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1. Those five women were not fearingafraid of death among those animals. 3.

The first king has thrownthrew riches into the sea, for he feared the great anger and power of the crowd. 5. The Romans have joined four of theseheir cities at the first road. 7. We have preserved maintained the liberty and rights of these cities from the arts of war. 9. Cicero did leadled thousands of Romans by means of the power of his own thoughts. 11. Tyrannus tribus amicis illis vitam suam committebat. 13. Eo tempore matrem eorum illis sex litteris servavimus 1. I have long been on that ship for a long time and because of the storm and clouds I kept expecting death. 3. Italy was full of the Greek arts in those times, and many Romans themselves cultivated these arts. 5. At that time, I was throwing that man of yours out of the city. 7. My girl was loving her own sparrow, and the sparrow was always chirping only to her and it did not movewas not moving away from her lap. 9. Since he was afraid to entrust his head to a barber, the tyrant Dionysius has taught his daughters to cut his beard and hair; and so the maidens used to cut were cutting their fathers beard and hair.

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