Basic Astronomy

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Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 10, No.

2, 2001

A Cross-College Age Study of Science and Nonscience Students Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts in Preservice Training for High-School Teachers
Ricardo Trumper1,2

A questionnaire of 19 questions given to a total of 433 students in college preservice training for future high-school teachers showed that science and nonscience majors held a series of misconceptions on several central topics in basic astronomy.
KEY WORDS: Cross-college age study; high-school teachers; astronomy conceptions.

INTRODUCTION The Israeli education system is undergoing changes since a long period of time as a result of the recommendations of the Tomorrow 98 Report (Commission on Science and Technological Education, 1992). Among the reforms proposed by the report are the revision of curricula, including the introduction of a new compulsory and interdisciplinary program called Science and Technology in the Modern Society for senior high-school students (aged 16 18) who do not study any other scientic subject. The Tomorrow 98 Report (p. 36) claims
Educators and education policy makers in many countries had lately dealt with the question of a scientic course for all high school students. The main problem is not if we have to introduce such a course but how to do that. Most education policy makers all over the world are convinced that the basic instruction of every citizen has to include a scientic and technological understanding.

The limited impact of the reforms made in science teaching over the past two decades in different parts of the world has been the subject of considerable interest. Various explanations were proposed, such as a lack of time and money (Johns, 1984) and inadequate teaching pedagogy (Stronck, 1986). Wallace and Louden (1992) concluded that the reform of classrooms must be understood through the view of the central place of teachers knowledge in teachers work (p. 519). Several recent studies analyzing the results of the reforms in science education in American schools have come to the following conclusions (Dana et al., 1997; Radford, 1998; Yager et al., 1996): 1. Instituting reform in science education requires teachers who are knowledgeable in science content, process, and inquiry pedagogy. 2. Most teachers do not teach reform-based science and need training to be able to do so. 3. Standards for both teaching and learning science must take into account recent research into constructivist theory and its implementation in classroom.

According to these premises, a program including different topics is being written for the 3 years of senior high school. One of the new topics included in the program is The Earth and the Universe, the core subject of which is astronomy.
1 Faculty of Sciences and Science Teaching, Haifa University, Israel. 2 To

UNIVERSITY STUDENTS CONCEPTIONS OF BASIC ASTRONOMY CONCEPTS In September 1998, S. Raj Chaudury shared with his colleagues in the Physics Learning Research List 189

whom correspondence should be addressed at Kibbutz Hahoterim, Doar Na Hof Hacarmel 30870, Israel; e-mail:

2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation

190 a very unusual response he got from one of his students:

I asked my introductory physical science class the other day what caused the seasonswhy was it warmer in the summer and colder in the winter. Along with the usual closer to the sun in the summer answers, I got one I have never heard before: the student indicated that the change in seasons had something to do with the fact that the earth rotated clockwise in the summer and counter-clockwise in the winter (diagrams showing this were provided). I asked the student how she came to this conclusion. She admitted never having thought about the cause of seasons before, but her reason for the clockwise, counter-clockwise theory was the change in clocks in the spring and the fallSpring forward and Fall back. I said thanks and let her gowith the promise that we would soon discuss this in class. Have the astronomy folks ever encountered this particular view of the world?

