Darwec's RoM Macros

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C:\Program Files (x86)\Runes of Magic\interface\addons\MyFunctions\usefulmacros.


Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:39 PM

USEFUL ROM MACROS --Target Only Players /run for i=1,10 do TargetNearestEnemy(IsShiftKeyDown()) if UnitIsPlayer("target") then break end end /run if not UnitIsPlayer("target") then TargetUnit("") end --Toggle Tab Target Style: The above macro does not target mobs. swap back to normal targeting. Change ActionBar1Button15 to where your tab button really is. /run if TSMV == nil then TSMV = 0 end /run if(TSMV%2 == 0) then SetBindingKey("TARGETNEARESTENEMY", "TAB"); else SetBindingKey( "ACTIONBAR1BUTTON15", "TAB"); end /run SaveBindingKey() /run TSMV = TSMV+1 --speed (for rogues) /run MyCurrentTitle = GetCurrentTitle() /cast Sprint /wait 1 /use Spellweaver Potion /wait 1 /run SetTitleRequest(530459) /wait 1 /cast Mad Rush /wait 1 /run SetTitleRequest(530427) /wait 25 /run SetTitleRequest(MyCurrentTitle)

--wipe /script SwapEquipmentItem() /wait 1 /run if(IsPetSummoned(3)) then ReturnPet(3) else SummonPet(3) end

--ohshit (for rogue/scouts) /cast Substitute /wait .9 /cast Escape /wait .9 /cast Evasion /wait .9 /cast Vanish /wait .9 /cast Sprint /wait .9 /cast Hide

--kneel /kneel /s Dar


C:\Program Files (x86)\Runes of Magic\interface\addons\MyFunctions\usefulmacros.txt

Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:39 PM

--Arrows (from a rwb) /use Rune War Bow /wait .5 /run UseEquipmentItem(10) /wait .5 /use Temple Hunting Bow /wait .5 /use Runic Thorn --Hammers (wont hammer your wings) /run for i = 0 , 16, 1 do local dV, dM, iN, dVF, dMF = GetInventoryItemDurable("player",i) if( dV < dM) then UseItemByName("Simple Repair Hammer"); PickupEquipmentItem(i); SendSystemChat( "Hammered " .. iN); break; end end --PetShit (hatchets, hoes, and spades) /run hatchetPerStack = x /run numHatchetStacks = y /run for i = 1, numHatchetStacks, 1 do StoreBuyItem(5,hatchetPerStack) end /run hoePerStack = x /run numHoeStacks = y /run for i = 1, numHoeStacks, 1 do StoreBuyItem(6,hoePerStack) end /run spadePerStack = x /run numSpadeStacks = y /run for i = 1, numSpadeStacks, 1 do StoreBuyItem(7,spadePerStack) end --AothCape /run UseItemByName("Aoth Nature Cape") /wait .5 /run UseEquipmentItem(5) /wait .5 /run UseItemByName("Savage Light Cape") --Calling Dar's Rogue Diyce /run if IsShiftKeyDown() then MyRogueScout("","behind ammo='Obsidian Arrow'") elseif IsCtrlKeyDown() then MyRogueScout("", "range ammo='Obsidian Arrow'") else MyRogueScout("", "ammo='Obsidian Arrow'") end --Summon From Partner Bag /run PartnerFrame_CallPartner(2,2); --Summon Pet /run SummonPet(3); --Buy Flowergod Buffs /run CastSpellByName("Attack") /wait .5 /script ChoiceOption(2) /wait .5 /script ChoiceOption(1) --Spam Ice Blade

C:\Program Files (x86)\Runes of Magic\interface\addons\MyFunctions\usefulmacros.txt

Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:39 PM

/run if ((not UnitCanAttack("player","target")) or UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") == true or UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") == nil) then for i=1,10 do TargetNearestEnemy() if not UnitMaster( "target") then break end end else CastSpellByName("Ice Blade") end


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