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23; right 36, 13, and 27); superior frontal gyrus (left 9, 31, and 45; right 17, 35, and 37). 17. Although the improvement in WM performance with cholinergic enhancement was a nonsignicant trend in the current study (P 0.07), in a previous study (9) with a larger sample (n 13) the effect was highly signicant (P 0.001). In the current study, we analyzed RT data for six of our seven subjects because the behavioral data for one subject were unavailable due to a computer failure. The difference in the signicance of the two ndings is simply a result of the difference in sample sizes. A power analysis shows that the size of the RT difference and variability in the current sample would yield a significant result (P 0.01) with a sample size of 13. During the memory trials, mean RT was 1180 ms during placebo and 1119 ms during physostigmine. During the control trials, mean RT was 735 ms during placebo and 709 ms during physostigmine, a difference that did not approach signicance (P 0.24), suggesting that the effect of cholinergic enhancement on WM performance is not due to a nonspecic increase in arousal. 18. Matched-pair t tests (two-tailed) were used to test the signicance of drug-related changes in the volume of regions of interest that showed signicant response contrasts. 19. H. Sato, Y. Hata, H. Masui, T. Tsumoto, J. Neurophysiol. 55, 765 (1987). 20. M. E. Hasselmo, Behav. Brain Res. 67, 1 (1995). 21. M. G. Baxter, A. A. Chiba, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 9, 178 (1999). 22. B. J. Everitt, T. W. Robbins, Annu. Rev. Psychol. 48, 649 (1997). 23. R. Desimone, J. Duncan, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 18, 193 (1995). 24. P. C. Murphy, A. M. Sillito, Neuroscience 40, 13 (1991). 25. M. Corbetta, F. M. Miezin, S. Dobmeyer, G. L. Shulman, S. E. Peterson, J. Neurosci. 11, 2383 (1991). 26. J. V. Haxby et al., J. Neurosci. 14, 6336 (1994). 27. A. Rosier, L. Cornette, G. A. Orban, Neuropsychobiology 37, 98 (1998). 28. M. E. Hasselmo, B. P. Wyble, G. V. Wallenstein, Hippocampus 6, 693 (1996). 29. S. P. Mewaldt, M. M. Ghoneim, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 10, 1205 (1979). 30. M. Petrides, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 351, 1455 (1996). 31. M. E. Hasselmo, E. Fransen, C. Dickson, A. A. Alonso, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 911, 418 (2000). 32. M. M. Mesulam, Prog. Brain Res. 109, 285 (1996). 33. R. T. Bartus, R. L. Dean III, B. Beer, A. S. Lippa, Science 217, 408 (1985). 34. N. Qizilbash et al., JAMA 280, 1777 (1998). 35. J. V. Haxby, J. Ma. Maisog, S. M. Courtney, in Mapping and Modeling the Human Brain, P. Fox, J. Lancaster, K. Friston, Eds. ( Wiley, New York, in press). 36. We express our appreciation to S. Courtney, R. Desimone, Y. Jiang, S. Kastner, L. Latour, A. Martin, L. Pessoa, and L. Ungerleider for careful and critical review of the manuscript. We also thank M. B. Schapiro and S. I. Rapoport for input during early stages of this project. This research was supported by the National Institute on Mental Health and National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Programs. 7 August 2000; accepted 15 November 2000

A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction

Joshua B. Tenenbaum,1* Vin de Silva,2 John C. Langford3
Scientists working with large volumes of high-dimensional data, such as global climate patterns, stellar spectra, or human gene distributions, regularly confront the problem of dimensionality reduction: nding meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in their high-dimensional observations. The human brain confronts the same problem in everyday perception, extracting from its high-dimensional sensory inputs30,000 auditory nerve bers or 106 optic nerve bersa manageably small number of perceptually relevant features. Here we describe an approach to solving dimensionality reduction problems that uses easily measured local metric information to learn the underlying global geometry of a data set. Unlike classical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling (MDS), our approach is capable of discovering the nonlinear degrees of freedom that underlie complex natural observations, such as human handwriting or images of a face under different viewing conditions. In contrast to previous algorithms for nonlinear dimensionality reduction, ours efciently computes a globally optimal solution, and, for an important class of data manifolds, is guaranteed to converge asymptotically to the true structure. A canonical problem in dimensionality reduction from the domain of visual perception is illustrated in Fig. 1A. The input consists of many images of a persons face observed under different pose and lighting conditions, in no particular order. These images can be thought of as points in a high-dimensional vector space, with each input dimension corresponding to the brightness of one pixel in the image or the firing rate of one retinal ganglion cell. Although the input dimensionDepartment of Psychology and 2Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:

ality may be quite high (e.g., 4096 for these 64 pixel by 64 pixel images), the perceptually meaningful structure of these images has many fewer independent degrees of freedom. Within the 4096-dimensional input space, all of the images lie on an intrinsically threedimensional manifold, or constraint surface, that can be parameterized by two pose variables plus an azimuthal lighting angle. Our goal is to discover, given only the unordered high-dimensional inputs, low-dimensional representations such as Fig. 1A with coordinates that capture the intrinsic degrees of freedom of a data set. This problem is of central importance not only in studies of vision (15), but also in speech (6, 7), motor control (8, 9), and a range of other physical and biological sciences (1012).

