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Acute Bronchiolitis Bilateral Lung

Muhamad Nazarudin Bin Nordin Cohort 6 / semester 6

Patient Detail.
y NAME : Mr. O y MRN : 195xxx y AGE : 7 years old y GENDER : Male y RACE : Malay y Dr. Diagnosed : Acute Bronchiolitis Bilateral Lung y Dr. Consultant : Siti Nor (Prediatrician) y D.O.A : 14/10/2011 y d.o.a : 15/10/2011

y Dr Mx :

1.Investigation : X-Ray done on 14/10/2011 result : secreation retension on lower lobes of both side lung. 2.Conservative : Medicine and rehabilitation.

Subjective Assessment
y Chief complaint : pt mother c/o cough since 3/7.

pt c/o secreation inside lung. pt c/o short of breathing. pt c/o difficult to removed the secreation.
y Current Hx : second day pt at was admitted to KSH

on 14/10/2011 d/t short of breathing type 2 (when walking).

y Past Hx : pt admitted to KMC last 2 month d/t same

problem.after 3days admitted there pt was discharged.

y Past Medical Hx : NIL y Social Hx : student standard 1

second child from 4 stay with family non-active in sport non-smoker and non-alkaholic
y Family Hx : father smokers

grandfather has asthma

y Medicine : Nebulizer

Oxygen Therapy (nasal prongs 2 litre) Antibiotics

Objective Assessment

y General Observation : young malay boy lying on the bed with

ectomorph size of wear IV drips at right hand. y Local Observation : breathing using apical pt skin was normal no deformities of chest used nasal prongs 2 litre y On palpation : 1.Vital sign : Temperature-36.9 degree calcius BP-116/75 mmhg RR-17 b/m Spo2-100% HR-76bpm Interpretation : Temperature,BP,HR and Spo2 was normal.RR pt was increased(hypertension) d/t SOB.

y On Examination :


crackles sound Interpretation : secreation was present at both lower lobes right and left lung.

2. Percussion notes

Lobes Upper Medial Lower

Right Normal Normal Hyperresonant

Left Normal Hyperresonant

Interpretation : the both lower lobes right and left lungs was hyporesonant because have secreation retention inside it.

3.Breathing pattern A:E Ratio

Inhalation 5 Exhalation 4.5

Interpretation : pt using apical and accessory muscle to breath.

4.Chest Expansion Anterior

Level Apical Upper lateral costal Lower lateral costal Right Good Fair Poor Left Good Fair Poor Result Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical

Level Apical Upper lateral costal Lower lateral costal Right Good Fair Poor Left Good Fair Poor Result Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical

Interpretation : reduced of air entry at the upper and lower lateral costal level.

5.Chest Measurement
Level Axilla Inhaled 1.64 2.63.5 3.63.5 Xyphoid 1.61 2.60.5 3.60.5 10th rib 1.58 2.57.5 3.57.5 Exhaled 61 60.5 60.5 59 58.5 58.5 57 56.5 56.5 Difference Ratio 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3

Interpretation : reduced of air entry on xyphoid and 10th rib level because patient use apical breathing.

6.ADL Functional Activity

Activities Walking Dressing Bating Sleeping Running Eating Good Fair Poor

Interpretation : reduced of ADL functional activity in walking,running and sleeping d/t SOB.

7.Lung Function Test Modalities :Triflow Result : One ball up ( 600cc)

y Problem Listing

1.Cough since 3/7 ago. 2. Secreation retention inside the lower lobes both lung. 3.SOB when doing more activity. 4. Reduced of lung expansion on upper and lower lateral costal level. 5.Reduced works of breathing. 6.Reduced of ADL functional activity.

y Short Term Goal

1.To reduced secreation retention inside lower lobes of both lung. 2.To increased lung expansion on upper and lower costal level. 3. To increased works of breathing.
y Long Term Goal

1.To prevent further complication. 2.To restore ADL functional activity.

Plans Of Treatment
y To reduced secreation

Tx : MPD+vibration Position pt : high sitting + body line forward + support by pillow on anterior of body. y To increased lung expansion 1.Tx : TEE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition. 2.Tx : DBE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition.

y To increased work of breathing

1.Tx : breathing control. Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition. 2.Tx : pursed lips breathing Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition.


y To reduced secreation

Tx : MPD+vibration Position pt : high sitting + body line forward + support by pillow on anterior of body. y To increased lung expansion 1.Tx : TEE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition. 2.Tx : DBE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition.

y To increased work of breathing

1.Tx : breathing control. Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition. 2.Tx : pursed lips breathing Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition.


y pt still have cough. y pt still have secreation. y pt still difficult to cough-up the secreation. y pt still have SOB grade 2.

y Cough assessment.

-effective/productive -sputum = slightly yellowish/thick/small amount.

y Vital sign : Temperature-37.2 degree calcius

BP-114/73 mmhg RR-17 b/m Spo2-100% HR-78bpm Interpretation : Temperature,BP,HR and Spo2 was normal.RR pt was increased(hypertension) d/t SOB.


mild crackles sound Interpretation : secreation was present at both lower lobes right and left lung but decreased then before.

2. Percussion notes
Lobes Upper Middle Lower Right Normal Normal Hyperresonant Hyperresonant Left Normal

Interpretation : the both lower lobes right and left lungs was hyporesonant because have secreation retention inside it.

3.Breathing pattern A:E Ratio

Inhalation 5 Exhalation 6

Interpretation : pt still using apical and accessory muscle to breath but have some improvement on exhalation then before.

4.Chest Expansion Anterior

Level Apical Upper lateral costal Lower lateral costal Right Good Fair Poor Left Good Fair Poor Result Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical

Level Apical Upper lateral costal Lower lateral costal Right Good Fair Poor Left Good Fair Poor Result Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical

Interpretation : reduced of air entry at the upper and lower lateral costal level.

5.Chest Measurement
Level Axilla Inhaled 1.64 2.63.5 3.63.5 Xyphoid 1.61 2.60.5 3.60.5 10th rib 1.59 2.58.5 3.58.5 Exhaled 61 60.5 60.5 59 58.5 58.5 58 57.5 57.5 Difference Ratio 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3

Interpretation : reduced of air entry on xyphoid and 10th rib level because patient use apical breathing.

6.ADL Functional Activity

Activities Walking Bathing Eating Sleeping Running Dressing Good Fair Poor

Interpretation : reduced of ADL functional activity in walking,running and sleeping d/t SOB.

7.Lung Function Test Modalities :Triflow . Result : One and half ball up ( 750cc).

1.Cough. 2. Secreation retention inside the lower lobes both lung. 3.SOB when doing more activity. 4. Reduced of lung expansion on upper and lower lateral costal level. 5.Reduced works of breathing. 6.Reduced of ADL functional activity.


y To reduced secreation

Tx : MPD+vibration Position pt : high sitting + body line forward + support by pillow on anterior of body. y To increased lung expansion 1.Tx : TEE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition. 2.Tx : DBE Position pt : high sitting Duration : 3repetition.

y To increased work of breathing

1.Tx : breathing control. Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition. 2.Tx : pursed lips breathing Position pt : high sitting. Duration : 3repitition.

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