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Agency Client Project Title Subject Job # Code # VIDEO Establishing Shot: Chasewater, Shot of Lake with tree being. Pan round Closer shot of the woods Teenagers come into shot and walk back out of it Medium close up of Teenagers from the front Point of View shot of the teenagers from a low level. Still in POV shot, comes out from behind trees. Follows teenagers walking in the distance. Girl turns round, POV shaky cam running into the trees Medium close up of the teenagers from the front. BOY ONE: What's up? GIRL ONE: Nothing, I thought i heard something. Must of been the wind. BOY TWO: Aww! You scared? GIRL ONE: Shut up! BOY TWO: Want us to build a camp fire to scare of the scary people? Writer Producer Director Art Director Medium Contact Draft AUDIO

Light murmurs from teenagers. Unclear dialogue. Continuing murmurs

2. VIDEO AUDIO BOY ONE: I quite like that idea actually. GIRL TWO: Me too. Want me to go get some wood? I cant be arsed to set up all that camping stuff. BOY ONE: Give us your stuff then. GIRL TWO: You gonna be down there then? BOY ONE : Yeye, will give you a ring when we have found somewhere. GIRL TWO: Ok, see you in a bit then. GIRL ONE: Bye! POV shot of the girl two being followed throughout the trees and leaves lots of rustling throughout the leaves The girl going looking obliviously for wood POV getting closer to girl two See girl twos face and camera zooms in quickly past whilst she screams Summer standing over girl twos dead body with a knife covered in blood help above her head.

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