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Transport Phenomena

Transport Phenomena CAB(CAB-3033)

Instructor : AP Dr. Nurul Hasan Date :

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


Transport Phenomena

What we covered?
Viscosity of materials 4 Standard shell balance Derivation of CE and ME Application of CE and ME ~60 questions from the Lecture


Transport Phenomena

What we have?
Examples of chapter 1, 2, 3 Type A and B of chapter 1, 2, 3 Step by step solutions of ~12 problems Originals of the TB? Previous yr solution


Transport Phenomena

What we expect?
Capacity to apply the ME in daily life application Shell balance Boundary conditions Integration Analyse the results


Transport Phenomena

What we plan?
Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Test 1 Question from student Descent punishment to the cheaters! Extra Class and tutorials


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