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A fungal infection (= mycosis) is an infection caused by a fungus. Fungi consist of yeasts or moulds according to their appearance and means of growth. Candida species is a well known example of yeastlike fungi involved in infections. Superficial and local infections Local and superficial infections of the skin, hair, nails or mucous membranes (f.i. thrush) are very common. They are often caused by fungi such as Candida albicans which occurs naturally in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth and vagina. Only if the defence mechanism fails they can cause an infection. These kinds of infections can also be caused by moulds: dermatophytes f.i. ringworm (Tinea). When the exact fungus is known the infection is called after the pathogen: Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Cryptococosis, Pityriasis, Sporotrichosis to name but a few. Infections of the nails are difficult to treat and can take up to 3 months or more to cure. Eye infections can be caused by a variety of fungi f.i. the mould Aspergillus, but also by yeasts such as Candida. Therapy of local infections A single oral dose of 150 mg fluconazole is used to treat vaginal candidiasis or thrush. Thrush may also be treated by Canesten or Gyno Daktarin preparations. Terbinafine (Lamisil) tablets and cream are used for infections with Tinea. Nail infections can be treated with Lamisil 250 mg orally for 6-12 weeks. In both cases itraconazole (Sporanox, Trisporal) can also be used. Systemic infections. Fungal infections often occur in immune compromised people f.i. Pneumocystis carinii is such an opportunistic pathogen causing pneumonia in people with HIV. This needs specialist treatment. Fungal infections can spread through the body and should ideally be treated according to the kind of infecting organism. In systemic infections it often takes too long to make a culture and identify the infecting fungus and treatment has to start without delay. Most used in systemic infections are 100-200 mg per day of fluconazole (Diflucan) or itraconazole (Sporanox, Trisporal) orally.


Effects This remedy fights fungal and yeast infections of the skin, nails, mouth (including thrush), internal organs, the vagina and/or the skin around the vagina. It impairs the cell wall of fungi and yeasts, resulting in these dying. For full recovery, you have to use this remedy consecutively for a number of weeks to months. [More information] RRP Our Price You Save Delivery Time Available : : : : : 35,49 32,32 3,17 (10%) Direct Prescription required

Product Sporanox (itraconazole) 10mg/ml 150 ml Itraconazol 100 mg 15 caps.




102,37 35,49

108,69 32,32

Effects This remedy fights fungal and yeast infections of the skin, nails, mouth (including thrush),

internal organs, the vagina and/or the skin around the vagina. It impairs the cell wall of fungi and yeasts, resulting in these dying. For full recovery, you have to use this remedy consecutively for a number of weeks to months. The exact amount of time will depend on the seriousness and location of the infection. Fungal infections of the vagina and/or the skin around the vagina: - a 1-day course of treatment: 2 capsules and 10 to 12 hours later, another 2 capsules; - a 3-day course of treatment: Take 2 capsules once a day for 3 days. Yeast infections of the mouth - 1 capsule a day for 2 weeks. Itraconazole liquid Sporanox is used to treat fungal infections of the mouth and throat (oral thrush) in people with an underactive immune system. Each dose (10 ml) of the liquid should be swished around the mouth for approximately 20 seconds and then swallowed. The mouth should not be rinsed after swallowing the liquid. Fungal infections of the skin - 1 capsule a day for 2 - 4 weeks, or - 2 capsules a day for 1 week. The healing process will continue even when the course of treatment has been completed; The results will be optimal 2 to 4 weeks following the end of the course of treatment. Fungal infections of the nails - A 3-step course of treatment Step 1 - For a period of 1 week you take 2 capsules twice a day, so 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening. For the 3 subsequent weeks, you would not take a 100-mg Itraconazole capsule. Step 2 - The second stage takes place a week after that: for a week in total, each day you would again take 2 capsules twice a day. - Then, again for a 3-week period, you would not take a 100-mg Itraconazole capsule. Step 3 - Finally, in the week following that, the third stage: again, each day 2 capsules twice a day. Duration of the treatment For a good result, you have to complete the entire course of treatment. The length of the course of treatment will depend on the location and the seriousness of the infection. - Fungal infections of the skin: the course of treatment will usually last from two to six weeks. - Fungal infections of the finger nails require a course of treatment lasting from six to twelve weeks. - Fungal infections of the toe nails. The course of treatment will last for four months or more