Trumper When dealing with astronomical topics separately these researchers ndings were as follows: 1. Students generally performed quite poorly when asked about the suns position in the sky at specic times of the day and year. 2. A little less than 40% of all students correctly replied that the different phases of the moon are caused by reected sunlight. 3. About three-quarters of all students did not realize that the highest earth tides occur on opposite sides of the globe when the earth, moon, and sun are all aligned. Zeilik et al. (1998) investigated science and nonscience university majors conceptions on several physical and astronomical concepts. They found that before entering an Introduction to Astronomy course at the University, only 10% of the students held the correct view of the moons rotation, 23% had the right conception of the sun overhead, and about 30% knew the accepted scientic explanation of the phases of the moon and the solar eclipse. More recently, Zeilik and Bisard (2000) have tracked university students misconceptions on several astronomy concepts, before and after studying an Introduction to Astronomy course with heavy reliance on cooperative-learning teams. In the following sections we present the result of a cross-college age study analyzing students conceptions of basic astronomy concepts in preservice training for high-school teachers. OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SAMPLE Participants in the present study were drawn from one of the largest colleges in Israel that conducts preservice training programs for future highschool teachers. A total of 433 students (almost 90% of the total population) studying in this college (156 in rst year, 122 in second year, 87 in third year, and 68 in fourth year) participated in the study. On a student background survey, 47% were science majors (23% biology, 16% mathematics, and 8% physics), 29% humanities, 12% social studies, 10% education, and 2% languages. There were 351 females and 82 males. Only three students were over 40 years old; most of them were under 25 (60%), making an average age of 23.1. In their astronomical education background, only 16% of the students had studied a physics course including astronomy concepts, most

This is indeed a very rare view, but it is already well known that students enter courses with prior knowledge of the subject area. In many cases, their naive notions often are misconceptions, or alternative frameworks, which may impede learning of appropriate concepts in the eld. Much research on the issue has concentrated on physics courses, but few insights have come from the university-level and more specically from students in training to become high-school teachers. Actually university students conceptions on astronomy concepts have been investigated far less than those of elementary school students, which have been researched extensively during the last 20 years (e.g., Baxter, 1989; Jones et al., 1987; Kikas, 1998; Klein, 1982; Nussbaum, 1979; Nussbaum & Novak, 1976; Sharp, 1996; Sneider & Pulos, 1983; Vosniadou, 1992; Vosniadou & Brewer, 1992, 1994). Bisard et al. (1994) carried out an interdisciplinary study, the purpose of which was to investigate and assess suspected science misconceptions held by groups of students ranging from middle school through university. The results showed a correct response rate that steadily increases from middle school (35%) to introductory college students (46%). As expected, students in advanced college classes achieved the highest correct response rate (55%). The correct response rate was slightly lower for science majors in teacher education classes and was much lower for general education majors. The correct response rate for this latter group was approximately equivalent to middle school students.

Future High-School Teachers Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts of them (49 students) in high school. Besides that, 20 physics students from second, third, and fourth year had had an Introduction to Astronomy course in their rst training year in college. RESEARCH METHOD AND OVERALL FINDINGS Our Misconceptions Measure test contained 19 questions taken from three different sources: Bisard et al. (1994), Lightman and Sadler (1993), and Zeilik et al. (1998) (the questions are given in the Appendix). The overall correct response rate was 38.4%, very similar to the result obtained by high-school students in the study by Bisard et al. (1994). No signicant difference was found through the years. Males scored signicantly better (45.6%) than females (36.8%) (t = 4.01, p = .0001). Science majors performed signicantly better (43.7%) than their nonscience colleagues (34.5%) [t = 6.30, p = .0001]. This result may be explained by the fact that 31% of the science students and only 6% of the nonscience students had studied certain astronomy concepts previously. Students who had studied a physics course including astronomy concepts prior to this study succeeded indeed more (43%) than those who had not (37.6%) (t = 2.6, p = .01). No signicant difference was found between physics students and their science (biology and mathematics) peers. QUESTION-BY-QUESTION ANALYSIS Question 1 (Daynight cycle): Most students (52%) answered correctly, indicating that the cause of the daynight cycle is the earth spinning on its axis. This is a poor performance compared with the results reported by Lightman and Sadler (1993) with senior high-school students and by Trumper (2000) with university students. Thirty-seven percent of the students pointed out that the cause of the daynight cycle is that the earth moves around the sun, and another 8% indicated that the suns movement around the earth is the correct answer. There was a statistically signicant difference between science (65% success) and nonscience (42%) oriented students ( 2 = 9.39, p = .009). Question 2 (Moon phases): Almost half of the students (48%) answered correctly, choosing their best account for change in the moons phases as the moon moving around the earth. This is a better result than that obtained by Lightman and Sadler (1993) and by Bisard et al. (1994) with introductory and advanced


