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IBH2 Mr.

Ducklow The Road to World War 2

1. Reread pages 813-825 in Palmer-Colton-Kramer. Critically analyze the following in accounting for Hitler s rise to power. Don t just tell me Hitler liked/disliked these things--elaborate y y y y y y y y y y y Marxism Race consciousness European monarchism/nobility Capitalism Anti-Semitism Beer Haul Putsch Mein Kampf Great Depression (Germany) Versailles injustices (perceived and real) Propaganda Reichstag Fire

2. Analyze the consolidation of power under the Nazi State. Analyze the significance of the following y y y y y y y Reichstag fire Kristallnacht Abolition of Federalism Purges Gestapo Labor Coordination Four-year plan of economic development

3. Read Palmer-Colton-Kramer 827-837. Analyze how the following are considered steps to World War 2 y y y y y y y y y y To what extent do you agree with Palmer-Colton-Cramer s overview in the first paragraph on 827? Pacifism and the Disunity of the West Germany leaves the Geneva Disarmament Conference & League of Nations (1933) Austrian Putsch Saar Plebiscite German rearmament Hitler denounces Locarno Rhineland occupation Abyssinian Crisis Spanish Civil War --Over---

y y y y y y y y

Rape of Nanjing Austrian Anschluss Munich Crisis Appeasment Hitler s march into Bohemia-Moravia (Czechoslovakia) Nazi-Soviet non-Agression pact Polish-Romanian-Greek guarantees Was fascist aggression or western weakness more responsible for World War 2?


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