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Buy-side info interview questions Rebecca Cook

1. What did you do in investment management? Did you enjoy it? What did you enjoy about it and what did you not like about it? 2. What jobs should I be looking for on buy side? Standard place for MBA to start? 3. What is the career track/progression? 4. What would I be doing? 5. Easier to get a job buy-side? 6. Major differences between sell-side and buy-side? Hours, pay, motivations? 7. Sell-side have training programs for beginning associates/analysts, do sell-side have similar programs? 8. Sell-side IB/M&A provides in-depth look at businesses and a lot of experience in valuation and finance matters? Do you acquire the same skills on buy side? 9. Exit opportunities? 10. Is there a geographic area that many of the buyside firms are concentrated in? 11. Of the various types of buy-side firms, what are some of the cultural differences between types of firms? Mutual funds, pension funds, investment management 12. Good resource besides incircle for trying to find alums working at various companies?

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