The Climb 4

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I t s a Win Win Situation

1. Use the Power of Prayer Verse 19a - Paul found great comfort in other Christians praying for him - Paul understood the power of prayer 1 Thessalonians 3:1, 5:25

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

2. Rely on the Holy Spirit Verse 19b - Paul knew the Holy Spirit would provide him everything he needed John 14:6 - Paul knew his trials were temporary Job 13:16

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

3. Give Christ First Place Verses 20-21 - Paul looks to the future with courage 1 John 2:28 - Paul prayed for courage so that Christ would be honored Acts 4:13

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

3. Give Christ First Place Verses 20-21 - For Paul, life was living for Christ Gal. 2:10 What is your life about? - For Paul, dying was going to be with Christ Revelation 21:3-4
We lose everything we dont need We keep everything that matters We gain what we never had before

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

4. Be Prepared to Die Verses 22-23 - Paul knows others benefit from him being alive - He desires to depart and knows when he does hell be with Christ 2 Corinthians 5:1, 2 Timothy 4:6, Luke 23:43

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

5. Plan to Really Live Verses 24-26 - Its only when youre ready to die that you can really live - Pauls personal desire to be in heaven yielded to the spiritual needs of the church

4. I t s a Win Win Situation

Are you not afraid to die because you know where youre going?
Would you like to have that assurance tonight? Accept Jesus!

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