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Physical Design

What is Physical Design Design Methods Design Styles Analysis and Verification

Understand physical design topics

What is Physical Design?

Mapping logic to physical implementation
implementation components component locations component wiring geometrical shapes examples TTL chips on a PC board single FPGA custom CMOS chip



Implementation Methods
Implementation methods
integrated circuits programmable arrays - e.g. ROM, FPGA full custom fabrication hybrid integrated circuits thin film - built-in resistors thick film - ceramics silicon-on-silicon - multi-chip modules circuit boards discrete wiring - wire-wrap printed circuits

Design rules
topology and geometry constraints imposed by physics and manufacturing example: wires must be > 2 microns wide

Design Methods
Full custom design
no constraints - output is geometry highest-volume, highest performance designs requires some handcrafted design 5-10 transistors/day for custom layout use to design cells for other methods primary CAD tools layout editor, plotter

Cell-based design
compose design using a library of cells at board-level, cells are chips cell = single gate up to microprocessor primary CAD tools partitioning placement and routing

Design Methods
Symbolic design
reduce problem to topology let tools determine geometry (following design rules) can reuse same topology when design rules change e.g. shrink wires from 2 microns to 1 micron used mostly to design cells

Procedural design
cells are programs module generation - ROMs, RAMs, PLAs silicon compilation - module assembly from HLL

Analysis and verification

design rule checking - geometry widths, spacings ok? circuit extraction - geometry => circuit interconnect verification - circuit A == circuit B?

Design Styles
Gate array design
FPGAs are a form of gate array

Standard cell design General cell design Full custom design

still used for analog circuits Design Styles Implementation Methods
Programmable Arrays Custom Custom Cell Symbolic Procedural Gate Array Standard Cell General Cell

Design Methods

Gate Array Design

Array of prefabricated gates/transistors Map cell-based design onto gates Wire up gates
in routing channels between gates over top of gates (sea of gates) predefined wiring patterns to convert transistors to gates

CAD problems
placement of gates/transistors onto fixed sites global and local wire routing in fixed space

Standard Cell Design

Design circuit using standard cells
cells are small numbers of gates, latches, etc.

Technology mapping selects cells Place and wire them

cells placed in rows all cells same height, different widths wiring between rows - channels

CAD problems
cell placement - row and location within row wiring in channels minimize area, delay

General Cell Design

Generalization of standard cells Cells can be large, irregularly shaped
standard cells, RAMs, ROMs, datapaths, etc.

Used in large designs

e.g. Pentium has datapaths, RAM, ROM, standard cells, etc.

CAD problems
placement and routing of arbitrary shapes is difficult

Cache RAM Datapath

Decode PLA

uCode ROM Std. Cells

Analysis and Verification

circuit extraction determine circuit from geometry compute circuit parameters from geometry resistance, capacitance, transistor sizes feed back to logic design, place & route

design rules geometry rules - e.g. widths, spacings electrical rules - e.g. no floating gate inputs interconnect compare designed and extracted circuit pin-point difference if there is one catch human and CAD tool bugs


What is Placement? Why Placement? Placement Algorithms

Understand placement problem Understand placement algorithms

What is Placement?
Determination of component locations
cells in standard cells ICs on PC board pins on ICs gates in gate array modules in chip floorplan


minimize chip/board area minimize routing area minimize unused area minimize wiring length minimize length of critical paths evenly distribute power dissipation minimize crosstalk



Why Placement?

Hand placement impractical

1k-1000k cells in standard cell array

Multi-goal optimization
placement area routing area delay power symmetry - analog circuits

Generation of routing specification

placement algorithms generate information for router routing channels in slicing structure

Objective Functions
Minimize placement cost according to function
want fast but reasonably accurate metrics area total area taken by components and estimated wiring wire length (!= delay) minimum spanning tree Steiner tree half-perimeter of bounding box wiring congestion track density along channels cutset size

density: avg. 2.2 peak/avg 1.82 1 2 4 3 1

Cluster Growth Placement

Add components to initial placement
select components strongly connected to placed ones place near strongly connected components

seedComponents = select components for seed currentPlacement = PLACE(seedComponents, currentPlacement) while all components not placed do selectedComponent = SELECT(currentPlacement) currentPlacement = PLACE(selectedComponent, currentPlacement) endloop results not that good often used for initial starting position for other algorithms O(n2) complexity for n components

