November 2009 Tri-Valley Conservancy Newsletter

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Tri-Valley Conservancy wishes you all the happiness Thanksgiving Day can bring and in the days that

follow, all the best of everything!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us...

us ... ome join

, 2009 ber 1

Jeans & Jewels aT Casa Real

If you were not at Casa Real October 1st, you missed one fantastic evening. This evening was all about celebrating the beautiful Valley we live in. While staying a bit casual these folks had fun as you can see from these photos. Between sangria, champagne, hat contests, surprise gifts, live auction, family

ay, Octo Thursd

The Hats!

style dinner and our entertaining auctioneer, Supervisor Scott Haggerty, it was a smashing hit. Next year we guarantee you dont want to miss it so put it on your calendar October 7, 2009 until then

A look back at our second annual Celebrating the Valley fundraising event...Thank you for your continued support!

Thank you To The following spons

In Kind Partners & Underwriters: Bobbins to Britches, Callahan Properties, Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery, Coastal Viticultural Consultants, Fa

Friends of the Vineyards | Shames Construct



Dinner and Cocktails

EvEnt photos shown courtEsy of GrEGory L. Mottin to sEE MorE photos of our JEans & JEwELs EvEnt visit www.trivaLLEyconsErvancy.orG

sors who made This evenT possible...

tion | The Independent | Waste Management

antasy Sound Event Services, FasterPhotography.Com, Image Setters, Livermore Valley Florist, Michael Princevalle, RMJ Graphics, TVC Board of Directors


Board of Directors
Rik Hansen, Chair Jean King, Vice-Chair Mary Roberts, Secretary Karl Wente, Treasurer Mark Eaton Kathy Farrell Miriam Miller Jim Perry Michael Princevalle Bill Thomson

To permanently protect the fertile soils, rangelands, open space and biological resources and to support a viable agricultural economy in the Tri-Valley area.

Sharon Burnham Executive Director Laura Mercier Associate Director Monica DePalmo Stewardship Barbara Graham Office Manager (925) 449-8706

1736 Holmes St., Building B Livermore, CA 94550

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #637 Livermore, CA

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