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Sri Redjeki Prasetyo Dept. of Physiology FMUI

Body systems & the GI system

GI tract


What is the GI system like? structure of GI tract/system Why is the system needed? the function How does it work? - mechanisms

Structure: organization - anatomy

Structure: organization histology

Structure: organization histology

Function: digestion-absorption

Function: Digestion & Absorption



Mechanical activity motility Chemical activity enzymatic act. (secretion, reactions)

Movement of substances through membranes (diffusion, active transport, etc.)

Regulated /controlled?

Mechanisms: mechanical activity

Mechanisms: enzyme secretion

The process

Mechanisms: enzyme secretion

The control

Mechanisms: chemical reactions

Enzymatic act.

Mechanisms: membrane transports

Mechanisms: membrane transports

Mechanisms: regulation/control
Reflexes  Neural reflexes  Hormonal reflexes

Mechanisms: neural-hormonal control

Mechanisms: neural-hormonal control

Physiology of Digestion
Important! Process:

When? time/duration, phases, stages Where? - places How? - mechanisms

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