Placed Components

Unplaced Components

Quadratic Placement

Let (xi ,yi ) ! Coordinate s of the center of cell i wij ! Weight of the net between cell i and cell j x, y ! Solution v ectors

Cost of the net between cell i and cell j 1 ! wij xi  x j ) 2  ( yi  y j ) 2 ( 2 1 T 1 T T T Total cost C( x ) ! x Qx  d x x  y Qy  d y y  const 2 2 xC ( x, y ) xC ( x, y ) Minimum cost : ! 0, !0 xxi xyi

Analytic Placement

Analytical Placement Framework:

repeat Solve the convex quadratic program Spread the cells until the cells are evenly distributed

Simulated Annealing
greedy approaches only accept downhill moves that improve cost function can get stuck in local minima far from global minimum

Solution: Simulated Annealing

jump out of local minima analogy to real annealing heat allows atoms to jump out of local minima cool slowly so atoms jump enough to get close to global minimum

Simulated Annealing
Randomly move components
score decreases => accept move score increases => accept move with some probability common function: e-deltaS/t probability decreases over time

Cool system
initial temperature t high enough to randomize system decrease temperature - the annealing schedule do a bunch of moves between temperature changes

Simulated Annealing Algorithm

t = t0 currentPlacement = randomInitialPlacement currentScore = SCORE(currentPlacement) until freezing point is reached do until equilibrium at current t is reached do selectedComponents = SELECT(atRandom) trialPlacement = MOVE(selectedComponents, atRandom) trialScore = SCORE(trialPlacement) deltaS = trialScore - currentScore if deltaS < 0 then currentScore = trialScore else r = uniformrandom(0,1) if r < e-deltaS/t then currentScore = trialScore currentPlacement = trialPlacement endif endif endloop t = a*t endloop

Move Functions for Placement

Pair Swap
cells may be of different size results in cell overlap penalize in cost function final postprocess to remove overlaps

Single Cell
often causes cell overlap more general

move connected components avoids a lot of unnecessary moves

Simulated Annealing Control

Annealing Schedule
cool fast to minimize CPU time cool slowly to get close to global optimum maintain equilibrium at each temperature exponentially slowly to get global optimum usually a = 0.95 a = e-0.7t is closer to optimal at each temperature do enough moves to reach equilibrium stop when nothing moves

Cost Function
weighted sum of objectives score = w1*WireLength + w2*ChipArea + w3*CellOverlapArea + w4*ChipAspectRatio change weights to emphasize different goals good weights found by trial-and-error can also change weights as annealing runs

Simulated Annealing Improvements

Minimizing Move Rejection
at high temperature nearly all moves are accepted system is randomized at low temperature nearly all moves are rejected most CPU time is wasted

Approaches for Placement

range limiters - limit distance of moves far away moves unlikely at lower temperatures only generate acceptable moves moves that improve cost function partitioning example: move cells with positive gain must keep around lots of information cost per move is higher, but less wasted effort

Simulated Annealing Issues

general-purpose optimization approach finds global optimum easily trade speed for quality can incorporate many cost functions can incorporate complex move functions take advantage of problem structure

constraints complicate move and cost functions e.g. preplaced blocks, fixed wire lengths CPU hog

Timberwolf, Cadence, Avant! - standard cell placement ACACIA - analog circuit transistor placement


What is Routing? Why Routing? Routing Algorithms Overview Global Routing Detail Routing

Understand routing problem Understand overview of routing algorithms Understand shortest path algorithms

What is Routing?
Determination of component wiring
assignment of wires to routing areas restricted routing problems e.g. routing channel detailed wiring within areas layer assignment vias



minimize routing area minimize wiring length minimize channel height minimize lengths of critical paths 100% completion in allocated space fixed wiring areas e.g. gate arrays, FPGAs minimize crosstalk



Why Routing?
Hand routing impractical
1k-100k nets in large chip designs prone to error example IBM TCM has 26 routing layers how to use layers?

