CP551 Sustainable Development (SD)

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CP551 Sustainable Development (SD) SD is the environmental, economic and social well-being for today and tomorrow.

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development (http://www.iisd.org/sd/)

Module 1:
Components of SD: environment, economy & society Games and group discussions to introduce the need for SD in todays world

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

SD as defined by Brundtland Commission:

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- Our Common Future, 1987 Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland Former Prime Minister, Norway Former Chair/ World Commission on Environment and Development

Responsible for the broad political concept of SD

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

SD as defined by Brundtland Commission:

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- Our Common Future, 1987

It is assumed in the above definition that the state of technology and the social organizations today are unable to meet present and future needs of everyone, including the worlds poor.
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Some landmarks for background reading

Earth Summit the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, and Agenda 21 United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) established in Dec 1992 Earth Summit 2002 or World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002 United States did not attend it.

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Earth Summit 2012 ???

Three pillars model of SD

Economic Growth


Environmental Protection
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Social Equity

Three pillars model of SD (expanded)

Techno-centric Concerns
(Techno-economic Systems)

sustainability Eco-centric concerns

(Natural Resources & Ecological Capacity)
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Socio-centric concerns
(Human capital & Social Expectations)

Three pillars model of SD (expanded)

As the circles overlaps sustainability is becoming more and more realizable

Techno-centric Concerns


Eco-centric concerns

Socio-centric concerns

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

The Egg of sustainability:

Stresses & benefits from ecosystem to people Stresses & benefits from people to ecosystem


R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 1994

What is to be sustained? Life support

Ecosystem services Resources Environment

What is to be developed? Economy

Wealth Productive sectors Consumption

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Discussion Point 1:
Write a list of what is to be developed and what is to be sustained from your point of view considering your values and beliefs. Also indicate for how long.

Take 10 mins.
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

What is to be sustained? Life support

Ecosystem services Resources Environment

What is to be developed? Economy

Wealth Productive sectors Consumption

Earth Biodiversity Ecosystems

Life expectancy Education Equity Equal opportunity

Cultures/Groups Places
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Institutions Social capital States/ Regions

What is to be sustained? Life support

Ecosystem services Resources Environment

For how long?

25 to 50 years? Now and in the future? Forever ?

What is to be developed? Economy

Wealth Productive sectors Consumption

Earth Biodiversity Ecosystems

Life expectancy Education Equity Equal opportunity

Cultures/Groups Places
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Institutions Social capital States/ Regions

Topic for group discussion:

Sustainable Energy
Could we reach it without re-organizing the entire energy system of the present?
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Popular Energy Sources: Oil, Coal and Natural gas

They are unsustainable and inefficient.

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

How is electric power produced using oil, coal or natural gas?

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

How is electric power produced using oil, coal or natural gas?

Diesel engine Gas Turbine (GT)
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Combined Power Plant (GT & ST) Steam Turbine (ST)

Steam / Gas entry

Steam / Gas outlet

Gas Turbine R. Shanthini (GT) 15 Aug 2010

Steam Turbine (ST)

Combined Power Plant (GT & ST)

Gas Turbine Power Plant

compressed air Compressor Combustion Chamber

hot gases

Gas Turbine

Gen gases to the stack


Gas Turbine to produce Electricity

R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Gas Turbine driving a Jet Engine

R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Gas Turbine Power Plant

compressed air Compressor Combustion Chamber

hot gases



Gas Turbine

Gen gases to the stack


compressed air Compressor

Gas Turbine Power Plant

hot gases


Combustion Chamber



Gas Turbine




(WGT) =

- (WC) out (QCC)



gases to the stack

Heat Loss

Gas Turbine Power Plant


- (WC) out (QCC)



= 22 28%

Energy Loss = (QCC) in -

[ (W



- (WC)


= 72 78% of heat released by the fuel for 50 to 100 MW plant

Steam Turbine Power Plant

Steam Turbine


Steam Turbine Power Plant

hot gases compressed Steam Generator water
Pump C

superheated steam

Steam Turbine

Gen saturated water


cooling water

saturated steam

Steam Turbine to produce Electricity

Oil could be used instead of coal.

R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Steam engines are also used to power the train.

Steam Turbine Power Plant


in hot gases

Heat Loss superheated steam

compressed Steam Generator water

Pump C

Steam Turbine




Gen saturated water


saturated cooling water steam Heat Loss

Steam Turbine Power Plant



- (WP)


= 30 40%

(QSG) Energy Loss = (QSG) in-

[ (W



- (WP)


= 60 70% of heat released by the fuel for 200 to 800 MW plant

Combined Power Plant


atmospheric air

hot gases

gases to the stack


C cooling water

Combined Power Plant


atmospheric air

hot gases

gases to the stack ST


C cooling water

Combined Power Plant

Net Work out at GT & ST th= Heat released by fuel = 36 50% Energy Loss = 50 64% of heat released by the fuel for 300 to 600 MW plant


Nuclear Power Plant

Control rods


Pressurized water


C cooling water


Nuclear Power Plant to produce Electricity

R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Nuclear Power Plant

Net Work out at ST th= Heat released by nuclear fuel = 31 34% Energy Loss = 66 69% of heat released by the fuel for 500 to 1100 MW plant

According to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics when heat is converted into work, part of the heat energy must be wasted
Power generation type Diesel engine Gas Turbine Steam Turbine Combined (ST & GT) Nuclear (BWR & PWR)
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Unit size (MW) 10 - 30 50 - 100 200 - 800 300 - 600 500 - 1100

Energy wasted (MW) 7 22 36 78 120 560 150 380 330 760

Heat engine converts heat into work

Hot reservoir at TH K

Qin Wout Qout


Wout = Qin

= 1 Carnot <


Cold reservoir at TC K
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010


Where does all the lost heat from power plant go?
Waste heat from power plant can be used for domestic or industrial heating purposes. It is known as cogeneration, and efficiency can be increased up to 80% in cogeneration applications.

Discussion Point 2:
What are the possibility for cogeneration applications in Sri Lanka?
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Take 10 mins.

50% - 70% lost in producing electricity 2% - 20% lost in transmitting electricity

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Generation, transmission and end-use losses

Electric power sector Transportation sector Residential & Commercial sector Industrial sector
R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Typical energy losses in an industrialised country

70% energy losses

80% energy losses

25% energy losses

20% energy losses

Transport sector

mostly uses Internal Combustion Engines

EffCarnot = 1 -



= Flame temperature = Exhaust Temperature

600 K EffCarnot = 1 2000 K

= 70%
R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

A Typical Car:
63 kJ
Engine losses in fuel energy conversion, In engine cooling and with exhaust gases

Fuel Energy

6 kJ 18 kJ

Driveline losses
Aerodynamic drags

100 kJ

2.5 kJ 12 kJ 4 kJ 17 kJ
Standby Idle

Rolling resistance

2 kJ
R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Energy for accessories

5.5 kJ


Source: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/atv.shtml

Discussion Point 3:
Why oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear fuel are unsustainable?
Use the following definition of SD: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

R. Shanthini 20 Aug 2010

Take 10 mins.

Discussion Point 4:

Is there a problem in burning oil and coal to make electricity and to drive automobiles in such an inefficient manner?

R. Shanthini 15 Aug 2010

Take 15 mins.

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