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John Patrick John Patrick John Patrick John Patrick : : : : : : : : Hi! Good morning, Patrick. How are you this morning? Good morning. I am fine, thank you. How about yourself? Me too. I am on my way to school. Me too. Lets walk together. Patrick, I want to ask you something. Sure. What is it? I was wondering who your favourite teacher is. Oh, I see. Well, my favourite teacher is Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms __________________ , my English teacher.

John : Why do you like him / her? Patrick : Because he / she is a very good teacher. I understand everything he / has explains in class. Who is your favourite teacher? John : Same one. I love how interesting his / her lessons are. He / she gives me good grades every time. Patrick : That means you are a very good student. John : Well, I have to say I do study a lot. Patrick : As do I. John : Well, it was nice to see you, Patrick. Have a great day at school. Patrick : You too, John. See you tomorrow.

How about yourself? (me) too I am on my way to Lets walk together. Lets I was wondering Oh, I see. Mr. (Mister) Mrs. (misiz) Miss (mis) Ms (miz) same one grade That / this means Well, Well done! I have to say I have to say that As do I. 1. Translate into English: a)

Dar tu? i eu; de asemenea Sunt n drum spre S mergem mpreun. S M ntrebam Ah, vd. / Ah, neleg. Domnul Doamna (se folosete pentru femeile cstorite) Domnioara folosim cnd nu tim dac femeia despre care vorbim este sau nu cstorit acelai; aceeai; not aceasta nseamn Ei bine, Bine fcut! ; Bravo! (etc.) Trebuie s spun Trebuie s spun c La fel i eu.

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