Bio Mechanical Analysis of Football

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 Soccer (or football in Europe) is the most popular sport in the world, at both grass roots and international level.  It is a sport requiring high-intensity, intermittent, noncontiguous exercise that includes many sprints of different durations, rapid acceleration, jumping, agility, and so on.8  Due to the very physical, fast paced and semicontact nature of the sport, injuries are at regular occurrence.

Introduction cont..

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 This presentation considers the biomechanical factors that are relevant to success in the game of soccer.  Two broad areas are covered:
(1) the technical performance of soccer skills; (2) the causative mechanisms of specific soccer injuries.

The technical performance of soccer skills

 Kicking  Heading  throwing-in  passing and trapping the ball,  tackling the ball

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 falling behavior, jumping, running and sprinting  starting, stopping and changing direction



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 Kicking is a series of rotational movements.  The Aim of the player is to produce the higher

angular velocity to the foot through the kinematic chain of body segments in order to exert enough force for the ball to move.  The direction of the ball is determined by the position of the planted foot and the hip position at impact.  The length of time of the kick depends on the approach distance.  The intensity of the kick is determined by the desired distance and speed.

Athletic Application of Kicking

 The standing place-kick can be applied to soccer and point scoring in both rugby and football.  This kick action can be broken down into 6 stages: - the approach - plant-foot forces - swing-limb loading - hip flexion and knee extension - foot contact - follow-through

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Kicking Application cont.

 The Approach:

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Angle to which the ball is about to be hit by the player A 45-degree angle produces the greatest peak ball velocity. Based on the approach the type of kicking is decide.
The straight kick The sweep kick In step kick Side step kick

Kicking Application cont.

 Plant-foot Forces:

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The ground reaction force on the plant foot directly affects the ball speed. There is also a direct relationship between the direction of the plant foot and the direction the ball travels. The most accurate direction of the ball can be accomplished when the foot plant position is perpendicular to a line through the center of the ball. The optimal anterior-posterior (A-P) position of the plant foot is adjacent to the ball. This A-P position determines the flight path of the kicked ball.

Kicking Application cont.

 Swing-limb loading:

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Prepares for the descending motion towards the ball. opposite arm is raised to counter balance the rotating body. Both arms help keep the center of gravity over the support foot and increases the moment of inertia of the trunk. The kicking hip is extended and the knee is flexed to store elastic energy and allow a greater transfer of force to the ball. At the end of this phase there is maximal eccentric activity in the knee extensors.

Kicking Application cont.

 Hip flexion and knee extension: In this phase the thigh is swung forward and downward with a forward rotation of the lower leg. The leg then begins to accelerate due to the combined effect of the transfer of momentum and release of stored elastic energy in the knee extensors. The knee extensors then powerfully contract to swing the leg and foot towards the ball. After the kicking leg makes contact with the ball the knee is extended and the foot is plantarflexed. this time the hamstrings are maximally active to slow the legs eccentric movement.

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Kicking Application cont.

 Foot contact with the ball:

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When the foot makes contact with the ball 15 % of the kinetic energy of the swinging limb is transferred to the ball and the rest of the energy is used by the eccentric activity of the hamstring muscle group to slow the limb down.

Kicking Application cont.

 Follow Through:

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This serves to keep the foot in contact with the ball to maximize the transfer of momentum and therefore increase speed. This also serves to guard against injury by gradually dissipating the kinetic and elastic forces.

Straight Kick
 Approaching the ball

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straight on
 Mostly a

flexion/extension action


Sweep Kick
 Approaching the ball at

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an angle

abduction/adduction components

Axis of Rotation of the Hip ESPT India

Saggital, Frontal and Horizontal Plane

Axis of Rotation of the Knee

Horizontal Plane

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Axis of Rotation of the Ankle

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Major Muscles Contractors

Adductor Magnus

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Pelvic on femoral adduction Support body weight Pectineus, Adductor Breves & Longus Femoral on pelvic adduction torque Accelerate the ball Hamstrings & Quadriceps Flexion &Extension Creates force

Muscle Action during kicking preparation (right-footed kick)

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Muscle action during approach & kicking (right-footed kick)

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Muscle action during followthrough (right-footed kick)

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Torques and Center of Mass

the lower leg around the knee joint in order to move the lower leg in position to kick the ball  Torque due to gravity: knowing the line of action of the weight (perpendicular distance to the line of action of the weight of the leg)

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 Torque: exerted by the muscles to rotate  Note: When you try to kick the

ball, kick it at the center of mass- force from the foot should hit it in the center of mass to achieve total translational energy so the ball can reach farther, yet if not achieved it will be more stable

Figure 8. Torque of hip, knee and ankle in a maximal instep kick (Luhtanen 1988)

The Role of the Arms

 The role of the arms in kicking is primarily to maintain the balance of the body.  The arms are usually extended out to the sides of the body during the forward motion of the kicking leg, to help to keep the center of gravity over the support foot, and to increase the moment of inertia of the trunk and increase resistance to rotation around the spine, or the long axis of the body.  As the kicking foot contacts the ball, the opposite arm moves forward and upward across the body to help keep the trunk down and the body in balance.

