What Is E-Waste?

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What is E-Waste?

E-waste is a term used to cover all types of electrical and electronic equipment that has or could enter the waste stream. Various E-wastes: E-waste encompasses ever growing range of obsolete electronic devices such as
y y y y y

computers servers main frames, monitors, TVs & display devices

Telecommunication devices such as y y y y cellular phones & pagers, calculators, audio and video devices, printers, scanners,

y y y y y Recording devices such as y y y

copiers fax machines refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens

DVDs, CDs, floppies, tapes,

How these become E-Waste?

y Changes and advancement in technology. y Changes in fashion, style and status. y Changing configuration. y Attracting offers from manufacturers. y Small life of equipments

Generators of E-Waste
y Small business and household y Large businesses y Institution of govt. Offices y Equipment manufactures

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