college students. However, we found a large number of students who misunderstood the role of the earth and the sun in the cause of change in moons phases. Twenty-ve percent of the students believed that the earth is involved in producing lunar phases through the earths shadow obscuring portions of the moon and 23% believed that the moon moves into the suns shadow. This means that for almost half of the students there appeared to be some confusion between a lunar eclipse and the moons phases. There was a statistically signicant difference between science (59% success) and nonscience (42%) oriented students ( 2 = 9.42, p = .009). Questions 3, 5, 16, and 18 (Dimensions and distances): This was one of the weakest areas of students knowledge. Only 36% of the students answered correctly when asked to give an estimate of the distance between the sun and the earth, and 22% appraised correctly the distance between the sun and a close star. In both cases they underestimated the distances in universe. By contrast, a great majority of the students overestimated the earths diameter (81%), while only 18% guessed it correctly. In this question there was a statistically signicant difference between science (27% success) and nonscience (11%) oriented students ( 2 = 15.99, p = .001). These results may indicate some consistent geocentric bias in students awareness of earths dimension compared with the distances in universe. Finally, only 40% of the students answered correctly the question about the angular size of the sun as seen from Saturn that was presented mainly as a mathematical question. This is a poor performance compared with Zeilik et al.s (Zeilik et al., 1998) report of 63% success with university students. In this last question there was a statistically signicant difference between science (48% success) and nonscience (33%) oriented students ( 2 = 9.43, p = .024). Questions 6, 14, and 15 (Seasons): Most students (63%) answered Question 14 correctly, indicating that the reason for the different seasons we experience every year is the tilt of the earths axis relative to the plane of its orbit as it revolves around the Sun. Thirty-two percent of the students chose the varying distance between the sun and the earth or between the earth, the moon, and the sun, as a reason for the changes in seasons. The largest proportion of students (46%) chose in Question 6 the same argument as in Question 14 as the main reason why it is hotter in the summer than in the winter. However, only 53% of the students who indicated that the tilted earths axis is the reason for the different seasons answered

192 Question 6 correctly. Among them, 10% chose the earth being closer to the sun in summer and 33% indicated the earths rotational axis ipping back and forth as the earth moves around the sun as the main reason why it is hotter in summer than in winter. Question 15 served to verify the consistency of responses to Questions 6 and 14. If one is not aware of the tilt of the earths axis relative to the plane of its orbit as it revolves around the sun, it follows that both hemispheres would experience the same season at the same time. Australias longest day would, therefore, correspond to that of the Northern Hemisphere. Only 38% of students correctly selected December as the time of year a Southern Hemisphere location receives the longest period of daylight and only 14% of the students answered the three questions correctly. Questions 17 and 19 (Consequences of the earths axis tilt): Previously, we saw that students recognized the tilt of the earths axis relative to the plane of its orbit to be the reason for the change of seasons. Despite that, they did not understand that this tilt also causes changes in suns position in the sky at specic times of the day and year. Most of them did not realize that for northern observers, the sunrise/sunset points move steadily northward between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and then southward from the summer solstice to the fall equinox. Only 28% correctly answered Question 17 (sunset position after the fall equinox) and 19% correctly selected a location to the north of directly east for the sunrise position on June 21 (Question 19). The greatest proportion of students (36%) believed the sun to rise directly east. A probable explanation for this last nding is the popular generalization we teach that the sun rises in the east. Question 4 (Sun overhead at noon): Only 26% of the students answered correctly that in Israels latitude, north of the Tropic of Cancer, the sun is never directly overhead at noon. The largest proportion of students (44%) believed that it is directly overhead every day. Maybe this arises from the widespread everyday meaning of noon (the middle of the day). This is a somewhat better result than that obtained by Lightman and Sadler with senior high-school students and similar to that reported by Zeilik et al. (1998) with university students. Question 7 (Relative distances of spatial objects from Earth): Only 39% of the students answered this question correctly, positioning the moon as the closest object to and the stars as the farthest objects from Earth, with planet Pluto between them. Thirty-four percent of the students put Pluto behind the stars,