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 Biomechanical analysis of heading techniques provide valuable insight into the causes and factors contributing to head loading.  It form the basis for preventive measures for reducing head loading and the related potential for injury.

Heading methods
 three phases in heading include:
pre-impact, ball contact, and follow through

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These can be executed during different approaches, the commonest being standing, running, and jumping.

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 The pre-impact phase allows the

player to prepare to forcefully impact and direct the ball at the target intended  The phase has following component
feet placed in a split stance knees bent torso extended rearwards about the hips shoulders squared eyes fixed on the ball

Ball contact
 Ball contact with the forehead is recommended, not with the top of the head.  This phase has following component
torso flexed forwards to meet the ball head and shoulders move in unison with the torso head contacts ball at hairline

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Follow through

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 Follow through is not widely

discussed but is generally recommended to be in the direction of the target in some cases, the head is thrust towards the target.  torso and head motion continues immediately after contact and then decelerates to regain balance

Soccer throwing-in
 Only twice in the game of soccer is a

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player, other than the goalkeeper, allowed to touch the ball with their hands. One is during dead-ball situations to set a free kick; the other is a throw-in.  Since a throw-in is the time when a player is actually able to propel the ball with his hands, it is key that they are able to throw the ball with velocity and accuracy, since the greater the velocity the greater the chance to achieve maximum range. 

Types of throwing in

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 There are two types of throw-ins that a player can perform legally since both feet must touch the ground.  standing throw-in.  running throw-in.  The running throw-in and standing throw-in are very contrasting. They do have the same arm movements, but are very different in which the trunk and lower extremvities move.

The standing throw-in

 The standing throw-in starts with both

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feet on the ground, and never leaving the ground.  The knees then flex as the arms bring the ball back overhead. When the ball starts to go behind the head, the hips start to hyperextend.  When the ball reaches as far back as it can go, the arms extend, bringing the ball overhead, while the trunk flexes and the knees extend.  The movement ends when the ball is released from the hands.

The standing throw-in cont..

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The running throw-in

 The running throw-in actually starts

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about a meter and a half from the line.  The player runs to the line and while running brings the ball behind the head. When the dominant leg reaches the line and plants, the arms then extend bringing the ball back overhead and releasing the ball when it is at the highest point.  The feet are not next to each other, one is posterior to the other.

Running throw-in cont..

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Angular Kinematics

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 Segment Angle.  The forearm segment angles fairly similar in both    

the running (-108 deg.) and standing (-111 deg.) throw-ins. The range of motion in the running throw-in (85 deg.) is less than the standing throw-in (115 deg.). The point of release the standing throw-in had a point of release of 4 deg., the running throw-in had a point of release of 23 deg. .

Joint angle

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 Joint Angle 1.- The knee joint angles were

remarkably similar in each of the movements.

The ranges of motion for the knee = 9 degrees. the maximum flexion and extension angles differed.
The running throw-in produced a maximum extension angle of 147 deg., and a maximum flexion angle of 138 deg. The standing throw-in produced a maximum extension angle of 160 deg., and a maximum flexion angle of 151 deg.

Joint angle cont..

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 Joint Angle 2. The hip joint angles were distinctively    

different . The range of motion differed by 34 degrees (running = 7deg.; standing = 41 deg.). This difference in range of motion resulted in variations between the maximum flexion and extension angles. The maximum flexion angle for the running throw-in was 228 deg and had a maximum extension angle of 221 deg. While the standing throw-in produced a maximum flexion angle of 196 deg, and a maximum extension angle of 155 deg.

Joint Velocity

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 The velocity patterns for the running throw-in and

standing throw-in are almost similar .  Despite the similarity, the maximum flexion and extension angular velocities of the hand are different.  The maximum flexion angular velocity of the hand in the running throw-in was 217deg/sec, and the maximum extension angular velocity was 2333 deg/sec.  The standing throw-in produced a maximum flexion angular velocity of 433 deg/sec, and a maximum extension angular velocity of 2267 deg/sec..

13 Passing, shooting and chipping India ESPT

To Pass Where to Approach the Ball Where to Keep Your Eyes Find your Targetthen.. EYES ON THE BALL Where to Plant Your Foot, etc Where Planted Foot Should Point How Your Ankle Should be Locked Plant Foot Next to Ball. Dont reach for the ball. Hips and Shoulders square to the target. Pointing at the Targetknee slightly bent Locked Down Toes Pointed Down Rigid Over the Ball Short Chip Locked Up Long Chip Locked Down Slightly Behind the ball Slightly off straight on To Shoot 45 degree angle To Chip 45 degree angle

Locked Up, Rigid Equal with the Ball

Where Your Knee Should Be

Passing ,shooting and chipping

To Pass Which part of Foot Should Kick the Ball Side of Foot, (between toe and heel) Above the Equator To Shoot To Chip Instep Instep

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Where to Strike the Ball

At the Equator

Short Chip Under the Ball. Long ChipBelow the Equator. Minimal Follow Through..Hold back on the follow thru

How You Should Follow Through

Square Finish body weight over the ball

Aggressively Through the Ball Transfer Weight

The causative mechanisms ofESPT India specific soccer injuries

 Footballer s ankle  Ankle sprains  ACL injury  Shin splints and anterior tibial compartment syndrome  Hamstring strain  The groin injury and adductor strain

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 The condition is a chronic periostitis or peritendinitis with calcification which may occur on the anterior margin of the lower end of the tibia  It is owing to the way in which the player ordinarily kicks the ball with the foot in plantar-flexion with slight inversion. The ball making contact with the dorsal and medial aspect of the foot.

