Chanakya's 7 Pillars

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Chanakyas 7 pillars of Success in Business

-Radhakrishnan Pillai, Director, ATMA DARSHAN

CHANAKYA Who was he ? When did he live ? What did he do ? Why is he a legend ?

Born in 3rd Century B.C. Vishnugupta Kautilya - Chanakya Youth Vowed to Pull down Nanda Dynasty Chandragupta Maurya King Maker Responsible for the defeat of Alexander in India Wrote Kautilyas Arthashastra & Chanakya Niti

Kautilyas Arthashastra
Written in Sanskrit Contains 15 books, 150 chapters and 6000 sutras (shlokas) Known as a Book of Economics, state craft, punishments, warfare, strategy etc Its a Book of Total Management

Management Topics in Arthashastra

Principles of Management Management Education Accounting systems Time Management Leadership Skills Contracts Selection of Employees Consulting Strategic Management Handling competition Expansion of Territory, etc

Todays Topic

Chanakyas 7 pillars of Business

Om Namah Sukra Brhaspati Abyam..

Salutations to Chanakya

Swamya, Amatya, Janapada, Durga, Kosha, Danda, Mitrani Prakritaya

(Kautilya Arthashastra 6.1.1)

1. SWAMI (The Leader)

He is the captain. He is the man who leads the organisation. In todays corporate world we call him the director / CEO etc. Without him we will loose direction.

1. SWAMI (The Leader) Intelligence and spirit Given to seeing elders Truthful in speech Not breaking promise Grateful Desirous of training Easily approachable (6.1.3)

2. AMATYA The minister (The manager)

The man who runs the show. The 2nd in charge of an organisation. He is also the person whom you can depend upon in your absence. He is the man who is always in action.

2. AMATYA (The Minister /Manager) Desire to learn Retention Through understanding Intentness on truth Able to lead an army Sweet in speech (Bridge between management and staff / labour) (6.1.4-6)

3. JANAPADA - The country (Your market)

Your area of operation. You basically dominate this territory and would like to keep your monopoly in this segment.

3. JANAPADA -The country (Your market/ clients)

Strong position in center and frontiers Capable of sustaining in time of distress (Globalisation) Easy to protect Providing excellent means of livelihood (cash flow) Capable of bearing taxes and fines (6.1.8)

4. DURGA Fortified city (The head office)

Your control tower. This is from where your central administrative work is done.

4. DURGA Fortified city (The head office) Charming (peaceful) Beneficial to men (employees and self) Staff devoted to work Men loyal and Honest (6.1.8)

5. KOSHA The treasury

It is the backbone of any business. A strong and well managed treasury is the heart or any organisation.

5. KOSHA The treasury

Acquired lawfully by ancestors and oneself (expand) One that can withstand calamity (Insurance) One Even when there is no income for long time (6.1.10)

6. DANDA The army (Your team)

The army consists of your team members. Those who are ready to fight for you. Your salesmen, your accountant, your driver all of them add to you team.

6. DANDA The army (your team)

Obedient Not disappointed during marches Able to put up with troubles Has fought many battles (experience) Skilled in war and weapons No separate interest (no side commissions) (6.1.11)

7. MITRA - The ally (friend / consultant)

He is the one whom you can depend upon for all your problems. A friend in need is a friend in deed.

7. MITRA - The ally (friend / consultant)

Allied from days of father /grandfather Great Constant Under control (not spending) Not having separate interest Able to mobilise quickly (6.1.12)

7 Pillars of Business
SWAMI The king (The leader) AMATYA - The minister (The manager) JANAPADA - The country (Your market) DURGA - The fortified city (Head office) KOSHA - The treasury DANDA The army (Your team) MITRA - The ally (friend / consultant)

Why do you require 7 pillars ?


8th Pillar - SHATRU The enemy He brings out the best in you The sleeping giant will awaken (Kumbhakarna) Challenges makes you strong Swimming coach - Push in water to learn swimming

Thank you..

The following was a presentation made by Mr. Radhakrishnan Pillai Director, ATMA DARSHAN He is also a management trainer and consultant For similar sessions contact : ATMA DARSHAN +91-9820374796 / 9819825474

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