Lecture WK 2 Flats With Adobe Illustrator

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ADM 3305 (Dr.



by Su-Jeong Hwang Shin, Ph.D., Associate Professor

1. Import File (Place) 1) Open New Document Click File->New button to start a new drawing. Type the following information: (Size: letter; 2) View menu: View->Show Rulers, View->Show Grid 3) Choose File->Place and select the file <C:/ Sample body for flats>. Width: 8.5; Height: 11; Unit: inches; Color mode: RGB color)

2. Draw flats. (Woksheet 2-1, Worksheet 2-2, Worksheet 2-3.) Save them all and print out. Reference: Computer- Aided Flat sketching for the Fashion industry, Sultan Worksheet 2-1: Tank top 1) Create new layer. Name it (e.g. Tank top).

2 4 1

2) Select Pen tool. Place 1st anchor point on C.F. at neckline 2 at shoulder neck 3 at shoulder point 4 inside armhole 5 underarm 6 at hip side seam and 7 at hemline, going back to C.F.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

3) Using Convert tool , drag open anchor point 1 to the left (to get shape of armhole). Anchor point 4 (inside armhole) down (to get shape of armhole).

4) Top stitching: Check property bar (No fill, only stroke line)

Select Pen tool and place 1st anchor point below the original neckline. While your line is highlighted go to your stroke menu and check the dashed line, using size: 3pt dash.

5) Select Convert tool , click on anchor point 1 and drag to the left. Adjust with the direct selection tool. Follow the same process for the armhole stitching.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

6) Select the entire half top using selection tool (black arrow)

Go to Edit-> Copy, Edit-> Paste in front, click on the reflect tool , then click and drag the circle icon, to the center font line. Touch on lower left side seam anchor point and drag mouse to right, while holding down the shift key. Release keys and go back to black arrow highlight both sides and group.

7) Select the entire top tank. Click Right mouse button. Select Group 8) Add Pocket Create a rectangular using rectangular tool. Copy the rectangular and paste it. Make it a small rectangular (top stitch) with stroke dash 3 pt. Create another rectangular, using rectangular tool. Add point to make a point shape. Select point and pull the point down to make pocket top shape. Adjust size with the Select tool. Group all pieces.

*Tips: Create all pieces separately. Later, it would be easier to control by grouping pieces!!! 9) File->Save and Print.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

Worksheet 2-2: Basic T-shirt w/ Sleeve 1) Open new document 8.5 x 11. Type (Worksheet 2-2: basic T-shirt w/ Sleeve) and your Name and Date. Draw a half of the top, like Worksheet 2-1: Tank top 1) through 3). 2) To draw sleeve, place anchor point 1 on the shoulder, point 2 for shoulder cap, point 3 for the sleeve hem length, point 4 for the inside hemline and point 5 at the side seam of bodice. Points 6 and 7 will overlap the bodice armhole. Anchor point 8 will return to point 1 to close the sleeve. 3) Use Convert anchor point tool click and drag point 2 to starch to the desired curve and shape. 4) Use Selection tool (black arrow) to select the sleeve. Right mouse click. Arrange->Send to back. 5) Click on the anchor point 5 with white arrow direct selection tool then drag to fit into armhole.

6) Select the entire half top using selection tool (black arrow)

. , then click and drag the

Go to Edit-> Copy, Edit-> Paste in front, click on the reflect tool circle icon, to the center font line. Group.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

7) Create top stitches. Go to your stroke menu and check the dashed line, using size: 3pt dash. And, create a pocket with top stitches. Place the pocket into the shirt.

8) To make a back view of neckline, use Pen tool. Draw reverse triangle shape (From C.F. with anchor point 1 to point 5) Using the convert anchor point tool, drag anchor point 3 to the right and stretch to get shape of bottom of neckline piece. Place back view of neckline into front shirts. Right mouse click Arrange->Send to back.

9) To create Back View of garment, select all parts of front view with selection tool (black arrow). Edit-> Copy, Edit->Paste. Using the direct selection tool (white arrow), remove any details not necessary for back of garment. and adjust neckline and topstitches. 10) File->Save and Print.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

Worksheet 2-3: Blouse w/Collar and Cuffs 1) Open document 8.5 x11 inch. Place (import) a sample body. Make a new layer. Type (Worksheet 2-3: Blouse), Name and Date. 2) Draw the half of blouse bodice. Add waist dart line. 3) Draw the sleeve and cuff. Use Rectangle tool to form cuff.

