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Identifying Critical points of Failure

Points of Failure

Buy-in Failure
1. Lack of an active role of the top Management 2. Failure of the users to buy-in to the Project

Categorizing risks in building the knowledge management system proactively

Problems with many of the companies:

Initial commitment from the top management Lack of interest/attention/parti cipation from users.

Controlling and Balancing Requirements

The only thing you can do about customer buy-in problems is to try selling the project harder, and gauge end-user needs more appropriately

Solving User Buy-In Problems.

by including representatives from the actual would-be end-user community in the knowledge management team. Management must be actively involved for two reasons: To ensure that senior managers actually buy into the project To ensure that the "bigger-picture" that the management has in mind is well accommodated and incorporated into your design and infrastructural architecture

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