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Stages of DevelopmentFront Cover construction Original Image: To start with, I inserted the image of my friend Duaine who I took

to a music studio and told to put headphones around his neck and stand in front of a microphone (musical props) to make him look like a more realistic artist:

I didnt like the background, thought it wasnt suitable to be on a front cover, therefore I decided to cut around his body using the polygonal lasso tool:

After this I then added a Film Grain Photoshop effect to the image and then added a red drop shadow to add colour and texture to the 2D image:

Masthead: Next was the Masthead for my magazine which I decided previously was going to be called the Underground. For this, I wanted to grasp a unique style and font. Therefore, I went onto a site online which offered many different fonts and ended up with this:

This was a bit plain and may not grab attention which is what a magazine masthead is required to do. (Also it doesnt carry any sort of colour theme that the magazine carries on throughout the issues) Therefore I played with various effects to try and accomplish this:

The effect I added to the masthead allowed it to carry a sort of tarmac/gravelly texture which reflected on the literal street life of the underground genre which most of the underground artists originally come from. The slow grey to black gradient and red backdrop helped carry the colour scheme of the magazine.

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