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1. What type of medical professional do you think should call themselves a holistic health practitioner?

A holistic health practitioner may be any of the following: Dentist Homeopath Massage Therapist Osteopath Acupuncturist Mental Health Counselor Psychologist Naturopath Nutritionist Educators Yoga Educator Herbalist Aromatherapy Cranio Sacral Therapist Chiropractor Nurses Health Counselors Orthomolecular Physicians

2. What is meant by the term mind-body medicine?

Mind-body medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health.

Mind body medicine uses a variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind s ability to affect bodily function and symptoms. (Health: The Basics. Benjamin Cummings/CourseSmart, 01/05/2010. p. 507).

3. What types of conditions should be treated by a chiropractor or osteopath who manipulates the spine?
Spinal Manipulation can treat the following conditions: Sprains and Strains Herniated Intervertebral Disc Joint locking

Myofascial pain syndrome (fibromyalgia)

4. What types of diagnostic tests would you expect a chiropractor to perform before manipulating the spine?

Chiropractors take a medical history in the same way as other health care providers. They then examine patients, looking at:
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Muscle strength versus weakness Patient's posture in different positions Spinal range of motion Structural abnormalities

They also use the standard set of neurologic and orthopedic tests common to all healing professions. The chiropractor may order lab tests, x-rays, MRIs, and other tests to help make a diagnosis. 5. When should a physical therapist or an orthopedic specialist be consulted?

The orthopedist can do X Ray, MRI etc (that a PT cannot) to more accurately diagnose your current problem. Typically a PT is seen as a referral from a doctor.

6. What type of person do you think is most likely to seek alternative or complementary medical treatment? More women than men People with higher educational levels People who had been hospitalized in the past year Former smokers (compared with current smokers or those who have never smoked) People with back, neck, head, or joint aches or other painful conditions People with gastrointestinal disorders or sleeping problems (Health: The Basics. Benjamin Cummings/CourseSmart, 01/05/2010. p. 505).

7. Would you tell your doctor you are taking supplements or are seeing an alternative medicine practitioner? Yes - about taking supplements because I have hypercoagulation and I need to check with my doctor what type of supplements interfere with Coumadin. No - about seeing an alternative medicine practitioner allopath doctors are reluctant to this approach, from my personal experience. 8. What type of practitioner would give you a very low dose of the thing that makes you sick increase your immune response to it? Would you recommend this treatment to a friend? 9. Does acupuncture work? I used acupuncture for my low back pain and other health problems. After 9 sessions I decided to stop because I have not seen significant improvements. 10. Would you try hypnosis to quit smoking or lose weight? Why or why not? Probably self-hypnosis . 11. What type of practitioner might suggest you reduce dietary intake of fats, sugars, and foods with preservatives in it to decrease inflammation from arthritis? Would you recommend it treatment to a friend? 12. Is yoga or tai chi a form of alternative medicine? Yes. 13. If a person with severe pain claimed that wearing a magnetic bracelet worked, would you try it or recommend it to someone else? Of course, I just purchased magnetic bracelets for both my parents and they seem happy with them. 14. What is the difference between self-care and folk medicine?
Folk medicine is passed down from generations, basically from a time when there were few doctors around or they lived a long distance away. Self-care medicine is administrated at home and adapted for personal needs (one knows what to do in case of a cold, for example).

15. Do you feel that health insurance should cover complementary or alternative medical treatments? Absolutely. I had to pay out-of-pocket for my chiropractor s services. He saved me from surgery (recommended by doctors) but it was an expensive treatment.

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