The classical techniques for dimensionality reduction, PCA and MDS, are simple to implement, efficiently computable, and guaranteed to discover the true structure of data lying on or near a linear subspace of the high-dimensional input space (13). PCA finds a low-dimensional embedding of the data points that best preserves their variance as measured in the high-dimensional input space. Classical MDS finds an embedding that preserves the interpoint distances, equivalent to PCA when those distances are Euclidean. However, many data sets contain essential nonlinear structures that are invisible to PCA and MDS (4, 5, 11, 14). For example, both methods fail to detect the true degrees of freedom of the face data set (Fig. 1A), or even its intrinsic three-dimensionality (Fig. 2A). Here we describe an approach that combines the major algorithmic features of PCA and MDScomputational efficiency, global optimality, and asymptotic convergence guaranteeswith the flexibility to learn a broad class of nonlinear manifolds. Figure 3A illustrates the challenge of nonlinearity with data lying on a two-dimensional Swiss roll: points far apart on the underlying manifold, as measured by their geodesic, or shortest path, distances, may appear deceptively close in the high-dimensional input space, as measured by their straight-line Euclidean distance. Only the geodesic distances reflect the true low-dimensional geometry of the manifold, but PCA and MDS effectively see just the Euclidean structure; thus, they fail to detect the intrinsic twodimensionality (Fig. 2B). Our approach builds on classical MDS but seeks to preserve the intrinsic geometry of the data, as captured in the geodesic manifold distances between all pairs of data points. The crux is estimating the geodesic distance between faraway points, given only input-space distances. For neighboring points, inputspace distance provides a good approxima- SCIENCE VOL 290 22 DECEMBER 2000


tion to geodesic distance. For faraway points, geodesic distance can be approximated by adding up a sequence of short hops between neighboring points. These approximations are computed efficiently by finding shortest paths in a graph with edges connecting neighboring data points. The complete isometric feature mapping, or Isomap, algorithm has three steps, which are detailed in Table 1. The first step determines which points are neighbors on the manifold M, based on the distances dX (i, j) between pairs of points i, j in the input space
Fig. 1. (A) A canonical dimensionality reduction problem from visual perception. The input consists of a sequence of 4096-dimensional vectors, representing the brightness values of 64 pixel by 64 pixel images of a face rendered with different poses and lighting directions. Applied to N 698 raw images, Isomap (K 6) learns a three-dimensional embedding of the datas intrinsic geometric structure. A two-dimensional projection is shown, with a sample of the original input images (red circles) superimposed on all the data points (blue) and horizontal sliders (under the images) representing the third dimension. Each coordinate axis of the embedding correlates highly with one degree of freedom underlying the original data: leftright pose (x axis, R 0.99), up-down pose ( y axis, R 0.90), and lighting direction (slider position, R 0.92). The input-space distances dX(i,j ) given to Isomap were Euclidean distances between the 4096-dimensional image vectors. (B) Isomap applied to N 1000 handwritten 2s from the MNIST database (40). The two most signicant dimensions in the Isomap embedding, shown here, articulate the major features of the 2: bottom loop (x axis) and top arch ( y axis). Input-space distances dX(i,j ) were measured by tangent distance, a metric designed to capture the invariances relevant in handwriting recognition (41). Here we used -Isomap (with 4.2) because we did not expect a constant dimensionality to hold over the whole data set; consistent with this, Isomap nds several tendrils projecting from the higher dimensional mass of data and representing successive exaggerations of an extra stroke or ornament in the digit.

X. Two simple methods are to connect each point to all points within some fixed radius , or to all of its K nearest neighbors (15). These neighborhood relations are represented as a weighted graph G over the data points, with edges of weight dX(i, j) between neighboring points (Fig. 3B). In its second step, Isomap estimates the geodesic distances dM (i, j) between all pairs of points on the manifold M by computing their shortest path distances dG (i, j) in the graph G. One simple algorithm (16) for finding shortest paths is given in Table 1.

The final step applies classical MDS to the matrix of graph distances DG {dG (i, j)}, constructing an embedding of the data in a d-dimensional Euclidean space Y that best preserves the manifolds estimated intrinsic geometry (Fig. 3C). The coordinate vectors yi for points in Y are chosen to minimize the cost function E DG DY


where DY denotes the matrix of Euclidean yi yj } and A L2 distances {dY (i, j) 2 the L2 matrix norm operator i, j Ai j . The



