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Give reasons: Root is positively hydrotropic. Give reasons. Ans.

The movement of the plant part in response to water is known as hydrotropism. The roots of a plant always go towards the water and are positively hydrotropic. Mother milk is wholesome food for the child. Advantages of mother s milk any two points Complete the following: During unfavourable conditions the sponges produce internal buds called gemmules. Cuscutta is a parasitic plant. Match: Monotropa- indian pipe Cuscutta-dodder plant Drosera-sundew plant Nephenthes- pitcher plant Utricularia- bladder plant or wort Copy the diagram: Copy the diagram and name any two parts of stomata. Copy the diagram of sperm and name (a) and (b) {acrosome} {middle piece} Interpret: Both the sperm and ovum contain haploid set of chromosomes. Interpret. Owls can easily hunt in darkness. Interpret. Raise the question: 62- more to know. (a) what are insectivorous plants. Give eg. Modal exam revision questions Plants and animals are interdependent on each other. Give reason. Pg.117 Planting of green trees is encouraged. Pg.129 7th question

Pancreas act as exocrine and endocrine glands. Pg.37

Bats are nocturnal animals. Pg.91 {9th question, pg.80}

Owls can easily hunt in darkness. Interpret. Pg.79

Respiration is a bio-chemical processes which consists of oxidation and degradation of food in the release of oxygen.

Mammals are higher chordate. Give reason and explain. Mother s milk is a wholesome food for the infant. Explain.

Cell wall is present only in plant cell. Give reason.

Oil spill. Pg.129 {9th question}

Dificiency disease

pg.17, question no:8 (i)

Skin color of women iod determined by melanocytes of the basement membrane. Pg.29 more to know!

Thrombocytes helps in bolld clotting. Pg.44, 2nd para

The petiole of mimosa pudica leaves are pulvinate. Pg.66 1st para

Amphibians are good indicators of environmental emergiencies. Pg.77

The testis is located

. Pg.91

Both the sperm and the ovum

.. pg.92 {question no:15}

Lysosomes are called suicidal baga. Explain. Pg. no.98

Pholem is a conducting tissue. Explain. Pg.108

We can realise Important questions: Hybridization in plants. Structure of lungs. Saliavary glands. Criteria for classification.

pg. 129 question 6

Transpiration types. Meristematic tissue. Chemotropism Sperm Chromosomes, ribosomes.

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