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Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits

In Chapters 1-5, when we apply KVL or KCL: v = Ri In Chapter 7,

Source-Free RC Circuit
Given: R & C, vC(0) = Vo Find: v(t) and i(t)

di dv vL = L L ; iC = C C dt dt

Differential eqns.

First-Order Circuit: One energy storage element (C or L) 1st order diff eq Energy dissipation element/s (R) Excitation (source of energy) Energy initially stored in L or C source-free Vs or Is

Example 1. Given: vC(0) = 15 V Find: vC, vx and ix

Natural Response: behavior w/o external sources decay


Smaller time constant

faster decay

Example 2. Given: Switch closed for a long time, and opened at t=0. Find: vC, for t>0.

Source-Free RL Circuit
Given: R & L, iL(0) = Io Find: i(t)

Example 3. Given: i(0) = 10 A Find: i(t), and ix(t)

Example 4. Given: Switch open for a long time, and I is closed at t=0. Find: i(t), io(t) and vo(t) for t>0.

Singularity Functions
either discontinuous, or have discontinuous derivatives. useful in switching Unit Step Function:


Unit Impulse Function:

(t ) =

t<0 0, du (t ) = undefined, t = 0 dt 0, t >0

An applied or resulting shock A very short duration pulse.

Unit Ramp Function:

Step Response of an RC Circuit

-excitation is a step function Given: v(0) = Vo; Switch closed at t=0.

r (t ) = u (t ) dt

0, t 0 r (t ) = = t u (t ) t, t > 0

V , v(t ) = o t / V + (Vo V )e

t<0 t>0

Complete Response = Natural Response + Forced Response

Example 5. Given: Switch has been at position A for a long time, and moves to B at t=0. Find: v(t) for t>0.

Complete Response = Steady-state Response + Transient Response

3 Parameters: 1. Vo Initial voltage from I.C. no jump condition for vc 2. V - steady-state response at steady state, C becomes an open circuit 3. Time constant

Step Response of RL Circuits

Given: i(0) = Io; Switch closed at t=0.

Example 6. Given: Switch has been closed for a long time, and opens at t=0. Find: vL(t) for t>0.

Ex. 7. Find i(t) for t >0.

First-Order Circuits with Op Amps

Method 1: Set up and solve ODE. Method 2: Find RTH as seen by C or L replace with test V or I.
Example: Given: R1 = 20k, Rf = 80k, C=5F, and v(0)=3 V Find: vo(t)

Method 2: Find vo(0+):

Method 1: See Lab #4 Op Amp differentiator

Find RTH:

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