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CURRICULUM Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Test Series Set-I

Fundamentals Of Accounting Accounting concepts Scope of Accounting Concept of accounting standards Accounting policies Valuation Principles, estimates Indian Contract Act, 1872 Merchantile Law Economics Nature and scope of economics Demand and supply Factors of production Law of returns Producers equilibrium Quantitative Aptitude Ratio & Proportion

Logarithms Equations

Test Series Set-II

Fundamentals Of Accounting Books of Accounts Trial Balance Capital/ Revenue Expenditure Merchantile Law Economics Compo-nents of costs Meaning of market Market structures Theory of price Output determination Quantitative Aptitude Inequalities Simple/ Compound Interest Permutation & Combination

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Test Series Set-III

Fundamentals Of Accounting Inventory Valuation Bank reconciliation Statement Depreciation Accounting Final Accounts Merchantile Law Economics Problems of Indian Economy National Income Agriculture and industry in India Industrial growth Role of public sector in India Concepts of privatisation Quantitative Aptitude AP & GP Sets & Functions Limits & Continuity Calculus

Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Test Series Set-IV

Fundamentals Of Accounting Consignment Joint Venture Bills of Exchange Sale of Goods on approval basis Merchantile Law Economics Indian monetary policy Functions of RBI Fiscal policy in India Inflation in India Quantitative Aptitude Frequency Distribution Histogram, Polygon & Ogive Measures of Central Tendency Correlation and regression

Partnership Act, 1932

Test Series Set-V

Fundamentals Of Accounting Partnership accounts Introduction to Company Accounts Merchantile Law Economics India's international trade India and World Economy WTO International Monetary Fund World Bank Quantitative Aptitude Probability and expected value Binomial, Poisson & Normal Sampling Index numbers

Partnership Act, 1932

Test Series Set-VI & VII Test Series Set- VI & VII will cover the enitre syllabus

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