converts distances to inner products (17), which uniquely characterize the geometry of the data in a form that supports efficient optimization. The global minimum of Eq. 1 is achieved by setting the coordinates yi to the top d eigenvectors of the matrix (DG) (13). As with PCA or MDS, the true dimensionality of the data can be estimated from the decrease in error as the dimensionality of Y is increased. For the Swiss roll, where classical methods fail, the residual variance of Isomap correctly bottoms out at d 2 (Fig. 2B). Just as PCA and MDS are guaranteed, given sufficient data, to recover the true structure of linear manifolds, Isomap is guaranteed asymptotically to recover the true dimensionality and geometric structure of a strictly larger class of nonlinear manifolds. Like the Swiss roll, these are manifolds whose intrinsic geometry is that of a convex region of Euclidean space, but whose ambient geometry in the high-dimensional input space may be highly folded, twisted, or curved. For non-Euclidean manifolds, such as a hemisphere or the surface of a doughnut, Isomap still produces a globally optimal lowdimensional Euclidean representation, as measured by Eq. 1. These guarantees of asymptotic convergence rest on a proof that as the number of data points increases, the graph distances dG(i, j) provide increasingly better approximations to the intrinsic geodesic distances dM(i, j), becoming arbitrarily accurate in the limit of infinite data (18, 19). How quickly dG(i, j) converges to dM(i, j) depends on certain parameters of the manifold as it lies within the high-dimensional space (radius of curvature and branch separation) and on the density of points. To the extent that a data set presents extreme values of these parameters or deviates from a uniform density, asymptotic convergence still holds in general, but the sample size required to estimate geodesic distance accurately may be impractically large. Isomaps global coordinates provide a simple way to analyze and manipulate highdimensional observations in terms of their intrinsic nonlinear degrees of freedom. For a set of synthetic face images, known to have three degrees of freedom, Isomap correctly detects the dimensionality (Fig. 2A) and separates out the true underlying factors (Fig. 1A). The algorithm also recovers the known low-dimensional structure of a set of noisy real images, generated by a human hand varying in finger extension and wrist rotation (Fig. 2C) (20). Given a more complex data set of handwritten digits, which does not have a clear manifold geometry, Isomap still finds globally meaningful coordinates (Fig. 1B) and nonlinear structure that PCA or MDS do not detect (Fig. 2D). For all three data sets, the natural appearance of linear interpolations between distant points in the low-dimensional coordinate space confirms that Isomap has captured the datas perceptually relevant structure (Fig. 4). Previous attempts to extend PCA and MDS to nonlinear data sets fall into two broad classes, each of which suffers from limitations overcome by our approach. Local linear techniques (2123) are not designed to represent the global structure of a data set within a single coordinate system, as we do in Fig. 1. Nonlinear techniques based on greedy optimization procedures (2430) attempt to discover global structure, but lack the crucial algorithmic features that Isomap inherits from PCA and MDS: a noniterative, polynomial time procedure with a guarantee of global optimality; for intrinsically Euclidean man-

Fig. 2. The residual variance of PCA (open triangles), MDS [open triangles in (A) through (C); open circles in (D)], and Isomap (lled circles) on four data sets (42). (A) Face images varying in pose and illumination (Fig. 1A). (B) Swiss roll data (Fig. 3). (C) Hand images varying in nger extension and wrist rotation (20). (D) Handwritten 2s (Fig. 1B). In all cases, residual variance decreases as the dimensionality d is increased. The intrinsic dimensionality of the data can be estimated by looking for the elbow at which this curve ceases to decrease signicantly with added dimensions. Arrows mark the true or approximate dimensionality, when known. Note the tendency of PCA and MDS to overestimate the dimensionality, in contrast to Isomap.

Fig. 3. The Swiss roll data set, illustrating how Isomap exploits geodesic paths for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. (A) For two arbitrary points (circled) on a nonlinear manifold, their Euclidean distance in the highdimensional input space (length of dashed line) may not accurately reect their intrinsic similarity, as measured by geodesic distance along the low-dimensional manifold (length of solid curve). (B) The neighborhood graph G constructed in step one of Isomap (with K 7 and N

1000 data points) allows an approximation (red segments) to the true geodesic path to be computed efciently in step two, as the shortest path in G. (C) The two-dimensional embedding recovered by Isomap in step three, which best preserves the shortest path distances in the neighborhood graph (overlaid). Straight lines in the embedding (blue) now represent simpler and cleaner approximations to the true geodesic paths than do the corresponding graph paths (red). SCIENCE VOL 290 22 DECEMBER 2000