Trumper and another 12% put the stars as the closest objects to Earth. This result shows that many students were guided in their answers by their seeing the stars every night, not realizing that they may be larger or brighter, but thinking that they are farther away. This is a poorer performance than that reported by Zeilik et al. (1998) and Trumper (2000) in their studies with university students. Questions 8 and 9 (Moons revolution): Most students chose the correct estimate of a month for the moon revolving around the earth and a year for the moon going around the sun (56% in both cases). Forty-one percent of the students answered the two questions correctly. In Question 9 there was a statistically signicant difference between science (68% success) and nonscience (46%) oriented students ( 2 = 12.55, p-value = .002), showing a somewhat better understanding of the meaning of a relative movement. For instance, a fourth year student refused answering to this question claiming: As far as I know the moon does not revolve around the sun. Question 10 (Time zones): The largest proportion of students (39%) chose the correct answer, namely that when it is noon in Haifa it will be about sunset in Beijing (90 east of Haifa). Another 36% of the students thought that this longitude difference would result in a greater difference in time between the two cities, but in the right direction. This is a poorer performance than that reported by Lightman and Sadler (1993) with senior high school students. Question 11 (Solar eclipse): Only 19% of the students answered correctly that in order to have a total solar eclipse, the moon must be in its new phase (unseen from the earth). The answer chosen by the great majority of the students (75%) was that the moon must be in its full phase to get a total solar eclipse. This is a discouraging result, considering that almost half of the students correctly answered Question 2, concerning the reasons for the change in moons phases. A rst year student claimed When there is a solar eclipse, the moon stands between the sun and the earth. It is in its full phase but it is not completely lighted. Question 12 (Moons rotation): Only 23% of the students got the right answer, indicating that the fact that we always see the same side of the moon from the earth implies that the moon rotates on its axis once a month. Zeilik et al. (1998) reported a poorer result among university students (10% success). The answer chosen by the largest proportion of students (47%) was that the Moon does not rotate on its axis. Question 13 (Center of universe): Half of the students correctly answered that according to current

Future High-School Teachers Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts theories the universe does not have a center in space. Twenty-three percent chose the sun, 16% the earth and 9 % the Milky Way galaxy to be at the center of the universe. Zeilik et al. (1998) and Trumper (2000) reported a better result with university students.


APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE THE EARTH AND THE UNIVERSE 1. What causes night and day? A. The earth spins on its axis.  B. The earth moves around the sun. C. Clouds block out the suns light. D. The earth moves into and out of the suns shadow. E. The sun goes around the earth. 2. The diagrams here show how the moon appeared one night, and then how it appeared a few nights later. What do you think best describes the reason for the change in the moons appearance? A. The moon moves into the earths shadow. B. The moon moves into the suns shadow. C. The moon is black on one side, white on the other, and rotates. D. The moon moves around the earth.  3. If you used a basketball to represent the sun, about how far away would you put a scale model of the earth? A. 30 cm or less. B. 1.5 meters. C. 3 meters. D. 7.5 meters. E. 30 meters.  4. As seen from your home, when is the sun directly overhead at noon (so that no shadows are cast)? A. Every day. B. On the day of the summer solstice.