4) Drawing the collar. Use Convert Anchor point into the blouse bodice.

to the 4th anchor point. Place collar

5) Group all pieces. Edit-> Copy and Edit->Paste the entire pieces. Reflecting.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

6) Add back view of neckline. Add buttons. Window-> Align. Select horizontal align center and vertical distribute center. Drag buttons onto blouse.

7) Group all pieces. Copy and Paste. Delete unnecessary pieces for the back of garments. Add back of the collar.

8) Save and Print.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

Worksheet 2-4: Jean Style pants 1) Open document 8.5 x11 inch. Place (import) a sample body. Make a new layer. Type (Worksheet 2-4: Jeans), your Name and Date.

2) Use Pen tool. Place anchor point 1 on C.F at waistline, 2 at side of waist, 3 at top of the hipline, 4 at the knee 5 at the outside ankle hem, 6 inside hemline, 7 at the inside knee, and point 8 back on to the center front line. And, use Convert point tool drag open anchor point 3, 4 and 7 to get curve lines.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

3) Add waist band, pocket seam line, top stitch lines (Dash line =3 pt). Place waist band to pants. Then, select all pieces and Reflecting. Add belt loops and buckle, using Rectangular tool.

5) To add a decorative zipper. Draw a straight line with the Pen tool. Make sure the fill is OFF and Stroke is ON. Select the line. Go to Filter-> Distort-> ZigZag Options: size 1, Relative: Ridges per segment 40, Points: Corner.

6) Copy and Paste to create back of the pants. Delete and add necessary parts for the back. 7) Save and Print.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

Worksheet 2-5: Dress w/Ruffles 1) Open document 8.5 x11 inch. Place (import) a sample body. Make a new layer. Type (Worksheet 2-5: Flats dress with ruffles), your Name and Date.

2) Use Pen tool. Draw the half of dress. Use Convert point tool to make curve lines. Draw a waist dart. Draw details. Then, Group them all. Copy (Ctrl+C) the pieces and Paste (Ctrl+V). Reflect the piece, holding Shift key.

3) To draw ruffles, draw a rectangular. Draw lines with Pen tool (point 1, 2, 3, 4 ). Then, drag the points (points 3, 4, 5, 6 ), using the convert point tool to the right to curve the lines. Delete the rectangular. Add lines on the top of each curve with Pen tool.

If necessary, add top of the ruffle line by drawing a line (use Pen tool). Go to Filter-> Distort-> Zigzag. (Options: size 1, Relative: Ridges per segment 20, Points: Corner). Group the ruffle. Adjust length of ruffles by using selection tool (black arrow).

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

3) Move ruffles to the dress. If necessary, add details. Group the entire pieces. Copy and Paste the piece to draw the back. Delete and modify the back of dress.

4) Save and Print.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

Worksheet 2-6: Fit & Flare skirt dress 1) Open document 8.5 x11 inch. Place (import) a sample body. Make a new layer. Type (Worksheet 2-6: Flats fit & flare skirt dress), your Name and Date.

2) Use Pen tool. Draw the half of dress. Add lines. Hide the sample body. Group the pieces. Copy and Paste, Then, Reflect by holding Shift key.

3) Draw a rectangular. To add buttons, draw circles (Use Ellipse tool). Align buttons (Use Align> Horizontal align right). Group buttons. Move to the rectangular. Arrange->Send to back. Group them. Then, move to the bodice. Add back view (Arrange-> Send to back). Group the entire pieces. Save.

4) Draw skirts. Use Pen tool. Use Convert point tool to make curve lines. Add lines.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

5) To make flare shadow, draw a shape of shadow (use Pen tool). Fill darker color. Arrange>Send to back. Draw the rest piece of the skirt. Fill color. Arrange->Send to back. Group the entire pieces.

6) Save and Print.

Assignment: Draw Flats (6 ensembles) Assignment: Technical Design Specifications (2 ensembles) References: Sultan, B. (2003). Computer-Aided Flat Sketching for the Fashion Industry, www. Da-Max.com

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