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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes November 18, 2011 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Andrea Conley, Annie Enzbigilis, Karen Onorato, Janet Oliver, Terri Smeltzer, Jake Little, Erika Myers, Jeannie Wyse, Joy DeFors, Mark Safranski, Kim Swaekauski I. Approval minutes Jake motioned to approve, Annie seconded the motion II. sent. -Save all communication from administration. If you are ever called in for disciplinary action, you have the right to union representation. III. Regional Council Report President's Report

-Personnel issue letter motioned to approve by Jake, Annie seconded. The personnel letter was approved to be

-You cannot teach until you have 9 semester hours in your contact area if you let your certificate lapse Monday, -4:30 RIFF committee meeting with Mrs. Killian as board member rep. -IEA RA election is Nov. 30th. We must have an election -NEA RA is in Washington D.C. -Teacher absences will be reported on ISBE website IV. Treasurer's Report

-Everything remains balanced IIV. Ide +Thankful for new janitor +Jays email for National Education Week was appreciated -temperature regulation issues -would like another staff member to oversee Math RTI -Staff would like coyote decoy to resolve the goose poop issue in the field Prairieview -frustration over trimester assessments Positives/Concerns

Lakeview +reading teachers liked having time to do reading committee +Teacher appreciates how Paul is handling the encore changes for next year +google docs +Online conference sign up -Teachers would like to see administrators stay until PT conferences are over -ORD not getting consistent discipline Adjournment Mark motioned to adjourn at 7:35, Annie Seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35

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