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A Time To Let Go

For mea dulcis puella, mea princeps aeterna ! Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa IX Febraurius MMXII Freeport, New York

A time to love As she and I in our own special way did comprehend A romance that flourished that inspired that triumphed - kind of For society cast upon us a blasphemy a hatred a bitter end ! A time to ponder The splendors of her smile her voice her eyes Who is this sweet, sweet girl; this celestial princess of my loves wonder Whose heart for me did palpitate did love did rise ! A time for sorrow My heart; my Spirit; my hopes all broken apart I do not know; I dare not know; I do not want to know what shall be the morrow This Inferno; this War of mine; this Hurt of Loneliness; my soul does try to dart ! A time to cry Tonight as I seek Justice; as I seek Peace of mind; as I try desperately to fall asleep O love ! O how her Spirit seeks mine; O how she is nigh ! With her in this sacred slumber; in my arms; in love her and me; I no longer weep ! A time to let go Though this heart of mine doth cry doth suffer doth for her die ! And adorations for her in time shall grow And a thousand kisses upon her honeyed lips before we say, good-bye ! A time to let go As my love for her fervently faithfully forevermore doth flow ! ! !

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