Multi-goal optimization
routing area delay cross-talk clock and power routing manufacturing yield

Objective Functions
Minimize routing cost according to function
want fast but reasonably accurate metrics wiring area channel area = channel density * channel length wire length minimum spanning tree Steiner tree half-perimeter of bounding box wiring congestion track density along channels L peak density 4 average 2.2 peak/avg 1.82 area = h*L 1 2 4 3 1

Types of Routers
Global routers
function determine routing areas assign net to routing areas minimize global routing area, path lengths consider congestion, approximate path length

Detail routers
goal route actual wires minimize routing area, path lengths general-purpose - maze, line probe restricted - channel, switchbox, river routers

power, clock routers

Example: Global Routing









Example: Detailed Routing

1 2 3 4 2 2 3

2 1

Shortest Path and Multi-Commodity

Find shortest path between two vertices in weighted graph
graph with edge weights weight is distance, congestion, etc. search graph from source to destination backtrace to source once destination is found

Multi-commodity flow
Each net is a commodity Simultaneously route all commodities

S 3 3

1 4

2 5

1 2 1 10 D

Maze Routing
Place wires and components on grid
grid size = wire width + spacing works best if all wire widths and spacings are equal grid squares occupied w+s

Distance metric
each square has 4 neighbors unit cost away

Search graph
node for each square unit-cost edge to 4 neighboring nodes 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

Maze Routing
Shortest path search (Lee-Moore)
maintain leaf nodes of expansion tree at each step add unexplored neighbors to list with accumulated cost stop when target vertex reached backtrace for route
3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Guaranteed to find shortest path

large memory requirements - the grid long search time - number of vertices marked local optimization - only routing one net at a time
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 16 15 14 13 16 15 14 8 9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 13 12 11 16 15 14 10 16 15 9 9 8 7 6 5 7 6 5 4 8 7 6 5 8 7 9 8 8 7 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

3 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 3

3 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 3

add source node S into list costS = 0 for all nodes i on list if i == destination D pathcost = costD break for j=N,S,E,W neighbors that are not visited and not occupied add node j to list costj = costi+1 mark i as visited remove node i from list while i != S do mark i as path i = min cost N,S,E,W visited neighbor

Maze Routing
Avoiding blockage
wire at a time => can block wires

rip-up and re-route remove wire(s) causing blockage route blocked wire route ripped up wires shove-aside add dummy grid lines squeeze wire through

Line Probe Routing

Gridless - store list of lines and obstructions
sorted lists of vertical and horizontal lines

from source and destination project 4 horizontal/vertical rays (probes) if probes intersect, done - route wires from nodes to intersection if probes blocked, choose escape point and send new probes a point just past obstruction



Line Probe Routing

small memory requirements - no grid store sorted lists of vertical and horizontal segments fast binary search of segments for blockage and escape points # probes << # grid points higher precision coordinates - no grid

serial wire at a time - blockages similar rip-up and shove-aside approaches to cope basic algorithm may not find route when one exists need to try more escape points degenerates to grid search

Channel Routing
terminals on two sides of rectangle are fixed horizontal wires on layer1 - trunks, which run in tracks vertical wires on layer2 - branches, which run in columns

Routing Problem
minimize number of tracks used => minimizes channel height minimize wire lengths, vias all wires routed at same time - better overall optimization A B A A track via B dogleg A branch trunk

Channel Routing
Greedy algorithm
route column by column rather than track by track scan left-right by column at each track apply heuristics to bring new nets to an existing trunk, and move nets between tracks greedy - at each column try to minimize tracks and minimize distance to terminals can often use exhaustive search number of tracks in a column is small - < 100 good results, but lots of vias lots of track to track movement for each net

for each column for each terminal bring in branch connect to trunk if it exists create trunk at first empty track otherwise create new track move between tracks using heuristics collapse nets to fewer trunks with spare branch space reduce distance between net trunks move nets towards next terminal connect multiple trunks for a net at end of channel A B

Pattern Channel Routers

Slide window along channel
recognize patterns of terminals and occupiedGet more optimal results doglegs

developing rule set


Problem: Vertical constraint between A and B. C and D occupy surrounding tracks and columns Solution: Shift contacts down and to right, doglegs on each layer to reach them

Issues with DFM

Due to shrinking feature size, more design rules are required Details routing becomes more tedious, considering various manufacturability rules Should we consider DFM while doing routing, or leave DFM to the next level?

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