Progress Reading Group - Liam Byrne February

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Get a group of friends, members of your CLP and/ or branch to agree to read and review a monthly Progress feature.

Read pages 16-17 Keep centre by Liam Byrne MP

Meet together and consider the piece and the questions below. This could be part of your CLP/branch meeting, or take place just before.

Keep centre?
Labour needs to find a new way back to a new centre-ground, argues Liam Byrne MP
Questions to discuss: See pages 16-17, Progress, February 2012 The third way Did the third way deliver for Bill Clintons New Democrats, the Australian Labor party, the New Democrat party in Canada, social democrats in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and New Labour? If so, how? How does Labour stay true to the revisionists lesson: Change as the world changes? Liam Byrne asserts, Ed Miliband is right: we need hard thought now about what to keep from the third way and what to change for new times. Do you agree? A new centre-ground Byrne suggests that, after the third way, we need a new way back to a new centre-ground. What do you think this consists of? Are we right to keep the insights of the 1990s but build on them for a different era? What do you understand by Philip Goulds basic insight: What most voters want is over time and without greed to advance and improve their lives. In short, to become better off. Byrne writes, what does that centre-ground look like? It is bigger than before. More voters are more likely to switch sides. What does this mean for Labour? Do you agree with Byrnes characterisation of the new centre-ground? First, the deficit needs not denial but fiscal realism; Second, new growth needs more than just any old jobs; Third, we have to renew our welfare states to drive up the rate of employment; Fourth, we know that to get through the next decade we need to draw not simply on the wealth of nations, but the hidden wealth of nations; Fifth, we know that in tough times taxpayers money must go as far as possible.

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