Ch.10 Persia Chart

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Dynasty Han Sui Tang Song


Dates 202 BCE-221 CE 581-618 618-907 960-1279 1279-1340s 1369-1644

Chang'an Chang'an Chang'an Hangzhou Karakorum, Khanbaliq Nanjing, Beijing
Capital ( Beijing)
-CSE -Diplomatic relations with -Weakened by -empire divided into -Villages were
-hard to control the states of southeast Asia internal factionalism khanates. autonomous
aristocrats -CSEs -limited aristocratic -admin/3=civilian,
Politics -cent. gov. -gentry control military and censorate
-CSEs in 3 parts
-clans Exported grains -Equal field system -Yangtze RV -silk road trade -Factories and
-gov. control trade -salt monopoly new irrigation -paved highway workshops
Economics -cotton -fast growing rice manufactured
-Silk Road goods
-sea trade -new crops
Confucianism Daoism Buddhism Confucianism Confucianism Confucianism
Religion Buddhism Confucianism Buddhism
-peasants do labor -Broad mix of officials, merchants, artisans, touts aristocrats=admin. -pop. doubled
-merchants -rigid separation of classes position
Social Structure viewed as -*butchers, actors,whores commoners=farmer and
parasites -Villagers rarely left confines of town merchants
-WOMEN=SUBORDINATE, foot binding
Liu Bang(Han Yang Jian Li Yuan Song Taizu Khubilai Khan Zhu Yuanzhang
Gaozu) Sui Yangdi Tang Taizong Wang Anshi Genghis Khan Emperor Yongle
Individuals Xuanzong Zhu Xi (Temuchin) Zhenghe
Yang Guifei Emperor Jianwen
Wu Zhao (Emprs. Wu) Wang Yangming
CSE, traded far, Built great canals -steel -prosperity -Great Wall
rudder, paper, -Gun powder reconstruction
Achievements iron, textiles -paper money -
Nomadic invaders Death of ruler Khitan and Kirghis Mongols (Yuan) Over spending,
Defeat factionalism,
corruption, famine

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