Table 1. The Isomap algorithm takes as input the distances dX(i, j ) between all pairs i, j from N data points in the high-dimensional input space X, measured either in the standard Euclidean metric (as in Fig. 1A) or in some domain-specic metric (as in Fig. 1B). The algorithm outputs coordinate vectors yi in a d-dimensional Euclidean space Y that (according to Eq. 1) best represent the intrinsic geometry of the data. The only free parameter ( or K ) appears in Step 1. Step 1 Construct neighborhood graph Dene the graph G over all data points by connecting points i and j if [as measured by dX(i, j )] they are closer than ( -Isomap), or if i is one of the K nearest neighbors of j (K-Isomap). Set edge lengths equal to dX(i, j). Initialize dG(i, j) dX(i, j) if i, j are linked by an edge; dG(i, j) otherwise. Then for each value of k 1, 2, . . ., N in turn, replace all entries dG(i, j) by min{dG(i, j), dG(i,k) dG(k, j)}. The matrix of nal values DG {dG(i, j)} will contain the shortest path distances between all pairs of points in G (16, 19). Let p be the p-th eigenvalue (in decreasing order) of i the matrix (DG) (17), and v p be the i-th component of the p-th eigenvector. Then set the p-th component of the d-dimensional coordinate i vector yi equal to pv p.
local dimensionality varies across the data set. When available, additional constraints such as the temporal ordering of observations may also help to determine neighbors. In earlier work (36) we explored a more complex method (37), which required an order of magnitude more data and did not support the theoretical performance guarantees we provide here for - and K-Isomap. 16. This procedure, known as Floyds algorithm, requires O(N3) operations. More efcient algorithms exploiting the sparse structure of the neighborhood graph can be found in (38). 17. The operator is dened by (D) HSH/2, where S is the matrix of squared distances {Sij Di2j}, and H is 1/N} (13). the centering matrix {Hij ij 18. Our proof works by showing that for a sufciently high density ( ) of data points, we can always choose a neighborhood size ( or K) large enough that the graph will (with high probability) have a path not much longer than the true geodesic, but small enough to prevent edges that short circuit the true geometry of the manifold. More precisely, given arbitrarily small values of 1, 2, and , we can guarantee that with probability at least 1 , estimates of the form 1

Compute shortest paths

Construct d-dimensional embedding

d M i, j

d G i, j

d M i, j

will hold uniformly over all pairs of data points i, j. For -Isomap, we require 2/ r0


ifolds, a guarantee of asymptotic convergence to the true structure; and the ability to discover manifolds of arbitrary dimensionality, rather than requiring a fixed d initialized from the beginning or computational resources that increase exponentially in d. Here we have demonstrated Isomaps performance on data sets chosen for their visually compelling structures, but the technique may be applied wherever nonlinear geometry complicates the use of PCA or MDS. Isomap complements, and may be combined with, linear extensions of PCA based on higher order statistics, such as independent component analysis (31, 32). It may also lead to a better understanding of how the brain comes to represent the dynamic appearance of objects, where psychophysical studies of apparent motion (33, 34) suggest a central role for geodesic transformations on nonlinear manifolds (35) much like those studied here.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


s 0,

log V/



where r0 is the minimal radius of curvature of the manifold M as embedded in the input space X, s0 is the minimal branch separation of M in X, V is the (d-dimensional) volume of M, and (ignoring boundary effects) d is the volume of the unit ball in Euclidean d-space. For K-Isomap, we let be as above and x d the ratio (K 1)/ d( /2) /2. We then require e e/4
K 1 /4 K 1 /2 d 2 d d

/4 d /4V, /8 d /16V,

4 log 8V/





References and Notes

Fig. 4. Interpolations along straight lines in the Isomap coordinate space (analogous to the blue line in Fig. 3C) implement perceptually natural but highly nonlinear morphs of the corresponding high-dimensional observations (43) by transforming them approximately along geodesic paths (analogous to the solid curve in Fig. 3A). (A) Interpolations in a three-dimensional embedding of face images (Fig. 1A). (B) Interpolations in a fourdimensional embedding of hand images (20) appear as natural hand movements when viewed in quick succession, even though no such motions occurred in the observed data. (C) Interpolations in a six-dimensional embedding of handwritten 2s (Fig. 1B) preserve continuity not only in the visual features of loop and arch articulation, but also in the implied pen trajectories, which are the true degrees of freedom underlying those appearances.

M. P. Young, S. Yamane, Science 256, 1327 (1992). R. N. Shepard, Science 210, 390 (1980). M. Turk, A. Pentland, J. Cogn. Neurosci. 3, 71 (1991). H. Murase, S. K. Nayar, Int. J. Comp. Vision 14, 5 (1995). J. W. McClurkin, L. M. Optican, B. J. Richmond, T. J. Gawne, Science 253, 675 (1991). J. L. Elman, D. Zipser, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 1615 (1988). W. Klein, R. Plomp, L. C. W. Pols, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 48, 999 (1970). E. Bizzi, F. A. Mussa-Ivaldi, S. Giszter, Science 253, 287 (1991). T. D. Sanger, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 7, 1023 (1995). J. W. Hurrell, Science 269, 676 (1995). C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Irwin, T. von Hippel, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 298, 361 (1997). P. Menozzi, A. Piazza, L. Cavalli-Sforza, Science 201, 786 (1978). K. V. Mardia, J. T. Kent, J. M. Bibby, Multivariate Analysis, (Academic Press, London, 1979). A. H. Monahan, J. Clim., in press. The scale-invariant K parameter is typically easier to set than , but may yield misleading results when the

