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Technology and Applied Studies 2012 Stage 5


Part 1. Question: What do I want to find out? y Use complete sentences y End with a question mark



Part 2.

Materials and Equipment: Here is what I will need y Include quantities needed y Use metric units

Part 3.

Procedure: This is what I will do y Tell all steps, in order, in such a way that another person could repeat your experiment exactly (like a recipe) y Specify times and amounts, if necessary

Part 4.

Observations: Use complete sentences to describe what you noticed during your experiment y Give specific, relevant details y Avoid opinions, feelings or generalizations y Provide photographic evidence

Part 5.

Conclusion: What happened? y Did it turn out as you expected? Big Idea: What did I learn? y How what I learned is related to a larger idea?

Part 6.

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