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RE-1 to RE-1 (proposed)

Zoning Comparison
The intent of the Residential Estate (RE) zones is to provide designated areas in the county for large-lot residential purposes.

Illustrative Depiction of Standards for Detached House Building Type

Rear Setback

Standard Method of Development



RE-1 40,000 sf

RE-1 (proposed) 40,000 sf

Lot Area (min) Lot Width (min) At front building line At front property line B. Placement

125 25

125 25

Principal Building (min) Front setback 50' 20' 17' 35' 35' 15% 50' 20' 17' N/A 35' 15%

Main Building

Side Setback

Side street setback Side setback, interior Sum of side setbacks, interior

Lot Width at Front Building Line

Rear setback, interior Coverage (max) All roofed buildings and structures C. Height

Principal Building (max)

Land zoned RE-1, almost 4% of the County Lot Width at Front Property Line Existing development in the RE-1 Zone

Overall building height



Front Setback

Rationale for Changes Marked in Red

Side Section of Structure (Main Building) Height is proposed to be measured from the average grade to the mean height level between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof or to the highest point of roof surface of a flat roof.

Sum of Side Setbacks, Interior The proposed zoning code removes the Sum of Side Setbacks requirement since it is redundant.

Max Height
Accessory Structures For development standards regarding accessory structures, see Accessory Structures (RE Zones) Fact Sheet

a project of the Montgomery County Planning Department

Based on November 22, 2011 Article 59-4. Zoning District Regulations ZAP Draft

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