Ankle sprains

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 Ankle sprains are the most common injury amongst all levels of soccer player and account for a massive 36% of all injuries.  This injury is most commonly sustained when running and changing direction quickly, or when tackling or being tackled.  An inversion (lateral) sprain of the ankle occurs when the ankle is rolled over so that the sole of the foot faces inwards.  Eversion (medial) sprains are far less common


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The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament which is one of the most frequently damaged ligaments in the game of soccer.  The majority of these injuries occur in a noncontact situation at a point where the player lands or decelerates with a twisting motion.  The player usually experiences an audible popping sound, or a feeling of the knee giving way or swelling.

Mechanism of injury to the ACL

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 The typical mechanism of injury for the ACL during soccer is where the athlete s leg is in a forced valgus position (often in a contact tackle situation) during which the knee is axed and there is a degree of internal rotation of the femur on an externally rotated tibia, which is axed to the ground by the soccer boot.

Mechanism of acl injury cont..

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 In addition, the ACL can easily be torn when the leg

is positioned in severe hyperextension and the force of another player causes the hyperextension to go beyond that normally allowed by the knee joint (i.e., causing excessive anterior translation of the tibia with respect to the femur).  Combine these positions with sudden deceleration and any degree of internal or external rotation on a axed foot (usually because of the studs or bars in the soccer boot) and the ligament is susceptible to partial or complete rupture.

Shin splint and anterior tibial compartment syndrome.


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 Pain along the medial half distal border of tibia is

some time encounter. It is usually a periostitis Pain swelling and limping are main symptoms Shin splints may occur due to hit on the shin by other player and by prolonged running Anterior tibia compartment syndrome has been reported in soccer player which may also be produced by the kick from another player or results from running. It may be one of the complication of shin splints.

Hamstring strain

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 The hamstrings are the most commonly torn

muscles in soccer  A tear to one of the hamstring muscles most often occurs during a burst of speed especially in muscles which are either fatigued or have been inadequately warmed-up  One of the mechanism hamstring got torn is sudden powerful kick with hip in full flexion and knee in full extension.  Prolonged running and fatigue might another cause of hamstring stain in soccer player.

Groin injury

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 Since soccer player manipulate the ball with their

legs, groin injuries are fairly common  These are caused by sudden powerful overstretching of the leg and thigh in abduction and external rotation especially if there is an opposing force such as wet heavy ball, an opponent foot at full speed and in full swing, or the ground.  These forces may overstretch the fiber of muscle or tendon, the bony tissue of the pelvic ring and the pubic symphysis.

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Groin injury cont

 Adolescent soccer player may sustain avulsion fracture of the pelvic apophysis.  groin pain also occur as an overuse syndrome that begins with adductor strain, leading first to tendinitis followed by chondritis, ostitis and formation of necrotic foci in pubis or as attached muscle appearing as a calcifying tendinitis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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Barfield, B (1998), The biomechanics of kicking in soccer. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 17(4): 711-728. Phillips, S (1985), Invariance between segments during a kicking motion. In Matsui, H, and Kobayashi, K (eds), Biomechanics. Human Kinetics: Illinois. pp 688-694. Isokawa, M, and Lees, A (1988), A biomechanical analysis of the in-step kick motion in soccer. In Reilly, T, and Williams, M, (2003), Science and Soccer (2nd ed). Routledge: London. pp. 449-455. Abo-Abdo, H (1981), unpublished doctoral dissertation. In Barfield, B (1998), The biomechanics of kicking in soccer. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 17(4): 711-728. Hay, J (1996), Biomechanics of Sport Techniques. Prentice Hall: New Jersey. Ben-Sira, D (1980), A comparison of the instep kick between novices and elites. In Barfield, B (1998), The biomechanics of kicking in soccer. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 17(4): 711-728.

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7wych, W. (1979), The Official Soccer Book of the United States Soccer Federation. In Barfield, B (1998), The biomechanics of kicking in soccer. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 17(4): 711-728 8Wahrenburg, H, Lindbeck, J, aChysond Ekholm, J (1978), Knee muscular moment, tendon tension force and EMG during a vigorous movement in man. Scand J RehabMed. 10:99-106. 9De Proft, E, Cabri, J, and Dufour, W (1988), Strength training and kick performance in soccer players. In Reilly, T, and Williams, M. 2003), Science and Soccer (2nd ed). Routledge: Londo. 10 Plagenhoff, S. (1971), Patterns of Human Motion. A Cinematographic Analysis. Prentice-Hall: New Jersey. 11Gainor, B, Pitrowski, G, and Puhl, J (1978), The kick. Biomechanics and collision injury. Am J Sports Med.6:185-193



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