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Dizon, Xaraenielle Limin, Rhea Montoya, Jenny-Lyn Gantt Chart for Thesis0 (January 3 - March 30, 2012)

Activities Jan. 3-6, 2012 3 I. Planning and approval of Thesis Topic Interview Organizing of Data II. Chapter 1 Background of the Problem Overview of Current State of Technology Project Rationale Submission of Chapter 1 III. Chapter 2 Interview Problem Statement Setting of Objectives General Objectives Specific Objectives Setting of Scope and Limitations Submission of Chapter 2 IV.Chapter 3 Making of Calendar of Activities Description of Activities Gannt Chart of Activities Setting Up of Resources Submission of Chapter 3 V.Finalization Citing of the References Citing of the Resource Person(s) Review and Finalizing of the documentation If Ever: Finaling Revision of Documentation 4 5 6 9 Jan. 9-13, 2012 10 11 12 13 16 Jan. 16-20, 2012 Jan. 23-27, 2012 Jan.30-Feb.3, 2012 1 2 3 6 Feb. 6-10, 2012 7 8 9 10 13 Feb. 13-17, 2012 14 15 16 Feb. 20-24,2012 Feb.27-Mar.2,2012 1 2 5 Mar. 5-9, 2012 6 7 8 9 12 Mar.12-16, 2012 13

Project Management Mr. Kelvin Paul Mallari

Mar. 19-23, 2012

Mar. 26-30, 2012

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