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NEW STUFF: Yesenia Aceves shows her first tessellation ever. Have you done one?

Try it, and show us! Pennsylvania kids tessellate in school. Chess pieces tessellate. Who knew? Sharks tessellate, too. Sitting Buddha statues make a puzzle picture. For a more complete list of our newest stuff, click here.

Tessellations here mean designs featuring animals, toasters, persons, etc, which can fit together in repetitive patterns like simple jigsaw puzzles. These fill a surface, usually a 2D plane, without gaps or overlaps. Brick walls, tiled floors and walls in kitchens and bathrooms, and sidewalks are all tesselations. You can see example tessellations at the top of every page in this website. On these pages is information about all aspects of tessellations. We have their history, do-it-yourself tessellation lessons, and galleries of examples by school students, guest artists, the webmasters Seth and David, and of course M. C. Escher, the pioneer of the art. This site is a dedicated art site, not requiring much math. Math teachers, don't be forlorn. We do show a smidgen of introductory geometry: polygons that tessellate. As M. C. Escher said, "Mathematicians go to the garden gate but they never venture through to appreciate the delights within." To use another metaphor, you're missing the fun if you use a microscope to enjoy a merry-go-round. We have a little simple geometry in the lessons and explanations, but nothing as fancy as the serious adults' math-oriented tessellation websites. If, as a result of your visit, you venture through that garden gate, please send us your designs for inclusion in the guest gallery. Link to us! To put a button that links to us on your website, if you're comfortable with HTML then just copy the text below, change the text to suit your feelings, and add it to your website. Rujukan: .

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