CONCLUSIONS The ndings reported earlier show that science and nonscience oriented college students in preservice training to become high-school teachers hold a series of misconceptions on several central topics in basic astronomy. The rst step in reducing students misconceptions is to ascertain students ideas about astronomy concepts. The use of such a technique prior to instruction can obviously elicit students views that can then become the focus of ensuing learning activities such as discussions of widespread science misconceptions, providing an ideal opportunity for breaking up the standard lecture format (Laws, 1997). From a constructivist point of view, experiences, languages, knowledge, and thinking strategies can be seen as discrete poles within a continuous process of cognitive reconstruction of the reality in which students are active protagonists. In this context, educational strategies play a crucial role in the learning process. In particular, astronomy teaching can efciently use the constructivist approach: direct experiences and observations, representative-symbolic language, organized knowledge, and formal strategies are directly concerned.

194 C. On the day of the winter solstice. D. At both of the equinoxes (spring and fall). E. Never from the latitude of your home.  5. Give the best estimate of the earths diameter from among the following numbers: A. 1,500 km. B. 15,000 km.  C. 150,000 km. D. 1,500,000 km. E. 15,000,000 km. 6. The main reason that it is hotter in the summer than the winter is that A. The earth is closer to the sun in summer. B. The earth is farther from the sun in summer. C. The earths rotational axis ips back and forth as the earth moves around the sun. D. The earths axis points to the same direction relative to the stars, which is tilted relative to the plane of its orbit.  E. The sun gives off more energy in the summer than in the winter. 7. Which of the following lists shows a sequence of objects that are closest to the earth to those that are farthest away? A. Moon Stars Pluto. B. Pluto Moon Stars. C. Stars Moon Pluto. D. Stars Pluto Moon. E. Moon Pluto Stars.  Choose your best estimates of the times for the events listed. Choices may be used more than once. 8. The moon to go around the earth A. Hour. B. Day. C. Week. D. Month.  E. Year. 9. The moon to go around the sun A. Hour. B. Day. C. Week. D. Month. E. Year.  10. Beijing is 90 east of Haifa. If it is noon in Haifa, in Beijing it would be about: A. Sunrise. B. Sunset.  C. Noon.

Trumper D. Midnight. E. Noon the next day. In order to have a total solar eclipse, the Moon must be at what phase? A. Full. B. New.  C. First quarter. D. Last quarter. When you observe the moon from the earth, you always see the same side. This observation implies that the moon. A. Does not rotate on its axis. B. Rotates on its axis once a day. C. Rotates on its axis once a month.  According to modern ideas and observations, which of the following statements is correct? A. The earth is at the center of the universe. B. The sun is at the center of the universe. C. The Milky Way galaxy is at the center of the universe. D. The universe does not have a center in space.  The different seasons that we experience every year are due to: A. The varying distance between the sun and the earth. B. The varying distances between the earth, moon and sun. C. The tilt of the earths axis as it revolves around the sun.  D. Varying degrees of atmospheric pollution which dilute the suns rays. When is the longest daylight period in Australia? A. March. B. June. C. September. D. December.  Two grapes would make a good scale model of the sun and a close star, if separated by A. 0.5 meter. B. 1 meter. C. 100 meters. D. 1.5 kilometer. E. 150 kilometers.  The diagram here shows the position along the horizon of the sun just about to set on the fall equinox. Where would the sunset position appear a week later as seen from your home? North is to the right and south is to








Future High-School Teachers Conceptions of Basic Astronomy Concepts the left. The W indicates due west on the horizon where the sun sets on the equinox.


A. In the same place. B. Northward of the equinox position. C. Southward of the equinox position.  18. As seen from the earth, the sun covers an angle on the sky of about 1/2 degree. The angular diameter is proportional to the ratio of the actual diameter to distance. Imagine you observed the sun from saturn, which is about 10 times farther away from the sun than the earth. You would predict that the suns angle on the sky would be A. The same. B. 1/20 degree.  C. 1/40 degree. D. 1/200 degree. 19. As you face directly east, where is the rising sun on June 21 as seen from the Haifa area? A. To the left of directly east.  B. To the right of directly east. C. Directly east. D. It varies with the phase of the moon. REFERENCES
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