnabar see volume 2 in this series.

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Parada Processing
Parada after the removal of contaminants. This ends the second stage of purification.

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Rasa Sindhoora Processing

The sand bath is heated to around 400C, its surface will become red hot.

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Makara Dhwaja Processing

Add 5g of 24 carat gold leaf.

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Vimala Preparation
Prepare 3 litres of vasa decoction. Filter and decant this decoction into an earthenware vessel.

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Sasyaka Preparation
The earthenware bowl is sealed with a top lid to maximise the steaming effect.

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Gandhaka Preparation
Place 150g of unpurified Gandhaka powder on top of the cloth.

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Haritala Preparation
Place ground Haritala on a section of cloth. Fold the cloth into a bag.

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Gauri Pashana Preparation

Fill empty karavella with Gauri Pashana granules. Leave enough flexibility in the pod casing to be able to close its seam.

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Tamra Preparation
Allow the sheets to air dry. The paste will corrode the surface of the Tamra.

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Tamra Preparation
A kukkuta puta is used to heat the kidaram roots. (see puta preparation Chapter 11) Kukkuta puta is generally ten inches square, holding approximately twenty five cow dung cakes.

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Pravala Preparation
As the powder becomes finer it is advisable to wear a particle mask.

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Vaikratna Preparation
After 3 days remove from the saline solution and dry in sunlight. When dry, place contents into an iron mortar and break into smaller pieces. After grinding into a fine powder add horsegram decoction and proceed to make cakrika. For more information about horsegram decoction and cakrika preparation, please refer to Pusparaga (topaz).

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Shankha Preparation
Remove crucible from the ash of the gaja puta. Gently tap around the joint of the crucible lids, this will loosen the mud seal. The cloth used to originally bind the mud to the crucible will have totally been burnt away.

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Loha Preparation
The carbon graphite crucible or musa, is capable of withstanding temperatures in excess of 1500C. Loha is placed into the new crucible and again reheated in the furnace.

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Puta Preparation
The best results from puta are those dug directly into the earth. Concrete Puta tend to develop hotspots during the heating process. Puta location should be sheltered from sunlight, sited in auspicious locations, away from populace, animals and insects and dug by hand in a rich firm soil. The dimensions of puta are listed at the end of this section.

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Sanskrit: Hingula. Synonyms: Cinnabarite, chinese red, dragons blood, vermilion. Geographical Location: China, Spain, USA, Italy, South America. Traditional Use: Medicine, decorative use, chinese lacquer ware, ceremonial use. Contemporary Use: The production of mercury, asian medicine both indian and chinese.

Copyright 2011 Neterapublishing

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