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

The exact content of these conditions but not their general form depends on the particular technical assumptions we adopt. For details and extensions to nonuniform densities, intrinsic curvature, and boundary effects, see In practice, for nite data sets, dG(i, j) may fail to approximate dM(i, j) for a small fraction of points that are disconnected from the giant component of the neighborhood graph G. These outliers are easily detected as having innite graph distances from the majority of other points and can be deleted from further analysis. The Isomap embedding of the hand images is available at Science Online at content/full/290/5500/2319/DC1. For additional material and computer code, see http://isomap. R. Basri, D. Roth, D. Jacobs, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1998), pp. 414 420. C. Bregler, S. M. Omohundro, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 7, 973 (1995). G. E. Hinton, M. Revow, P. Dayan, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 7, 1015 (1995). R. Durbin, D. Willshaw, Nature 326, 689 (1987). T. Kohonen, Self-Organisation and Associative Memory (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ed. 2, 1988), pp. 119 157. T. Hastie, W. Stuetzle, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 84, 502 (1989). M. A. Kramer, AIChE J. 37, 233 (1991). D. DeMers, G. Cottrell, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 5, 580 (1993). R. Hecht-Nielsen, Science 269, 1860 (1995). C. M. Bishop, M. Svensen, C. K. I. Williams, Neural Comp. 10, 215 (1998). P. Comon, Signal Proc. 36, 287 (1994). A. J. Bell, T. J. Sejnowski, Neural Comp. 7, 1129 (1995). R. N. Shepard, S. A. Judd, Science 191, 952 (1976). M. Shiffrar, J. J. Freyd, Psychol. Science 1, 257 (1990).



35. R. N. Shepard, Psychon. Bull. Rev. 1, 2 (1994). 36. J. B. Tenenbaum, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 10, 682 (1998). 37. T. Martinetz, K. Schulten, Neural Netw. 7, 507 (1994). 38. V. Kumar, A. Grama, A. Gupta, G. Karypis, Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Benjamin/Cummings, Redwood City, CA, 1994), pp. 257297. 39. D. Beymer, T. Poggio, Science 272, 1905 (1996). 40. Available at yann/ocr/mnist. 41. P. Y. Simard, Y. LeCun, J. Denker, Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 5, 50 (1993). 42. In order to evaluate the ts of PCA, MDS, and Isomap on comparable grounds, we use the residual variance 1 M , DY). DY is the matrix of Euclidean distances in the low-dimensional embedding recovered by each algorithm. DM is each algorithms best estimate of the intrinsic manifold distances: for Isomap, this is the graph distance matrix DG; for PCA and MDS, it is the Euclidean input-space distance matrix DX (except with the handwritten 2s, where MDS uses the tangent distance). R is the standard linear correlation coefcient, taken over all entries of DM and DY. 43. In each sequence shown, the three intermediate images are those closest to the points 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of the way between the given endpoints. We can also synthesize an explicit mapping from input space X to the low-dimensional embedding Y, or vice versa, us R2(D ing the coordinates of corresponding points {xi , yi} in both spaces provided by Isomap together with standard supervised learning techniques (39). 44. Supported by the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, the Schlumberger Foundation, the NSF (DBS-9021648), and the DARPA Human ID program. We thank Y. LeCun for making available the MNIST database and S. Roweis and L. Saul for sharing related unpublished work. For many helpful discussions, we thank G. Carlsson, H. Farid, W. Freeman, T. Grifths, R. Lehrer, S. Mahajan, D. Reich, W. Richards, J. M. Tenenbaum, Y. Weiss, and especially M. Bernstein. 10 August 2000; accepted 21 November 2000

Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding

Sam T. Roweis1 and Lawrence K. Saul2
Many areas of science depend on exploratory data analysis and visualization. The need to analyze large amounts of multivariate data raises the fundamental problem of dimensionality reduction: how to discover compact representations of high-dimensional data. Here, we introduce locally linear embedding (LLE), an unsupervised learning algorithm that computes low-dimensional, neighborhood-preserving embeddings of high-dimensional inputs. Unlike clustering methods for local dimensionality reduction, LLE maps its inputs into a single global coordinate system of lower dimensionality, and its optimizations do not involve local minima. By exploiting the local symmetries of linear reconstructions, LLE is able to learn the global structure of nonlinear manifolds, such as those generated by images of faces or documents of text. How do we judge similarity? Our mental representations of the world are formed by processing large numbers of sensory inputsincluding, for example, the pixel intensities of images, the power spectra of sounds, and the joint angles of articulated bodies. While complex stimuli of this form can be represented by points in a high-dimensional vector space, they typically have a much more compact description. Coherent structure in the world leads to strong correlations between inputs (such as between neighboring pixels in images), generating observations that lie on or close to a smooth low-dimensional manifold. To compare and classify such observationsin effect, to reason about the world depends crucially on modeling the nonlinear geometry of these low-dimensional manifolds. Scientists interested in exploratory analysis or visualization of multivariate data (1) face a similar problem in dimensionality reduction. The problem, as illustrated in Fig. 1, involves mapping high-dimensional inputs into a lowdimensional description space with as many
1 Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK. 2AT&T LabResearch, 180 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA.