Lamisil contain the active ingredient terbinafine hydrochloride, which is an antifungal medicine used to treat infections caused by fungi. (NB. Terbinafine is also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medcine.) Terbinafine kills fungi by interfering with their cell membranes. [More information] RRP Our Price You Save Delivery Time Available : : : : : 9,38 8,13 1,25 (10%) direct No prescription required

Product Lamisil Once 1% 4gr Lamisil cream 1% 15 g OTC Lamisil 10mg/g Spray 15ml

RRP 12,80 9,38 9,80

Price 11,94 8,13 8,52


Lamisil contain the active ingredient terbinafine hydrochloride, which is an antifungal medicine used to treat infections caused by fungi. (NB. Terbinafine is also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medcine.) Terbinafine kills fungi by interfering with their cell membranes. It works by stopping fungi from producing a substance called ergosterol, which is an essential component of fungal cell membranes. The disruption in production of ergosterol disrupts the cell membrane and causes holes to appear. The cell membranes of fungi are vital for their survival. They keep unwanted substances from entering the cells and stop the contents of the cells from leaking out. As terbinafine causes holes to appear in the cell membranes, essential constituents of the fungal cells can leak out. This kills the fungi and hence clears up the infection. Terbinafine is taken by mouth to treat a wide range of fungal skin infections that require oral treatment due to either the severity, site, or extent of the infection. Terbinafine tablets are also used to treat fungal nail infections, which can be difficult to treat topically with creams etc.


Nailner Repair
Nail fungus
Discolored, thickened or cracked nails, although a very common issue, can be quite embarrassing. Now there is Nailner to help resolve this issue. There is no need to be embarrassed anymore, now there is

Nailner, to help this issue out of the world. Nail fungus is a common problem and it is becoming more so. [More information] RRP Our Price You Save : : : 16,09 17,08 -0,99 (10%) direct No prescription required

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Nailner Repair Pencil 4ml



Nailner Repair Spray 8ml



Nail fungus

Discolored, thickened or cracked nails, although a very common issue, can be quite embarrassing. Now there is Nailner to help resolve this issue. There is no need to be embarrassed anymore, now there is Nailner, to help this issue out of the world. Nail fungus is a common problem and it is becoming more so. It is the most common form of nail disease and can be extremely irritating. If your nails are discolored, thickened or cracked it can be embarrassing. There is now an easy solution: Nailner Repair. The handy marker makes it quick and easy to apply. Because Nailner Repair also has a unique, patented carrier system, the ingredients are able to saturate the nail. This allows the ingredients to alter the environment of the nail to the fungus' disadvantage. Improvements are visible in just a matter of weeks.


Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment

Fungal Nail Infection
Fungal nail infection (or onychomycosis) is one of the most common conditions to affect the nails, accounting for around 50% of all reported nail diseases. [More information] RRP Our Price You Save : : : 15,28 16,22 -0,94 (10%) direct No prescription required

Delivery Time : Available :





Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment 1 pcs



Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nail infection (or onychomycosis) is one of the most common conditions to affect the nails, accounting for around 50% of all reported nail diseases. It occurs when the nail structure (toenails or fingernails) becomes infected by a fungus. Fungal nail infections usually look unpleasant: the nail becomes thickened, discoloured (yellow, brown or white; patches, streaks or islands), flaky, brittle and uncomfortable. Most fungal nail

infections initially begin as mild infections affecting a small portion of the nail. The condition will not improve without treatment. If left untreated, the infection can spread to involve a larger portion of the nail, leading to a completely damaged nail or even the nail becoming detached.

Treatment by Scholl
Now there%u2019s a revolutionary, all-in-one treatment from Scholl designed to ease this frustration. The easy-to-use device is scientifically proven to effectively kill nail fungus, help prevent the spread and recurrence of infection, and help improve the appearance of the nail. It is a two-step treatment system, comprising of 5 disposable nail files along with an %u2018Advanced Nail Liquid%u2019 that has been developed to effectively treat fungal nail infections and help prevent the spread of infection and recurrence. The first step is the treatment phase, which kills the fungus in 4 weeks. The next step is the protection phase which lasts until the nail has grown-out to protect the nails against re-infection.

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