Agenda NPC 13th February 12

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You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL to be held on MONDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 12 at 6.45pm the RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.

Clerk to the Parish Council Email: Tel 201115/559119

7 February 12



Prior to the council meeting commencing there will be an opportunity of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to make comments and to ask questions of the Parish Council

1. 2. 3. To receive apologies for absence Declarations of Interest Minutes of the last meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 12 (Paper A) Matters arising (for information only) Safer Neighbourhoods Team To receive an update from the Newport Safer Neighbourhoods Team Finance I. Financial Statement (Paper B) To receive and consider a financial statement II. Accounts for Payment To consider and approve accounts for payment (Paper C) III. Budget 2012/13 Economic Improvement Fund from the IWC to consider and agree projects for submission (Paper D to follow) To agree the precept for 2012/13



IV. Donations To consider donations to the following: Cowes Concert Band Cllr Whiteman Newport and Carisbrooke Older Voices Circle Cllr Craven 6. Planning and Licensing Committee To receive and consider the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee held on 15th December 11, 5th and 19th January 12 (Paper E) IW Festival Questionnaire to receive an update on the recent meeting with the promoters, IWC Licensing Department and the Police (Paper F) Projects: Bird Hide Cllr Whiteman To receive an update on progress Fountain on the Quay Cllr Whiteman To receive an update on progress Working Parties Allotments to receive a written report and consider quotes for the removal of a dead tree at the Field House site (Paper G) Green Town to receive a report Jubilee Celebrations Cllr Jones-Evans To consider forming a small working party to discuss ways to celebrate, or support celebrations, for the Diamond Jubilee




10. Olympic Torch Cllrs Whiteman/Hobart To receive an update from a meeting with the IWC to discuss the Olympic Torch Relay travelling through Carisbrooke and Newport 11. IWALC Cllr Smart To receive a written report (Paper H) 12. Reports from IW Councillors To receive reports from IW Councillors who are not members of the Parish Council 13. To receive items for next agenda 14. Date and location of next Parish Council meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 12th March 2012, 6.45pm at the Gunville Methodist Church.

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