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The book script is segmented in to 6 parts comprising all the events from secret preaching of Islam till Hijrah to Madina. The author in a very formal style has cleared all the concepts and as the ideas are developed therefore the language is clear and convincing for the intended audience. Muhammad(S.A.W) lived for about twenty years after the first revelation.He (S.A.W) spent about thirteen years in Makkah while he spent in Madinah. His (S.A.W) honesty and piety were well known in Makkah and was entitled by As-Sadiq and al-Ameen [i.e truthfull and trustworthy. Muhammad(S.A.W) used to spent his time in worshiping in the cave of Hira. In the early converts of Islam Khadija(R.A), the wife of the messenger(S.A.W) became the first person to embrace islam Furthermore the best part of the book is that the author has provided the detailed preaching of Islam by the messenger and his dearest followers like Hazrat Bilal (R.A), Hazrat Ammar (R.A) who were victimized and harmed by the opponents. It was really a hard time faced by our prophet and his followers. After this persecution the whole scenario of Muslim migration to Abyssinia has been discussed.

At last by thoroughly reading this book I reached this conclusion that praise be to Allah who sent his messengers with clear signs and guidance to bring people to light from darkness and to guide them to the path of Allah the prophet life at Makkah is a perfect exam.

Hence the author of this book highlighted the main events in the life of the prophet in very simple words and has described a very important period of prophet in a simpe way

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