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Steps in the Finite Element Method

1.Formulate the weighted residual (weak form) 2.Integrate by parts (or Green-Gauss Theorem)
 reduces derivative order of differential operator  naturally introduces derivative (Neumann) boundary conditions, e.g. flux or traction. Hence called that natural boundary condition

3. Discretize the problem

 discretize domain into subdomains (elements)  discretize dependent variables using finite expansions of piecewise polynomial interpolating functions (basis functions) weighted by parameters defined at nodes

Steps in the Finite Element Method

4.Derive Galerkin finite element equations
 substitute dependent variable approximation in weighted residual integral  Choose weight functions to be interpolating functions the Galerkin assumption (Galerkin, 1906)

5. Compute element stiffness matrices and RHS

 integrate Galerkin equations over each element subdomain  integrate right-hand side to obtain element load vectors which also include any prescribed Neumann boundary conditions

Galerkin FEM: Simple 1-D Example

Steps in the Finite Element Method

6. Assemble global stiffness matrix and load vector
 Add element matrices and RHS vectors into global system of equations  Structure of global matrix depends on node ordering

7. Apply essential (i.e. Dirichlet) boundary conditions

 at least one is required (essential) for a solution  prescribed values of dependent variables at specified boundary nodes, e.g. prescribed displacements  eliminate corresponding rows and columns from global stiffness matrix and transfer column effects of prescribed values to Right Hand Side  p the constraint reduced system

Steps in the Finite Element Method

8. Solve global equations
 for unknown nodal dependent variables  using algorithms for Ax = b or Ax = Px

9. Evaluate element solutions

    interpolate dependent variables evaluate derivatives, e.g. fluxes derived quantities, e.g. stresses or strain energy graphical visualization; post-processing

10.Test for convergence

 refine finite element mesh and repeat solution

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