along shortest paths confined to the manifold of observed inputs. Here, we take a different approach, called locally linear embedding (LLE), that eliminates the need to estimate pairwise distances between widely separated data points. Unlike previous methods, LLE recovers global nonlinear structure from locally linear fits. The LLE algorithm, summarized in Fig. 2, is based on simple geometric intuitions. Suppose the data consist of N real-valued vectors Xi, each of dimensionality D, sampled from some underlying manifold. Provided there is sufficient data (such that the manifold is well-sampled), we expect each data point and its neighbors to lie on or close to a locally linear patch of the manifold. We characterize the local geometry of these patches by linear coefficients that reconstruct each data point from its neighbors. Reconstruction errors are measured by the cost function

coordinates as observed modes of variability. Previous approaches to this problem, based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) (2), have computed embeddings that attempt to preserve pairwise distances [or generalized disparities (3)] between data points; these distances are measured along straight lines or, in more sophisticated usages of MDS such as Isomap (4),



jW ij X j


which adds up the squared distances between all the data points and their reconstructions. The weights Wij summarize the contribution of the jth data point to the ith reconstruction. To compute the weights Wij, we minimize the cost

E-mail: (S.T.R.); lsaul@research. (L.K.S.)

Fig. 1. The problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction, as illustrated (10) for three-dimensional data (B) sampled from a two-dimensional manifold (A). An unsupervised learning algorithm must discover the global internal coordinates of the manifold without signals that explicitly indicate how the data should be embedded in two dimensions. The color coding illustrates the neighborhoodpreserving mapping discovered by LLE; black outlines in (B) and (C) show the neighborhood of a single point. Unlike LLE, projections of the data by principal component analysis (PCA) (28) or classical MDS (2) map faraway data points to nearby points in the plane, failing to identify the underlying structure of the manifold. Note that mixture models for local dimensionality reduction (29), which cluster the data and perform PCA within each cluster, do not address the problem considered here: namely, how to map high-dimensional data into a single global coordinate system of lower dimensionality. SCIENCE VOL 290 22 DECEMBER 2000




The Isomap Algorithm and Topological Stability

the high-dimensional space. This step is vulnerable to short-circuit errors if the neighborhood is too large with respect to folds in the manifold on which the data points lie or if noise in the data moves the points slightly off the manifold. Even a single short-circuit error can alter many entries in the geodesic distance matrix, which in turn can lead to a drastically different (and incorrect) low-dimensional embedding. We illustrate this failure in Fig. 1, using the MATLAB code published by Tenenbaum et al. along with their Swiss roll data, to which we have added a small amount of noise (7). Clearly, the algorithm is topologically unstable: Small errors in the data connectivity (topology) can lead to large errors in the solution. Choosing a very small neighborhood is not a satisfactory solution, as this can fragment the manifold into a large number of disconnected regions. Choosing the neighborhood just right requires a priori information about the global geometry of the highdimensional data manifold (8), but, presumably, it is exactly in the absence of such information that one would need to use an algorithm to find meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional observations (1). In summary, the basic idea

et al. (1) presented an algorithm, Isomap, for computing a quasi-isometric, low-dimensional embedding of a set of high-dimensional data points. Two issues need to be raised concerning this work. First, the basic approach presented by Tenenbaum et al. is not new, having been described in the context of flattening cortical surfaces using geodesic distances and multidimensional scaling (2, 3) and in later work that used Dijkstras algorithm to approximate geodesic distances (4, 5). These ideas generalize to arbitrary dimensionality if the connectivity and metric information of the manifold are correctly supplied. Second, and more important, this approach is topologically unstable and can only be used after careful preprocessing of the data (6). In the application domain of cortical flattening, it is necessary to check manually for connectivity errors, so that points nearby in 3-space (for example, on opposite banks of a cortical sulcus) are not taken to be nearby in the cortical surface. If such care is taken, this method represents the preferred method for quasi-isometric cortical flattening. What is new about the Isomap algorithm is how it defines the connectivity of each data point via its nearest Euclidean neighbors in

of Isomap has long been known, and the new component introduced by Tenenbaum et al. provides an unreliable estimate of surface connectivity, which can lead to failure of the algorithm to perform as claimed. Mukund Balasubramanian Eric L. Schwartz Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems and Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Boston University Boston, MA 02215, USA
References and Notes

