Audit Updates: As of February 7, 2012 Area Audit Findi NGS Status Action Plan Remarks

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70% updated To be updated by Egay, Evie and Anne updating 2010 completed 2010 completed

Set for updating every Saturday. Still on going

List of Employees Employee Files (201) Performance Evaluation GAP Analysis

updating 2011 for collection 2011 to be done after submission of evaluation 2011 to be done after receipt of recommenda tions. Completion next week

Continuo us update up to July 2011 Back logs to be complete d by July 2011. updating On going

Competency Development Records

2010 completed

Training Process

Policy procedure

draft being done jointly MineSite and Head Office Training Calendar/Traini ng Plan Basic Training Records(First Aid, Fire fighting drills, mock exercises, etc Individual Training Record Training Effectiveness Report Recruitment ( MRF) 2011 done

and for approval to CCG/VAC

Review for additional recommende d training. Review for additional with Safety Com

2010 and some 2011 done 2010 done and for updating For Assessment Policy done

Improve documentati on and interface with Mine Site

On going

Interview Record Evaluation Joining Report

Discussion on going Strategy in communica

Job Offer and Appointment Letters Organizational Structure

ting new hires - done On going

On going

Review for standards with other DMCI group For approval CCG/VAC once ICT and done with the format.

Employee Handbook Employee Orientation/Ind uction

On-going On-going and a reorientatio n to be scheduled once Handbook is out. For Review For Improveme nt Workforce Planning Policy done

Employee Exit Documents Job Description Job Requirement Attendance Policy

Recruitment Caravan and Job Fairs Improve documentati on and monitor

Work with Oliver

Leave Records

For implementa tion For improveme nt

Egay and Evie will work out schedule Work with Oliver how to make reporting more efficient Make sure all transfers and movement are recorded. Review process Reviewing Review, discuss and involve For Review Review

All Saturdays updating day


Employee Movement Transfers Promotions Salary Alignment Employee Motivation Employee Communication s Attitude Building Succession Planning Payroll Procedure

For Review

For Review On going On going On going On going On going For Review For draft

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