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Version # Nov10 Online Education Quality Must Knows 1.

Agent need to be verbatim while asking Are you still interested in going back to school to get your degree online within next three months to get a promotion, further your career or maybe change your profession?If the customer says no or maybe, or probably or gives positive response but is not clear in saying yes (i.e. maybe, thinking about it, not now, etc) then the agent can give the rebuttal: I am not asking you to get enrolled right now we give you three months, if you find the right program and the right school, would you be interested in going back to school in the next three months. If the customer still says no then agents need to close the call. 2. Agents need to confirm whether the customer is attending any school right now (If Yes Close call, If No, continue). 3. Agents need to ask for the highest level of education that customer have achieved? 4. Agents cannot pitch to the customer who does not hold a High School degree or completed GED. 5. Agents need to confirm the year of passing for high school or GED. 6. Agents need to confirm whether the customer have credits or not and if yes then need to ask the number of credits the customer earned. 7. Agents need to confirm what subject and level of degree the customer looking to pursue in or interests him/her the most? (a) If the customer says he/she havent decided or is confused between two subjects then agent need to give options to the customer. Still if the customer is confused then agent can put the customer for a particular subject and customer can decide for the subject after talking to the counselor, provided the customer is interested in going back to school. 8. Customer must have HS diploma/GED to earn Associate, HS/Ged or Associate to earn Bachelor, Bachelor to earn Masters, Bachelors or Master to earn PhD/Doctorate. 9. Agents need to confirm whether the Customer is interested in enrolling into a school within 3 months? (If yes continue, If no, customer is NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OUR PROGRAM) (If yes continue; If No can rebut with: I am not asking youre for a commitment right now. If you are able to find the right program and school would you be interested in enrolling within 3 months? If No end call) 10. The agent needs to pitch to the customer who is a US citizen or permanent resident and above the age of 18 years.

11. Agents need to ask: do you have access to a working computer youd be comfortable using to take online courses? If not then need to check whether the customer can have access to a computer AT LEAST 10 12 hours per week with Internet access either at work or the library. 12. Agents need to check whether the customer is associated with the U.S. Military? If yes then need to check whether he is on active duty, a veteran or the spouse of an active service person or veteran? Also need to check the branch he is/was working for. For e.g.: a) Air Force, b) Army c) Coast Guard d) Marine Corp e) Navy f) National Reserve g) National Guard 13. If the customer is associated with US military, then confirm whether he/she is planning to use military benefits to fund his/her education? 14. Agents need to confirm for the number of years customer worked fulltime? 15. Agents need to confirm the email and mailing address [street, city, state, zip] 16. If the customer doesnt have an email address then the customer can provide any alternate email address that he has access to. (Agents cannot force the customer to confirm any alternate email address). 17. Agents need to provide with all the options of the school who offers the subject the customer is looking for and ask from the customer which school he/she will like to hear from. If the customer is confused or have not decided yet then we can offer two universities to the customer. (Agents have to take customers concern for the universities).

Be verbatim as follows: 18. Thanks [customer name]. The following schools [list schools as per what is available] all have degree programs available in [subject]. Which schools are you most interested in hearing from? 19. Agents need to inform that the counselor will be calling in the next 48 hours and customer has to agree to receive the call. 20. Agents need to get a YES from the customer whether he/she is interested in getting enrolled in the next 3 months. 21. If the customer is looking for nursing then the customer should have an RN degree. (LPN, CNA not considered for nursing degree. Customer needs to have an RN degree in order to qualify for nursing program).

22. If the customer is looking for a particular subject and we dont offer that then agent need to offer other programs by saying unfortunately we dont have particular program available, but we do have other programs like Healthcare, business etc. Are you interested in going for any other program? (Agent cannot force the customer to choose any other subject). 23. If the customer is not available then his/her spouse can confirm all the information. 24. If the customer has military background then only we can offer Grantham University. And we can also offer Nursing if the customer has RN Degree. (RN to BSN Degree (Completion Program). 25. Agents need to complete web form with contact information and complete questions on the web form based on customer responses. 26. The customer qualifies for Ashford University only if he/she has completed his/her graduation before 2006.

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