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Case Application chapter 10

Busted Question 1what do you think about Hagedorn,s approach to controlling employee health
care costs?do you agree with it?why or why not?

AnsNo I am not agree with it because in the selection company refuse any person who is the
smoker but he has a sea of knowledge and experience that person may give the benefits which are very huge and monetry even company earn his employee after pay his health insurance and basic salary so actually he give you monetry benefit so what is issue that he is a smoker

Question 2What benefits and draw backs are there to this type of wellness program for
(A)employees and (B)the company

AnsThe benefits and draw back are there to this type of wellness program for employee is
that peoples not use these types of prohibited drugs and the company,s decrease the expences of health insurance and employees work effectivly because their body able to more and more work and every type of work

Question 3Are there any thing that you found that you might recommended that hagedorn

AnsHagedon should that thy ristrict to smoking in office timing from this employees less use
cigrats and should not avalaible cigrats in office canteen.

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