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S21 Knowledge Base: Digestive System

Candida: Candida is an infestation of candida yeast. Candida is usually caused by the weakness of the digestive fire. It is usually a toxic or aama condition. It may occur as a result of poor absorption of water. This may allow candida to grow in vata and pitta types. Conditions such as candida indicate internal weakness or disharmony. The treatment therefore is to kill the pathogens and to strengthen our internal energy. That is to normalize digestion and tonify- fortify immune system by resorting to herbal tonics. Such as Ashwagandha, bala and kapikacchu. An anti-aama or detoxifying diet is indicated. Avoid heavy damp and mucus forming foods. Cold water, ice, and cold or raw foods should also be avoided. Hot spices with anti parasitical powers are necessary. Cayenne, hingu and prickly ash. Garlic alone 3-5 cloves a day will work wonders. Spices like cardamom. Bay leaves and calamus help digest sweet and mucus forming foods are important or take formula trisugandhi [cardamom, cinnamon and bay leaves or cinnamon leaves.] Special anti fungal herbs and anti-parasitical herbs such as valerian, kushta, vidanga are useful. Vata type candida. The best spices are hingu, garlic, basil ajwan and cayenne. Hinguashtak churna, buttermilk you can take a plenty. Symptoms are insomnia, lower back pain, dry skin, nervousness, restlessness, ringing in the ears depression. There will be chronic gas, abdominal bloating and constipation, with erratic or variable energy. Pitta type Candida: Indications fever, thirst, burning sensation, hyperacidity and acute infections. Bitter detoxifying herbs are indicated- aloe, katuka, chereta, neem, barberry and gentian. As the liver is involved liver tonic, as mentioned earlier, and other liver regulating herbs like gentian and guduchi are important. Kapha type Candida: Indicates accumulation of phlegm, frequent colds and flu, swollen glands, edema, heaviness, dullness and excessive sleeping. Anti Kaph diet indicated. All hot and spicy herbs listed above are good and hotter herbs like cayenne and black pepper. Trikatu with warm water not honey, trisugandhi is also good or cardamom, bay leaves and dry ginger in equal proportions.

~ Important Notice ~
Information contained herein is extract from various literature on Ayurveda Sciences and genuine best known to the Author. It is recommended to consult a physician to find relevance of the science & its remedies to the ailments of the individual.

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