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pump Rockers uptheYolume

Bdreau Nelvs WasnrnStrOn


WASH I NG T O N - - O rq a tti z ' ers of a Central Park protest rock show argued yt'sterday' in the nation's highest court that New York City sirould not be allowed to turu dowu th e vo l u m e on t heir ac t. The issue was a cit-vparks regulation that requires conceft prornotersat the Central Park band shell to use an ollicial city sound systemand engi n e e r. C i ty lau, y er Leo n a rd Koerner said the reason rvas to make certatn that rock ntusi c d u c s l' t bot her apa n tn ' n t d1v1lf9r;3l9nCthe park's bor-

ders or strollers in the Sheep neer with Zubin Mehta, conductor of the New York Phillleadorv. harmonic. it's about What "A rock band is louder than William Kunstler. attorne!' the philharmonic," said Jusfor Rock '\gainst Racism.the tice Thurgood Ntarshall. "\l'hen the kettledrums go, protest group that has staged a concert in the band shell that's loud," said au unperevery year since 19?9, said turbed Kunstler. "Forget I asked," Marshall the issue in the case \tas i mp o rta n t t han i ust sai d. n ro re der:ibels. It was 'punked out' "This is a case about fiee erpression - it's an atten)pt The organizers'case probato regulate free expression," bl y w asn' t hel ped rvhen h e s a i d , j a b b i n g h i s hands K oerner noted that R ock ir.rto the air. A gai nst R aci sm' s engi neer But Kunstler's argur)rents had testified in an earlier got nrixed results, such as court hearing that his standu'trenhe tri'ed to comparethe ard fbr judgrng music as too ro c k c o n c e rt' s s o u nd errgi - loud is when the listeners'

"ears bleed." Justice Byron White grimaced, and group organizer Dana Beal later admitted: ,.It rvas kind of a punked-out thing to say." When Justice Antonin Scal i a recal l ed hi s days . . as a man" rvhen "occasion-\'oung ally I rvould be at a parry rvhich rvould get too loud.;' Kunstler interjected: ,.Is this a conl'ession?" D uri ng the ear lier legal rvrangling. a federal district court ruled in favor of the citl'. but that decisioo was overturned by an appeals court last Jurre.The Supreme C ourt i s expec t ed t o r ule
<hol i l 5'.

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