1. J. B. Tenenbaum, V. de Silva, J. C. Langford, Science 290, 2319 (2000). 2. E. L. Schwartz, A. Shaw, E. Wolfson, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. 11, 1005 (1989). 3. E. Wolfson, E. L. Schwartz, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. 11, 1001 (1989). 4. B. Fischl, M. I. Sereno, A. M. Dale, NeuroImage 9, 195 (1999). 5. For a surface represented as a polyhedral mesh, exact geodesics can be computed in exponential time (2). However, geodesics between all pairs of vertices on the mesh can be approximated in O(N log N) time using Dijkstras algorithm to compute the shortest path along the edges of the polygons in the mesh (4). For meshes with O(103) vertices, exact geodesics can be computed in about 10 min on a 500-MHz Pentium III PC; for much larger meshes, faster approximation schemes are desirable. 6. E. L. Schwartz, B. Merker, E. Wolfson, A. Shaw, IEEE Comput. Graphics Appl. 8, 13 (1988). 7. We added zero-mean, normally distributed noise to the coordinates of each point, with the standard deviation of the noise chosen to be 2% of smallest dimension of the bounding box enclosing the data set (Fig. 1). Using smaller errors (for example, 1%) also led to failures, but we have not systematically studied the precise nature of algorithm failure, algorithm parameters, noise denition, and degree of failure of the solution. 8. Tenenbaum et al. provide proofs to show that if quantities such as the minimal radius of curvature of the manifold, the minimal branch separation, the volume of the manifold, and the density of the data points are known, then the neighborhood size can be bounded so that the algorithm performs correctly [note 18 of (1)]. In practice, however, these quantities will not be known in advance for a given set of high-dimensional data points. Furthermore, there is no prescription for how to compute these bounds in the presence of noise. 23 April 2001; accepted 20 November 2001

Fig. 1. (A) The Swiss roll data used by Tenenbaum et al. (1) to illustrate their algorithm (n 1000). (B) The two-dimensional (2D) representation computed by the Isomap variant of the Isomap algorithm, with 5. Nearby points in the 2D embedding are also nearby points in the 3D manifold, as desired. (C) Data shown in A, with zero-mean normally distributed noise added to the coordinates of each point, where the standard deviation of the noise was chosen to be 2% of smallest dimension of the bounding box enclosing the data. (D) The Isomap ( 5) solution for the noisy data. There are gross folds in the embedding, and neither the metric nor the topological structure of the solution in (B) is preserved.

Response: Balasubramanian and Schwartz claim that the basic idea of our Isomap technique for nonlinear dimensionality reduction (1) has long been known in the context of flattening cortical surfaces. However, the problem of cortical flattening differs in crucial ways from our problem of finding lowdimensional structure in a cloud of highdimensional data points. State-of-the-art procedures for cortical flattening (2, 3) take as input a triangulated mesh of fixed topology and dimensionality, which represents additional structure not available in the general problem we attempted to solve. We take as input only a collection of unorganized data points; the topology and dimensionality of the underlying manifold are unknown and SCIENCE VOL 295 4 JANUARY 2002


need to be estimated in the process of constructing a faithful low-dimensional embedding. Our algorithm provides a simple method for estimating the intrinsic geometry of a data manifold based on a rough estimate of each data points neighbors on the manifold. The simplicity of our algorithm, in contrast to the specialized methods used in cortical flattening (24), makes it highly efficient and generally applicable to a broad range of data sources and dimensionalities, and makes possible our theoretical analyses of asymptotic convergence (1). Balasubramanian and Schwartz also assert that Isomap is topologically unstable, based on their failure to construct a topology-preserving 2D embedding of a Swiss roll data set that has been corrupted by additive Gaussian noise. As we discussed in our original report (1), the success of Isomap depends on being able to choose a neighborhood size ( or K) that is neither so large that it introduces shortcircuit edges into the neighborhood graph, nor so small that the graph becomes too sparse to approximate geodesic paths accurately. Short-circuit edges can lead to lowdimensional embeddings that do not preserve a manifolds true topology, as Balasubramanian and Schwartz illustrate with a choice of neighborhood size ( 5) that works well for our original noiseless data but that is too large given the level of noise (5) in their data. However, it is misleading to characterize our algorithm as topologically unstable without considering its stability over a range of neighborhood sizes. Indeed, this same level of noise poses no difficulty for constructing a topology-preserving embedding if the neighborhood size is chosen just slightly smaller, with between 4.3 and 4.6 (Fig. 1D). The suggestion by Balasubramanian and Schwartz that there is no way to choose an appropriate neighborhood size without a priori information about the global geometry of the data is incorrect. Such a priori information is useful in bounding the worst-case performance of our algorithm as a function of the number of data points (1), but it is not necessary to use the algorithm in practice. Fig. 1 illustrates one practical approach to selecting an appropriate neighborhood size, based on a trade-off between maximizing the number of points captured in the Euclidean embedding and minimizing the distortion of the geodesic distance estimates (6). This method successfully picks out appropriate neighborhood sizes for both the noiseless (Fig. 1E) and noisy (Fig. 1F) Swiss roll data sets. In both cases, the topology-preserving solution is stable, with a range of neighborhood sizes that achieve close to zero distortion of the geodesic distances while preserving the integrity of the underlying manifold. For the Swiss roll with 1000 data points and Gaussian additive noise, the stability analysis illustrated in Fig. 1 can find neighborhood sizes that yield topology-preserving embeddings as long as the noise standard deviation is less than approximately 12% of the separation between branches of the manifold (7). Given a larger number of data points or a less curved manifold, the degree of noise tolerance could be substantially better. For instance, with 2000 data points on the Swiss roll, the noise standard deviation may be as high as 20% of the branch separation. For the face images from our original paper (1), topology-preserving embeddings are reliably found in the presence of Gaussian pixel noise with standard deviation as high 70% of each pixels standard deviation in the noiseless data. More generally, short-circuit edges pose a threat to any attempt to infer the global geometry of a nonlinear data set from a bottom-up estimate of the datas topology; the locally linear embedding (LLE) algorithm (8) embodies a different approach to this same general goal and suffers from the same problem of shortcircuit edges in the presence of noisy or sparse data (9). Improving the robustness of these dimensionality reduction algorithms in the presence of high noise levelswhere short-circuit edges cannot be eliminated simply by shrinking the neighborhood sizeis an important area for future research. Joshua B. Tenenbaum* Department of Psychology Stanford University Stanford, CA 943052130, USA E-mail:

Fig. 1. (A) Our Swiss roll data set (1), shaded according to one intrinsic dimension of the underlying manifold. (B) The Swiss roll data plus Gaussian noise, with zero mean and standard devation equal to approximately 7.5% of the separation between branches of the manifold (comparable to the noise level used by Balasubramanian and Schwartz). (C) An Isomap embedding of the noiseless data in (A) with neighborhood size 5 preserves both the intrinsic geometry and the topological order of the underlying manifold. (D) An Isomap embedding of the noisy data in (B) with an appropriately chosen neighborhood size ( 4.6) also preserves both the intrinsic geometry and the topological order of the underlying manifold, just as in (C). (E) An appropriate neighborhood size for embedding the noiseless data into 2D Euclidean space can be determined based on a trade-off between two cost functions: the fraction of the variance in geodesic distance estimates not accounted for in the Euclidean embedding [(6); black triangles], and the fraction of points not included in the largest connected component of the neighborhood graph, and thus not included in the Euclidean embedding (gray lled circles, with vertical scale three times that shown). Setting the neighborhood size (x axis) too large (above 6.2) masks the intrinsic low-dimensional structure of the data set, leading to geodesic distance estimates that are poorly represented by a 2D Euclidean embedding and thus a much higher residual variance. Setting the neighborhood size too small (below 3.5) leaves out many points from the largest connected component of the neighborhood graph, leading to the deletion of those points from the Isomap solution and increased residual variance for the remaining points. A stable range of neighborhood sizes between these two extremes leads to embeddings of the entire data set with near-zero residual variance. (F) The same analysis can be used to select a reasonable neighborhood size for the noisy data. A neighborhood size that works well for the noiseless data ( 5) is too large here, yielding a residual variance of 0.25. However, a stable range of neighborhood sizes just slightly smaller ( between 3.5 and 4.6) yields reasonable results, with residual variances all less than or equal to 0.01.



Vin de Silva Department of Mathematics Stanford University John C. Langford Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA
*Current address: Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA References and Notes
5. Balasubramanian and Schwartz add Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to approximately 7.5% of the minimal separation between branches of the manifold as embedded in the 3D observation space. We characterize the magnitude of the noise with respect to the manifolds minimal branch separation, rather than the minimal extent of the datas bounding box, as do Balasubramanian and Schwartz, because for nonlinear manifolds, the former parameter inuences the susceptibility to short-circuit errors (1, 10) while the latter does not. 6. We use a measure of residual variance [note 42 of (1)] to characterize how well the low-dimensional Euclidean embedding captures the geodesic distances estimated from the neighborhood graph. Lower residuals indicate better-tting solutions, with less metric distortion. 7. It is possible to analyze some of the effects of noise through an extension of our asymptotic convergence arguments for noiseless data (1, 10). The principal danger with noisy data is that short-circuit edges may appear in the neighborhood graph, signicantly changing its topology. In the noiseless situation, there is an upper bound max for , below which we avoid these gross topological errors. If the noise is bounded by a constant c, then we must reduce this upper bound to max 2c. For Gaussian noise, one looks for a value of c where the probability that the noise is not bounded by c is as small as required. The calculation depends on the number of data points N and the variance of the noise; if the variance is not too large, this works reasonably well for realistic values of N. S. T. Roweis, L. K. Saul, Science 290, 2323 (2000). We have not studied in detail the behavior of LLE with noisy data, but in the cases we have explored, its behavior seems to be qualitatively similar to that of Isomap. For instance, a neighborhood size of 5.5 allows LLE to construct a topology-preserving embedding for the noiseless Swiss roll data in Fig. 1A but yields substantial topological errors for the noisy data in Fig. 1B. M. Bernstein, V. de Silva, J. C. Langford, J. B. Tenenbaum, Graph approximations to geodesics on embedded manifolds, preprint available at http:// Supported by NSF, the DARPA Human ID program, and ONR. We thank M. Bernstein and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. 30 August 2001; accepted 20 November 2001

8. 9.


1. J. B. Tenenbaum, V. de Silva, J. C. Langford, Science 290, 2319 (2000). 2. B. Fischl, M. I. Sereno, A. M. Dale, NeuroImage 9, 195 (1999). 3. B. Wandell, S. Chial, B. Backus, J. Cognit. Neurosci. 12, 739 (2000). 4. E. Wolfson, E. L. Schwartz, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. 11, 1001 (1989).

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